Who am I and why should you trust me? Well to be honest you shouldn't, I'm what society calls a "functioning alcoholic." I've never been featured in anything Vainglory, never won anything VGL related, although I have lost one. I'm Jeezy and we're going to be discussing Ozo, the showoff monkey. I'm a guild member of the Sexy People [SMUT] guild who will more than likely be the only ones reading this. Additionally I'm a co-founder and jungler for the team Misery Men [MiZ]. I'm probably best known for my Ozo and am going to show you he can be meta. Let's go ahead and jump into it.
Carnie Luck
Slot: Heroic Perk
Ozo receives 10%-30% additional healing, barrier and fortified health from all sources. (This does not affect health regeneration.) |
This heroic is obviously one of the key components of Ozo's kit. The additional healing from all sources makes you a sustain monster. Knowing this perk is always active means you should carry potions as long as you can. Additionally know that the healing minion camps are going to be your good friend, allowing you to stay at good health for most parts of the game. This is also why heroes such as Adagio synergize so well with Ozo, but we'll break that down later.
Three-Ring Circus
Slot: A
Ozo performs a three-hit combo with his ring. Each part of the combo is a separate tap within a 5-second window.
First hit: Ozo thrusts his ring forward, damaging the target and other enemies in front of him.
Second hit: Ozo dashes through his target and deals damage.
Final hit: Ozo spins, damaging all nearby enemies.
Each hit deals weapon damage, can crit and triggers basic-attack effects. Ozo heals for each enemy damaged by any of these hits (30% against non-heroes). |
The main dish, dinner is served. This attack is your bread and butter and most used attack, let's break it down then. I personally enjoy spamming this ability, the cooldown isn't huge and as soon as you've built your blazing salvo your auto-attacks will do great intermittent damage between hits. The absolute best time to use this ability is when a team is bunched up, not only will you provide AOE damage to the entire enemy line, but you'll heal for each enemy hit for every hit, the sustain is real.
Slot: B
Ozo hops onto the head of a nearby target (enemy, ally or creature), slowing it by 60% and damaging it (no negative effects to allies). While Ozo is airborne, quickly tap a nearby target to bounce off one head to the other. Three hops maximum. The final hop deals increased damage plus a bonus per prior bounce. If Ozo hops at least twice, he’ll get a burst of move speed. Reduced crystal scaling vs. minions. |
In an Ozo that has built heavy crystal you will often seem them try and bounce on everyone's head and get the AOE effect landing the hits. That isn't necessarily the case in this weapon build. While you will do damage, comboing your
Acrobounce into your
Three-Ring Circus will allow you to burst down any single target. You should absolutely use this to get in and out of fights. Using a chain of bounces you can dive incredibly deep, probably the deepest dive of all the heroes. Use this ability to get past enemy lines and re position to secure the kill your team needs. This ability can also get you out of all sorts of trouble, use a chain of bounces to get out of sticky situations!
Slot: C
Ozo charges up before tumbling to a targeted enemy hero. If he reaches the target within 1 second, he deals damage, stuns for 0.8 seconds and flips the target over his ring to behind him. While tumbling, Ozo will knock aside and deal reduced damage to all other enemies in his path. |
Use this ability to make the enemy team cry. So this ability is first of all great for the gank. Have an enemy laner than keeps overextending? Use this and fight them with the aid of a turret. Enemy laner playing back but just out of range of turret? Use this to pull them into an area where the team can properly fight and secure the kill. This is also a great ability to use in a chase or of course when an ultimate is being used. If you're the only person on the team with a stun be prepared to cancel those ultimates.
Early Game:
It is crucial to farm up in the early game. I mean it when I say the faster you build, the faster they surrender. Find a rotation that works best with your roam and continue to put pressure in the jungle. Ozo has a very fast clear especially when paired with heroes such as
Fortress. This is another area where
Fortress and Ozo pair well together as it is easy for the roam to
hyperlevel Ozo. Make sure to take miners when accessible and shop as often as you can. Ozo is one of the stronger early game characters. If the enemy team is giving you trouble feel free to lay down a few
Three-Ring Circus attacks to show them some damage and sustain your health. Try to avoid team fights until you have
Acrobounce. Being able to close the gap between an enemy trying to get away could make all the difference in securing extra kills, objectives, or farm. In the early game it is possible to rotate up to the lane and attempt to kill the enemy laner. The best way to do this is to hide in friendly or enemy bushes and
Acrobounce your way to the laner and burst the rest of their health down with a quick triple hit from
Three-Ring Circus. The most important thing is to farm your way to a
Blazing Salvo and hopefully a pair of
Sprint Boots.
Mid Game:
Enter the Dragon
At this point the name of the game is still farm. However you should equally be able to mow down enemies with
Three-Ring Circus. Continue working on your offensive build while grabbing a few defensive items. After I've finished a
Blazing Salvo followed by a
Sorrowblade I'll pick up a
Lucky Strike and some defense as well. Generally at this point of the match you've more than likely engaged in and won a few team fights, you should now be able to counter build the enemy with a
Light Shield/
Kinetic Shield and
Light Armor/
Coat of Plates. I will generally only get a
Reflex Block if at this point I'm needing a few extra seconds in a team fight or I'm being pounded by ultimates. By this point you should have at least one point within
Bangarang, use your ultimate to gank the enemy laner and turn the tides.
Late Game:
Exterminate The Brutes
It's time to follow our build to the logical conclusion. The Late Game for Ozo begins as soon as you have picked up a
Tyrant's Monocle,
Blazing Salvo, boots, and some defense. At this point just be prepared to lay down destruction and kill the entire enemy team. Be sure to focus the enemies that are doing the most damage to your team. Hopefully by this point in the game you understand that
Three-Ring Circus will lay down damage as well as keep you alive in fights. Be sure to be using
Bangarang to stun and reposition enemy carries. Use
Acrobounce to dive behind turrets and other enemy lines to secure kills where enemies thought they were safe. Rinse and repeat these methods while continuing to finish your build.
Weapon Infusion will guarantee that you win most team fights and potential 2v3's or 1v2's.
I hope this guide helps as many people learn the character of Ozo as it can. I think Ozo is a fun character to play and turns out he can be pretty killer as well. I of course want to give a few shoutouts; First to Sexy People for helping me grow as a player, JulianneEleanor for telling me to just write this damn guide and finally team Misery Men (Dk, Arsketeer, Temburn, and Pitbullet) who have really helped me develop my Ozo skills. If it weren't for them I'd die a lot more, just sayin. If you have any questions or comments feel free to ask and I'll try my best to help.
Need Proof?
1.1 - May 25, 2016 - Guide written and published for update 1.18
1.12 - Upcoming - Addition of Threat Meter, Arden to best paired with, and advanced techniques.
Conna is ***
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