Table of Contents Top
Let's find out if Kraken is ticklish! Top

Thanks to Aedridon/KestrelUltedJFK for listening to me ramble on about statistics and theories
and KyChe for playing
Adagio for me :D and being an OP Captain(Roamer)

Dream skin lol
Updates Top
Game Updates
[1.23] Nothing new for Ozo, which makes me sad :'(
[1.24] WOOT
Acrobounce now gains fortified health(for
Crystal builds) while speeding up
Ozos Click
here for my analysis of these buffs.
[2.0] Great. Ozo got nerfed. The speed and duration of Aggrobounce is now capped... *sigh*
[2.2] CP Ozo now has shorter cooldowns, but where's the WP Ozo love? SEMC pls make WP Ozo viable :P
[2.3] Nothing new
[2.4] Nothing new ._. I hope SEMC decides to buff WP Ozo :/ Three Ring Circus is WP Ozo's only source of damage so what'd be nice is to either have his Three Ring Circus cooldown be reduced with basic attacks OR have WP cooldown ratio. Anything that lets WP Ozo spam his Three Ring Circus
Guide updates
5/11/16-Guide created for [1.23]
7/11/16-Finished guide(I guess)
14/11/16-sigh so lazy yet excited to update for 1.24. managed to do a bit of 1.24. Testing
Mariomouse suggested maxing
Acrobounce for extra burst instead of
Three-Ring Circus. Testing it out. Swapped out
Clockwork for
Broken Myth as
Broken Myth amplifies the
damage while
Clockwork only amplifies
Crystal power. Oops my bad :P
sometime before
Ozo APPEARS AT WORLDS!!! but then loses in 8 mins *sigh*. VONC y u build
Tyrant's Monocle (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ but who am I to judge he plays professionally :P

I just like how ironic it is that his guide is above mine.
Anyway congrats to both Phoenix Armada and Team Solomid for making it into the Finals!
7/12/16-FEATURED a lot of people gona see this. About time I update it *sigh* (lazy lol) I guess the Staff Picks for the week are the Free to Play characters of the week. omg arranging the guide(especially the item choices and fighting part) is so hard. Thanks VGFire for the amazing User Interface for writing guides
9/12/16-THANK YOU VAINGLORYFIRE TEAM for fixing the issue :P Don't put emojis guys. I can update this one now phew :D Added more professional looking
Table of Contents and guide for the Immortal Ozo Build
14/12/16-Damn Vainglory 2.0 is comin very soon. A lot of changes will happen. Followed by a ton of server issues. Hopefully everything goes smoothly. But all the guides will have to change Laner and Roamer to Carry and Captain. This'll take a while... o **** should be finishing up my "Carry" Synergy :O it's been blank for ages
CP Echo Ardan(cus why not). Poisoned Shiv just might replace Serpent Mask because of the Mortal wound for the enemy team's Fountain of Renewal. Still testing. Update as soon as I can. And no, no Echo on Ozo
24/12/16-Changed item explanation layout to look nicer
25/12/16-Merry Christmas lol
7/1/17-Ozo is now viable... I'm getting instabans in Ranked now! :D Zero to Hero
16/1/17-Added section for Poisoned Shiv under WP Ozo. The other items just have a bigger impact than Shiv, Sorrowblade's raw power, Breaking Point is mandatory and Serpent Mask has more lifesteal to live through the initial burst of damage. Also has 60 more wp than Shiv
3/2/17-Ok I'm kinda late but OZO SKIN

But to be honest, I'm very disappointed. After waiting for 1 whole year, we get a skin with no effects and no new animations(I guess the running animation's cool but that's Ozo's normal skin sprint as well). All we get is a Green coloured ring. I know SEMC puts a ton of effort into the game, with new heroes every month or so, and I do appreciate that, but this skin is really disappointing. It feels like it was just slapped in the game just to stop the players from complaining that Ozo hasn't gotten a single craftable skin.
15/2/17- Added Flicker and Idris to Threats and Synergy
22/2/17- Added CP Threats.
9/3/17- YAY

