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No Threat |
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Ardan |
Ardan is usually an easy kill, when he is by himself, which he shouldn't be, but if he is, then you can almost just kite him to death. |
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Petal |
Petal is the most simple kill of them all. For this one, you can use Into the Fray to surprise her, and then you can double tap the foe splitter for the kill. |
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Fortress |
Fortress may need a little bit more force to take out, depending on the situation. If it's a 1v1, then he probably won't be a problem, unless he has something like a clockwork or tension bow. If he doesn't then he should be a kill. |
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Rona |
Surprisingly, Rona is an extremely easy kill. all you have to do is get to her without using Into the Fray, because she will do the same to run. Follow the Leader, and copy the cat, and you will have the kill. |
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Joule |
Joule can be dangerous from whichever build she is going. I put her slightly lower on the scale, because she usually will jump to you, without a team member. If this happens, then you might have a chance to win. If the Joule is going crystal power, and you see her ultimate coming, then you can jump behind her, and try to get her like you do with Saw. |
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Catherine |
I've seen people play Catherine as a jungle character, but I'm going to assume that she is a support for now. Catherine is mostly easy to kill especially if her stun is down. you can usually kite her to death, and use boots in necessary. In big, Late-Game team fights, you absolutely cannot use your ultimate until her stun has been passed. The stun will stop your Ult, and leave you stranded, and surrounded by a lot of opposing team members. |
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Krul |
It really depends on what items he has, or is building to. If he has a tornado trigger/breaking point, then you might have a harder time trying to defeat him. I've noticed that if it's a 1v1 situation, that the battles will usually take longer, especially if you have the serpent's mask, so a breaking point might be a little bit more tricky. |
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Saw can be an easy kill if you know when to use your abilities. Wait until he doesn't have a lot of Spin Up, and if you get in close, with Into the Fray, then he might just run, in that case, try to use your Foe Splitter to get close, then you might have to use your boots to secure the kill. |
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Ringo |
CRYSTAL Ringo, can be dangerous, if he pops all of his abilities on you. Most crystal Ringo players will first, shoot your ankle, second, start twirling silver, and then your health may be low enough to kill with his ultimate. For this reason, it may be smart to counter with buying a reflex block earlier, to say goodbye to his ult. If your having trouble timing his ultimate contact, then I would suggest using Into the Fray to run, and then wait for the ultimate then. |
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Skaarf |
Skaarf can be a surprising enemy if he knows how to play him. He can plop his goop on the floor right where you stand, and then ultimate your life away. I make it sound like he is a worthy opponent, but you can fairly easily get the kill. If he does what I said, then you can just jump on him with Into the Fray, and then try to run in circles while kiting him. This will make his Ultimate do little amount of damage, but you will be having to retreat immediately after you kill him. |
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Glaive |
Again, it depends on the items he has at the moment. Players who buy a tornado trigger with Glaive can secure a kill on you, but people with a sorrow blade have a much easier time going down. Just make sure to use foe splitter early, to take out most of his healing. |
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Vox |
Weapon Power Vox can be a pain to deal with, especially with the jump effect that he has. If he has his resonance on you, and you Into the Fray somewhere far, he can catch-up, and it may be close enough to throw the two basic attacks from the ability. They can crit, and all sorts of things like that. So be weary of Vox. |
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Koshka |
Koshka, as I see most people play her, can be a definite threat. Players who buy an Aftershock and Frost-burn, will have potential to kill, but if you save your, Into the Fray, it might save your life. So try to use Into the Fray only if needed, and when you do, try to jump over a wall. That will give you a lot of time to run away. |
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Celeste |
Celeste is almost always a threat to Rona, especially if she gets a frost-burn, and then a shatter glass. The slow will be enough to get her close, and then she will start to spam her little start things. in order to win, you have to run, and use your Into the Fray to jump somewhere safe. Whether that be team, or a turret, just get there. But don't immediately be alarmed by her power. Usually she will come late to team fights, or she will be in the back. If you are close to securing a kill other than Celeste, then just try to tank it out, get the kill, and then run. |
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Adagio |
If Adagio is teamed up with an ally, he can be devastating. If you choose to jump on him with Into the Fray, then he will either, A. Use his first ability to slow you down, then boots out of the fight, or B. He will stay and try to fight you. If it looks like you are on the winning side of the battle. Then he should resort back to the A option. But if he stays in the battle, then his team might be somewhere close, and he can weaken you enough, that the rest of his team could be enough to get get you. So you have to watch the mini map, and see where his team is heading. |
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Taka |
Taka can take your life easily with a good shatter glass, and a X-retsu. Especially if he is with a teammate. Again, one option is to watch the mini map, and see if his team is coming to get you. If he is playing a weapon power Taka, then you might be in trouble. If he has any sort of attack speed buff, (Tornado Trigger in particular) then you should probably run to the nearest ally for help. |
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No Threat |
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