Lane Ozo [1.17] by Magnus0

Lane Ozo [1.17]

By: Magnus0
Last Updated: May 14, 2016
1 Votes
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Build 1 of 2


Build: weapon power

Ability Path

Carnie Luck
Heroic Perk
Three-Ring Circus

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
Koshka Koshka is a potato.
Ardan Ozo has the best gap closer in the game, so with a bit of creativity, you can even reach Vanguarded opponents. The ult can be a bit annoying sometimes, but Ozo has enough sustain to stay and fight.
Kestrel Buy a flare and jump at her with acrobounce. She has no escape and is squishy af, so you really should be able to burst her down quickly. Let your support body block for you.
Joule Ozo's high mobility makes it very hard for Joule land her thunderstrikes. The second hit of TRC also allows Ozo to get to Joule's back easily. You shouldn't have to many problem with her.
Petal She is incredibly strong in the early game, so you might get steamrolled if you jungle against her. She is very squishy though, and you can use her munions against her by using them to close the gap with Acrobounce. Your AoE abilities can also kill her munions quickly.
Taka Weapon Taka is not a threat, crystal Taka on the other hand, might give you some trouble wth his mortal wounds. Always carry a flare and let your support buy scout traps. Acrobounce can break his kaku if you target him right before he stealths.
Alpha Jump away from her ult with acrobounce, or use a reflex block. She's not so much of a problem because she deals damage to herself with her abilities, while you heal with your abilities.
Celeste Her incredible damage must be respected in the early lane, and a well placed stun can be seriously fatal, but squishy Celeste has now escape, making her an easy target for the hero with the best gap closer in the game.
Krul AP! Play hard to get with acrobounce and let your laner poke him to death. Use your ultimate to get him into your team so he gets bursted down before he stacks up on smite. don't 1 vs 1 him, you can't win.
Ozo Skill matchup. Most Ozo's go jungle tough, so you have a good chance to win 1 vs 1 because you are likely to be more fed.
Glaive Ozo has very similar stats and abilities as Glaive, so again, this is mostly a skill match up. reflex block afterburn. Glaive might be one of the rare heroes that you would want to build MJ to counter, since AP doesn't effect Glaive very much.
Rona Rona can be a pain if you let her snowball. Her Foesplitter reduces healing, and her ult makes her almost impossible to fight with a melee hero like Ozo. Use your ult to cancel Red Mist.
Vox Vox is easy to lane against, so you can farm safely. Build a shiversteel to counter his mobility. Vox is not so much of a threat because you have the best gap closer and a long range afterburn.
Blackfeather Blackfeather is quite similar to Ozo. Both have good sustain, and incredible mobility/gap close. BF vs Ozo is mostly a skill match up. Try to AP him, but watch out that he doesn't block it with his ult.
Catherine Catherine can be very annoying, especially for crystal Ozo. A well timed stun screws up the timing on your abilities, and a well timed silence can make you completely useless for a short amount of time. Always try to kill her allies quickly.
Phinn Phinn is one of the best supports. He can peel for his team and keep drag you away from squishy targets. Try to avoid his Quibble at all cost.
Skye If Skye lands a good Forward Barrage, you're done for. Skye absolutely hates SS, so build that against her. If you get a good ult on her, she's not so much of a problem because of her squishyness.
Reim Reim basically makes all melee heroes cry, including Ozo. Use your mobiliy dodge his abilities. Try to flip him into your team so that you can burst him down before he builds up fortified health.
Ringo Ringo is a pain to face in the lane early on. Focus on farming and get early defense against him. Once you get some items, he is an easy target because he is squishy and he has no escape.
Skaarf If you dodge his spitfire in lane, you should be fine. Always focus him first. Stun him out of his ult with Bangarang or prepare to get roasted.
Adagio Adagio is an absolute nightmare in the lane. His range is very good, and his poke with his B is very powerful. He has no escape, so once you're in, he might be in trouble. Try to ban him, or even better, get him on your team as the jungler. You can also let him lane, because Ozo can jungle just fine too.
Fortress Fortress' bleed reduces lifesteal and healing, so he is a natural counter. Use your aoe abilities to kill the wolves before they overwhelm you.
SAW Saw is incredibly annoying to face in the lane. Get a barbed needle and early defense against him, and focus on farming. Late game he just begs to get ulted into your team. Build Atlas against him.
  No Threat


Build: crystal power

Ability Path

Carnie Luck
Heroic Perk
Three-Ring Circus

Introduction Top

Hi, I'm Magnus0.

I'm a long time Vainlory player, and I have recently picked up Ozo because he got buffed quite a bit in 1.17. I feel like Ozo is the most underrated hero in the game right now, so I decided to make a guide for him so that more people will know about his potential. Ozo is extremely versatile, and he has a complex kit with lots of good stuff. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Ozo becomes the go-to jungler at the end of this patch, right next to Glaive. BUT, Ozo can also lane effectively. He has AoE abilities, healing to sustain in lane, and the best gap closer in the game wich can lead to some surprise kills on he enemy laner. That's why I made this lane Ozo guide.