1/4/17- No not an April Fool's joke, updated abilities section(
Three-Ring Circus' AoE basic attack effect)
9/5/17- I can't make WP Ozo viable :/ just play CP Ozo for now
Introduction Top
Greetings and welcome to my guide on my favourite hero,
Now, you may be wondering,
Ozo? Are you serious? I heard that he's a terrible hero. Yes, he is pretty bad. But that's only because he is considerably harder to play compared to other heroes. But don't leave just yet! If you take the time to master him (which I haven't but I will continue to update this guide as I do so), he can be very powerful.
- Massive healing
- Mobile
- Powerful in lane and 3v3 fights
- Slow jungle clear
- Requires healing/barrier/fortified health Captains to be very effective
- Gets shut down if silenced, stunned or rooted
Don't let the Cons put you off playing
Ozo. With some practice, these cons will not hold you back during a match.
This guide is
heavily based on
Gold3n's guide on
Reim, which is based on
Neko's guide on
Koshka. All credit goes to him/her (wow even this is copied I'm really unoriginal). I really liked the layout. Also, I used some of the templates from
here to make the guide look nicer. As they say, imitation is the greatest form of flattery.
This is the first time I'm writing a guide. If there are any errors, which I'm sure there are, please inform me so that I can make the necessary changes in order to avoid confusion.
Ozo Lane?
Ozo is
STRICTLY a Jungler.
He is a melee character, putting him at a disadvantage when up against ranged Carries.
Here are the 2 different scenarios you will observe when playing Lane
Starting with
Three-Ring Circus
You try to last hit with
Three-Ring Circus. You realise that if you use
Three-Ring Circus' second hit you are putting yourself in a terrible position. When the enemy heroes gank you, you realise that
Three-Ring Circus does not provide a reliable escape on its own. Your teammates don't rotate fast enough and
Ozo is squishy so you die.
Starting with
Acrobounce wastes quite a bit of energy and does not do enough damage in the first place, so you save it as an escape plan. The enemy heroes come up to gank you, and you realise that you cannot bounce on anything as your minions are at the center of the lane. You try to bounce twice for the movement speed bonus, but by that time they burst down the limited amount of health you have and you die.
I know that both cases can be prevented by freezing the lane on your side, but honestly would any good Carry let you do that? The Carry will start harassing you for free damage.
Plus the Jungle has Treants.
Just play him in the jungle.
Carnie Luck
Slot: Heroic Perk
Ozo receives 17%-30% (levels 1-12) additional healing, barrier and fortified health from all sources.
- This does not affect health regeneration.
Fortress and
Ardan are buffed by having
Ozo as their jungler because of his perk.
Three-Ring Circus
Slot: A
Ozo can use this ability three times in a 5s window:
- First hit: Smashes the target and other enemies in front of him.
- Second hit: Dashes through his target and deals damage.
- Final hit: Spins and damages all nearby enemies.
- Each hit deals weapon damage, can crit, and triggers basic-attack effects on the primary targer.
- Ozo heals for each enemy damaged by any of these hits (30% against non-heroes).
lifeline of Ozo.
Three-Ring Circus is flexible. This ability can be used to chase, dodge and can combo with
Aftershock as well as
Breaking Point. It also doubles as an Attack Reset.
The first hit of
Three-Ring Circus is mainly used to ensure that your Captain does not last hit the creep by "accident".
The third hit turns
Ozo into a ballerina and swing his ring in a wide circle. This helps
Breaking Point gather more stacks and can be used to reveal stealthed characters(with luck)
These 2 activations are AoE effects so they can proc basic attack effects on multiple enemies
Alternating Current (no, don't buy this over
Poisoned Shiv
The second hit is where all the money's at.
Ozo dashes through his target, dodging a ton of skillshots. Some of the easier ones are
Core Collapse and
Once I find the time, I will upload a video on the skillshots you can dodge. But here are some GIFs :D

Use the player to dodge skillshots

Use their teammates to dodge skillshots
Slot: B
Ozo jumps onto a target, damaging and slowing it if it is an enemy. While airborne, quickly tap another target to bounce to it. Three hops maximum.
- Each time Ozo starts a jump, he is granted fortified health.
- The final landing deals increased damage plus a bonus per prior bounce.
- If Ozo hops at least twice, he'll get a burst of move speed up to a maximum of 4.5s.
- Deals 50% less damage to minions.
DO NOT use this for damage when going weapon. This ability does not do much with weapon besides chasing and running. Save it for retreating by jumping on your Captain, or for chasing.
Something to take note of when using
Bright Bulwark only stops
Acrobounce at the edge of the wall

Spoiler: Click to view
[1.24] So update 1.24 brought some changes to
Acrobounce and
Three-Ring Circus. Finally SEMC realised
Ozos were getting rekt with both CP and WP while using this skill so they made some changes to the ability.(They aren't stated on VGF yet for some reason so I'll put 'em here)
Three-Ring Circus heal-per-hero-hit crystal ratio down from 25% CR to 15% CR
Aww man that sucks for CP builds. SEMC
had to nerf the Crystal ratio to buff his
Acrobounce. This ends up giving
Ozo more consistent healing during battles. So instead of holding onto
Three-Ring Circus for more value CP
Ozos can spam it without losing too much value from the bonus healing.
2) The speed boost after the last bounce now has a weapon ratio of 0.75%
Breaking Point stacks after a teamfight will help him catch up with the fleeing enemy team
3) Ozo now gains 20-40-60-80-100 + 15% CR fortified health each time he jumps (the takeoff before the bounce)
This is
pretty good.
Ozo now won't get shredded while in the air and can use
Acrobounce safely. Previously, using
Acrobounce was a death wish and the enemy team will go all ham on
Ozo and just kill him. Now with the extra fortified health
Ozo can safely finish his third jump for massive damage.
Acrobounce's second (and third) jump has a larger range than the first, you can use the minions to catch up with the enemies on the second jump.
Slot: C
Ozo charges up, then rolls toward a targeted enemy hero. Upon arrival, Ozo damages, stuns for 0.8s and flips the target over him.
- While tumbling, Ozo will damage & knock aside other enemies along his path.
- Max travel duration of 1s.
Use this for chasing fleeing enemies or when you want to drag the carry closer to your team. It is also a slower stun that can be used to stop a variety of ultimates, such as
Verse of Judgement and
Dragon Breath This ultimate has a
HUUUUUUUUGE telegraph so be prepared to get it
Reflex Blocked