Stats & abilities Top

Attack Type: Melee
Position: Jungle (altough Ozo is officilly a jungler, he can lane just fine)
Role: Warrior

Hit Points (HP): 780 (+95)
HP Regen: 4.01 (+0.31)

Energy Points (EP): 350 (+27)
EP Regen: 2.30 (+0.37)

Weapon Damage: 80 (+7)
Attack Speed: 1 (+0.033)

Armor: 20 (+6)
Shield: 20 (+6)

Attack Range: 1.7
Move Speed: 3.3

Carnie Luck
Slot: Heroic Perk

Ozo receives 10%-30% additional healing, barrier and fortified health from all sources. (This does not affect health regeneration.)

Three-Ring Circus
Slot: A

Ozo performs a three-hit combo with his ring. Each part of the combo is a separate tap within a 5-second window.

First hit: Ozo thrusts his ring forward, damaging the target and other enemies in front of him.
Second hit: Ozo dashes through his target and deals damage.
Final hit: Ozo spins, damaging all nearby enemies.

Each hit deals weapon damage, can crit and triggers basic-attack effects. Ozo heals for each enemy damaged by any of these hits (30% against non-heroes).

Slot: B

Ozo hops onto the head of a nearby target (enemy, ally or creature), slowing it by 60% and damaging it (no negative effects to allies). While Ozo is airborne, quickly tap a nearby target to bounce off one head to the other. Three hops maximum. The final hop deals increased damage plus a bonus per prior bounce. If Ozo hops at least twice, he’ll get a burst of move speed. Reduced crystal scaling vs. minions.

Slot: C

Ozo charges up before tumbling to a targeted enemy hero. If he reaches the target within 1 second, he deals damage, stuns for 0.8 seconds and flips the target over his ring to behind him. While tumbling, Ozo will knock aside and deal reduced damage to all other enemies in his path.

why consider playing Ozo? [pros & cons] Top


- high base stats. scales well throughout the whole game.
- complex kit. Three basic attack resets, AoE abilities, best gap closer in the game, long range Afterburn.
- Extremely versatile. Can go weapon and crystal equally well, in both the lane and the jungle.
- Tanky, consistanly high damage and mobility. Both burst and sustained damage. Little energy problems.
- By far the most fun and rewarding hero to play once you get the hang of him.
- Ozo's very presence should scare squishies.
- largely uneffected by Atlas Pauldron


- high skill cap. requires lots of taps, practice and dedication to get good with.
- Often overshadowed by the king of the meta, Glaive, when not played with heroes like Adagio, or Ardan.
- can be bullied out of the lane by some heroes, and Ozo has no reliable escape to prevent ganks.
- Bangarang is rather easy to Reflex Block.
- not good at turtling. Needs to always be ahead in items.

Items & abilities applications Top

Carnie Luck

This is an interesting perk that is quite useful. The main reason why Ozo usually builds so lifesteal heavy is because of his perk which increases healing. Combine Ozo with heroes that have healing or barrier abilities like Adagio, Petal and Ardan.

Three-Ring Circus

TRC is a very versatile ability. It deals damage to multiple targets, resets basic attacks, heals Ozo, applies things like Aftershock, helps with farming and it's a semi gap closer. On the crystal build, you should always time your combo correctly so that you can proc Aftershock with every part of the ability. On the weapon build, you usually want to do the whole combo quickly to burst the enemy down. Here's a small list of things that you should keep in mind when using TRC:

- every part of the combo applies basic attack effects and can crit. Abuse with items like Aftershock, Shiversteel and Tyrant Monocle
- every part of the combo resets basic attacks, so ALWAYS do a basic attack before you use TRC.
- the first hit has slightly more range than a basic attack. Useful when laning.
- the second hit dash is almost instant. Use this to dodge skillshots or to when playing hard to get.
- the first and last hits do damage in an AoE. Hitting multiple enemies with it is important to maximize damage and healing.
- don't mindlessly spam this ability in lane, you'll run out of energy if you do that.


Acrobounce is again, a versatile ability. It deals AoE damage, slows enemies, closes the gap, helps with farming, gives a speed burst, and allows for silly escapes with good vision and a well-aware team. Acrobounce is the main damage dealer on the crystal build, but more of a utility ability on the weapon build (you can skip an ability point on level 5 so you can upgrade both TRC and Bangarang on level 6 for a nice powerspike). Always initiate with Acrobounce to get right into the enemy's faces to start of your combo's. Keep these things in mind:

- You don't have to use three hops every time. Sometimes it's better to use two, or even only one hop to finish the ability quicker.
- If you perform at least two hops, Ozo will get a speed boost. Use that to run a little ahead of the enemy to stick to them better.
- Try to jump on opponents that are at the edge of the ability range. AB has a set speed for each hop, so you move more quickly when traveling longer distances. This makes skillshot heroes cry.
- in a 2 vs 2 fight, use the first hop on the most important target, the second hop on a less important target or an ally (or minion, kraken or miner) and then jump back to the most important target.
- Don't use this ability on an enemy that's right next to you; you'll move slowly and you'll be vulnerable for a long time. On the weapon build, using some basic attacks deals more damage anyway.
- Be creative! Use the environment to your advantage. You can jump at jungle creeps over walls if you place a scout trap there.


Bangarang is less versatile than Ozo's other abilities, quite situational actually. It is a very scary ability though, able to punish enemies that are out of position severely. It's basically a long ranged Afterburn, so squishies will have to be ready to reflex block it, or to run for there lives while screaming in fear. It deals a lot of damage on the crystal build.

- Try to use this ability to clean up rather than to initiate. If you use it at the end of a teamfight, the enemy will likely have already used Reflex Block.
- Bangarang will end if an enemy Taka or Kestrel use their stealth ability, so always have vision against those heroes.
- you can choose to not get third point in Banagarang so that you can overdrive the other two abilities.

The main build for weapon Ozo is usually: Serpent Mask, 2x Tyrant Monocle, Fountain of Renwal, defense and boots, buuuut because the enemy will likely build some armor, one Tyrant Monocle (or sometimes the second defense item) is replaced with Bonesaw. If the the enemy only buys Atlas Pauldron, you might actually not need it though since TRC allows you to attack quickly anyway. If the enemy doesn't build lots of armor, and you really can't play without an attack speed item, Breaking Point is a good option.

Serpents Mask is kind of a no-brainer because of Carnie Luck. Tyrant Monocle is good because TRC attacks can crit, thus increasing both damage and lifesteal significantly. Bonesaw is also a now brainer against enemies that build Metal Jacket against you. Breaking Point is another attack speed item that increases damage the longer you are fighting, and with Ozo's natural sustain, it works great for him. Fountain of Renewal is another no-brainer, because it's active heals Ozo for a significant amount. Defense and boots are obvious.

The main build for crystal is usually: Aftershock, Eve of Harvest, Broken Myth, Fountain of Renewal, defense and boots. You can switch the order around a bit, but you should always get Fountain rather early. Shatterglass and Frostburn are good options too for some raw crystal power and utility respectively.

Aftershock works great with TRC, because you can proc it very often if you time your abilities right. Eve of Harvest and Fountain of Renewal are no-brainers because of the perk. These two items combined make Ozo tanky af. Broken Myth is almost mandatory on any crystal build, because of the cheer power it provides. Defense and boots are obvious.

Good teammates Top

Ozo has an interesting perk that increases healing and defense buffs by 30%. It´s a really strong perk, but it only works whith certain heroes that have healing and barrier abilities, of course. Here is a list of the characters that work really well with Ozo.

First up is Adagio. He obviously works really well with Ozo because he has a healing ability. Gift of Fire makes Ozo VERY hard to kill. Ozo can also peel for Adagio, which is great because Adagio doesn't have a reliable escape. Both heroes can lane and jungle, so you can swap their position depending on the enemy comp.

Petal is a less obvious choice, but it makes sense when you think about it. Spontanious combustion can heal Ozo almost fully, esentially giving him Alpha's infinite reboot perk. Ozo can also use the munions as bounce pads which can lead to some creative chases or escapes. If Petal is your ally, you should invade early and go for an early snowball. Really underrated and underused combination.

Ardan is arguably the best support for Ozo because his Vanguard barrier makes him almost indestructable for the duratation while giving him yet another gap closer in the form of a speed boost. Ozo also really likes fighting inside a Gauntlet since he has all the sustain to survive while dishing out major AoE damage. Bangarang into a Gauntlet is also a brutal combo that leaves the target vulnerable for a long time.

Phinn is good with Ozo, but only if the two know how to work together. The barrier effect of Polite Company is really strong on Ozo because of his perk, and the the AoE stun is obviously really good as well, although it's not particularly effective because of Ozo. In soloQ though, you will often see Ozo rushing in with Acrobounce while Phinn lags behind because he is slow as dirt. This isn't very effective because Ozo will get bursted down before Phinn is there to help with active items or his abilities.

Fortress is just generally good and a solid pick for a roamer. His A ability grants lifesteal, which Ozo can make use of with his perk. Attack of the Pack is also really great for Ozo because it creates chaos, which makes blocking Bangarang harder, and it gives Ozo three more bounce pads that move really fast, so you can go for super aggresive initiations.

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