You can stop dangerous ultimates
Playing Ozo Top
Ozo is like
Krul, except much more mobile, but not suited for 1v1 fights
All his abilities require more than 1 enemy to use effectively. His
Three-Ring Circus regenerates more health the more enemies it hits, his
Acrobounce range
increases on his
second jump (which means you need to jump twice but you can't jump twice on 1 enemy)
When I said more than one enemy, I meant the enemy heroes, jungle creeps and lane minions. But lane minions are better as they are weaker than jungle creep
and more abundant in the lane(more
health for you)
Ozo is better off jungling, he is much more effective fighting in the lane in my opinion.
While he is good fighting in the lane, his ganking ability is quite
weak. Ozo is
mobile, yet extremely
sluggish. You can't simply walk up to the enemy as he's slow. If you try to use your jump, the enemy Carry would have retreated to the safety of the turret and started hammering you with basic attacks. Instead of killing the Carry you would have killed yourself. Only attempt to gank if the enemy Carry is
over-extended. (I may change this idk I am really aggressive and gank often and find it quite easy to land on the Carry, but the really big indicator of where you're gonna jump can still warn the enemy Carry easily where to run)
Try not to Turret Dive early game! Most of his tankiness comes from his massive
health regeneration but you need enemies for that. His
Three-Ring Circus range is short and his
Acrobounce and
Bangarang do not grant invulnerability(unlike
Taka grrrr). When fighting(preferably in the lane of course) wait for the enemy to come to your side of the lane. You will not have to turret dive and you will have a turret to fall back to. But that doesn't mean you
can't turret dive. If you do turret dive, use the enemy lane minions with
Acrobounce or
Three-Ring Circus to quickly get out of range early game.
Late game you can get in much deeper, but make sure to secure the
Ace. Turrets hurt.
WP Ozo Item Explanation
Combos perfectly with
Ozo's heroic perk,
Carnie Luck. Rush this as your first Tier 3 item for better survivability. |
Ozo the raw damage needed to tear his enemies apart. Provides more lifesteal with
Serpent Mask and helps gain
Breaking Point stacks faster. |
Ozo attack speed to help him kick his enemies faster. With enough stacks,
Ozo should be able to survive with the lifesteal from
Serpent Mask. |
Reflex Block and shield? Yes please. Negates roots, stuns and silences that will lock down
Ozo. |
If the enemy team is not building attack speed, consider getting
Metal Jacket over
Atlas Pauldron if they are building WP. |
Enemy building
Breaking Point,
Tornado Trigger,
Poisoned Shiv or
Alternating Current? Get
Atlas Pauldron. Activate it since you will be fighting close enough to the enemy to maim them. |
Enemy building double CP? Get
Fountain of Renewal for the extra shield.
Fountain of Renewal also activates
Ozo's heroic perk,
Carnie Luck. |
If the enemy is building double WP, get
Crucible as a substitute for
Aegis. You won't have unneeded shield ,you get bonus health and a Team Wide
Reflex Block. Be sure to help your teammates if they need your
Crucible |
Boots are mandatory, but getting
War Treads will give
Ozo more health.
War Treads also helps
Ozo's teammates to chase enemies with him.
War Treads can also help the team escape if situations look dire. |
Fountain of Renewal and healing heroes? Buy this to inflict a Mortal Wound(reduced healing) on every third basic attack. Also has lifesteal attached. Good substitute for
Serpent Mask |
Fighting with WP Ozo
Fighting with
Ozo is very very hard and it requires practice, especially dodging abilities. Your positioning matters. So does your timing. You need to be aware of your
teammates' postitions and
enemy's poisitioning. Find their carry and
target him/her first.
Maximize the value you get out of your
Three-Ring Circus.
Trust me, you'll need all the health you can get while tanking the brunt of 3
enemy heroes.(You can tell if you see a huge
green number)
Serpent Mask's passive and your defences should buy you enough time to gather
Breaking Point stacks. Once you gather enough stacks, your
lifesteal from
Serpent Mask should keep you alive long enough and let you deal enough damage to end the fight.
Before initiating the fight, decide who to target. You can then decide whether you want to use your
Bangarang to drag the hero into your team.
Check the enemy team for
skillshots you can avoid. If they need to be dodged, you can either save your second hit of
Three-Ring Circus to dodge it, or you can move into a
better position. I like to use
Three-Ring Circus to dodge as it allows me to stay within close proximity of the enemy team. If you can, tank a skillshot or two for your Carry if he's squishy. You can
regain the
health back by running into the enemy team and spamming your
Three-Ring Circus. Pop
Halcyon Potions and your
Reflex Block if you are going to die.
If they decide to retreat, and you have
sufficient health, activate
War Treads and use your
Acrobounce and
Bangarang to close in on them. Do this
fast, your
Breaking Point stacks do not last very long.
CP Ozo Item Explanation
Combos perfectly with
Ozo's heroic perk,
Carnie Luck. Rush this as your first Tier 3 item for better survivability. As
Three-Ring Circus has 3 activations,
Aftershock can activate 3 times! RIP tanks |
Ozo is so tanky, he is able to stay long enough in the fight to gain the full effect of
Broken Myth.
Broken Myth combos with
Aftershock and
Eve of Harvest to not only deal more damage but also gain more health back. |
The Crystal version of
Serpent Mask,
Eve of Harvest can help
Ozo to deal more damage, regain crucial energy and give him bonus lifesteal |
Reflex Block and shield? Yes please. Negates roots, stuns and silences that will lock down
Ozo. |
If the enemy team is not building attack speed, consider getting
Metal Jacket over
Atlas Pauldron if they are building WP. |
Enemy building
Breaking Point,
Tornado Trigger,
Poisoned Shiv or
Alternating Current? Get
Atlas Pauldron. Activate it since you will be fighting close enough to the enemy to maim them. |
Enemy building double CP? Get
Fountain of Renewal for the extra shield.
Fountain of Renewal also activates
Ozo's heroic perk,
Carnie Luck. |
If the enemy is building double WP, get
Crucible as a substitute for
Aegis. You won't have unneeded shield ,you get bonus health and a Team Wide
Reflex Block. Be sure to help your teammates if they need your
Crucible |
Boots are mandatory, but getting
War Treads will give
Ozo more health.
War Treads also helps
Ozo's teammates to chase enemies with him.
War Treads can also help the team escape if situations look dire. |
Yes I know that the descriptions for both
WP and
CP are exactly the same I'm kinda lazy to rewrite text for all the defence items :P If it really bothers you drop a message lol I'll use the thesaurus hehehe
Fighting with CP Ozo
Please read
Fighting with WP Ozo first. There are many similarities in fighting with both
CP and
WP, with the interactions with items being the difference.
Ozo has to maximise the value out of
Three-Ring Circus, because your main
damage will come from
Aftershock procs.
Aftershock can proc after 2 of
Ozo's basic attacks(without attack speed)(this is
only timing, not part of
Aftershock's passive or anything). But don't get too greedy. If
Quibble is about to hit you it's better to dash right through him and dodge it. Even though you didn't get the extra
Aftershock proc at
least you didn't get
Aftershock procs 1 time after every 2 basic attacks. (Higher level
Ozos have higher attack speed for more basic attacks. This is me using a level 2
Ozo :/)
After using up
Three-Ring Circus, you will want to use your
Acrobounce to
stall until
Three-Ring Circus goes off cooldown. The
fortified health(yay
1.24! thanks SEMC) from
Acrobounce should keep you alive long enough after the third jump.
Eve of Harvest will help keep you alive as well. Be careful as up in the air,
Ozo is
extremely vulnerable to
Crowd Control(eg.
Lance's stupid
Gythian Wall)
By the time your
Acrobounce ends, your
Three-Ring Circus should be off cooldown. Remember to proc your
Aftershock from activating
Acrobounce before continuing the fight.
Ozo does not get much
bonus movement speed from
Acrobounce, when kiting fleeing enemies you
cannot afford to miss your
Acrobounce. Be sure to lock your target in ASAP when using
Acrobounce. If you lose sight of them you without targeting them with
Acrobounce, you
will lose them.
There have been so many times when I did not secure the Ace due to lag or being plain sluggish with the targeting of
Acrobounce. I cannot emphasize this enough
Immortal Ozo XD
Extra Health |
Extra Health |
Extra Health |
Extra Health |
Extra Health |
Extra Health |
Fighting with Immortal Ozo
Your main goal is to survive and keep your teammates alive, not deal damage. Soak damage for your carries. Sorta plays like a Captain. Use the same chain as
Three-Ring Circus->
Three-Ring Circus->
Acrobounce->...) Remember your
Aftershock procs! Maximise
Three-Ring Circus too!
Peel for your allies with
Bangarang if the enemy team gets smart and stops hitting you. Make sure to bodyblock ultimates such as
One Shot One Kill and
Solar Storm for your friendly heroes. NOT JOULE'S ULTIMATE(I can't tell you how many times I tried to but I die cus I'm dumb)
Fountain of Renewal instead

Dying in Joule's ult
This build was actually inspired by the first build I ever played
Ozo with,
Ozo build. That one's really outdated but I learned a ton from the guide. You should go ahead and read it :D see if you learn something new
Tips while playing Ozo
Reflex Block
2. Know what to
Reflex Block and what to dodge.
3. Your
Bangarang will follow the enemy even out of sight but will not stun if the target is
Unstoppable or in stealth AND there are no scout traps around. You will still catch up to them it's just that you can't stun(Waht the heck SEMC pls u give
Ozo the ability to actually be able to stun stealthed characters.
4. Your
Acrobounce will resume after getting waking up from
Oblivion???(Someone confirm please)
5. Don't blame your Captain if you die they are trying their best(unless they're actually not, which in that case go ahead and rage ping)
Synergy Top
Captain Synergy
Fortress is an excellent Captain when paired with
Ozo. His
Truth of the Tooth gives
Ozo extra lifesteal and bonus movement speed when chasing enemies. His wolves from
Attack of the Pack can be jumped on with
Acrobounce and used to chase fleeing enemies.
Fortress is very fast for a Captain so take advantage of this when chasing enemy heroes. |
Phinn is an excellent Captain when paired with
Ozo. His heroic perk makes him
Unstoppable when unleashing his abilities. His ultimate,
Forced Accord, drags enemies towards
Ozo for the kill. If
Phinn is lucky enough to drag the entire enemy team, he can stunlock the enemy team by chaining
Quibble and
Polite Company, allowing you to gather
Breaking Point stacks and maximise
Three-Ring Circus easily as
Phinn keeps them grouped up. Phinn is extremely slow, so don't rush into a fight by yourself. |
Flicker is a good Captain when paired with
Ozo. His massive slow and root can help
Ozo maximise the value of his
Three-Ring Circus. His ultimate is not very useful though. |
Lance is a decent Captain when paired with
Ozo. His
Impale can root enemies for
Ozo to hit and his
Gythian Wall can push enemies into bad positions.
Gythian Wall can reduce damage from attacks which can help
Ozo survive better. He does not have any abilities that take advantage of
Carnie Luck, which is why he is not as good as the other Captains. |
Carry Synergy
Samuel has amazing zoning potential, able to force enemies into tight spots for
Ozo to maximise his damage output. His range is insane and is able to stay far behind
Ozo to dish out damage. He is kinda slow though, and some players may get themselves into trouble by casting
Drifting Dark into the thick of the fight |
Kestrel is good anywhere :P |
Super mobile, able to keep up with you. Though he may have a hard time if he is trying to target you with
Shimmer Strike |
SAW is really slow. His
Roadie Run uses up a lot of energy and is mainly used for kill stealing not for mobility. His
Suppressing Fire can slow enemies though, which can help
Ozo to get into the fight. His range is quite wide as well, allowing him to shoot enemies far behind
Ozo |
Celeste and
Ozo have conflicting playstyles. while
Ozo prefers to be right inside the battle,
Celeste prefers to kite her enemies. Her
Heliogenesis may force the enemy team to split up to attack, which is not good for
Ozo as he needs to be surrounded to maximise his
Three-Ring Circus |
Afterword Top
I started playing
Ozo after my friend ranted about
Ozo being the most useless hero in the game. After I bought him, I pushed him aside as he didn't have anything cool in his kit. Other heroes, such as my other main
Alpha, had awesome abilities. Until I dodged
Core Collapse. That felt great. Winning with the worst hero in Vainglory? I always rooted for the underdogs so I started playing
Ozo more.
After reading Gold3n's guide on
Reim, I decided to make a guide myself. The top
Ozo guides on this website were not updated for 1.23 so why not do a guide on
I may not be the greatest
Ozo player but I'm pretty sure I have played him enough to identify his strengths and weaknesses. To be honest, a lot of this guide is based on theory, but I am sure that the theories in this guide should make sense. My friends don't play a wide selection of heroes(I have one friend who mains Taka and not much of anything else and another
friend who plays almost
exclusively CP characters) and thus the synergy section of this guide may not be totally correct. There is the "Update" option so as I play and understand
Ozo more I can polish this guide.
More About Me Top
I am BlazeChron from SEA server. I started playing Vainglory around 1.14(when
Ozo came out) after hearing about it from a friend. I found it interesting but didn't really get hooked (I played HotS at the time). Only when the Summer Season began did I really start playing. I mained
Glaive but slowly increased my hero roster as I thought skins were a waste of Glory. All my friends have Tier 3 skins and
I don't ;-; I dusted all my summer partay cards to finally get
Ringo Tier 3 XD
Right now I am (close to) Level 30
no life with 300 wins
all bot matches and Credible Threat Gold
no skill
Please practice
Adagio so when I see you on renk I can
Ozo XD

I like to play super over-
aggressively(especially with junglers as they're more tanky than Carries) I tend to turret dive a ton(even while playing squishies XD)
That's why I play the more tanky heroes as you can see below ↓
Ozo (Tank) Guide
here even though you're already
Alpha (Tank) Guide
here (W.I.P.)
Blackfeather (WP is a Tank)
Ringo (I do the worst with this dude)
Phinn (Tanky and
Catherine (I get to reflect damage while tanking!!)
Pls nerf OrEeOr and his WP Voks
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