Here's some filler on the Halcyon Fold's new hero! (as of 1.16)
Infinite Reboot
Slot: Hero Perk
Instead of dying, Alpha initiates a reboot sequence upon receiving lethal damage, gaining 200-1750 reserve health (based on level). For the next several seconds, enemies can continue to attack her and deal damage. If her reserve is not destroyed during this time, she will reboot to ample health at the same location.
The cooldown for this ability is displayed in place of Alpha's energy bar. Once this bar is full, Infinite Reboot is available. This bar will slide back to zero during the reboot process, indicating the remaining time left before she is restored to health.
Note: Be cautious with this. This perk is very useful at times but you gave to be careful when using it. It takes a long time (feels long in this game) to reboot, and you are extra vulnerable during this stage.
Prime Directive
Slot: A
Alpha scans for enemies along a path. If she scans an enemy, that enemy is slowed and Alpha instantly dashes behind them, dealing damage to the target and all enemies within 4.5 meters (65% damage to minions). This also removes the negative effects of Core Overload (without removing the positive effects), dealing increased damage based on the number of stacks removed.
Note: This is very useful when hunting enemies. But it can also get you in big trouble. If you are just using it to scan bushed for the enemy team (for example, if the enemy team is ambushing) do not scan that bush. You will get deleted (pun intended) if you go 3v1. Also, sometimes it glitches. Doing the damage to early when you are traveling towards the enemy.
Core Charge
Slot: B
Alpha lunges forward, landing a basic attack on her target and fracturing the ground for additional crystal damage in a small area. Each time she uses this ability, she spends 10% of her current health and gains Core Overload for 5.5 seconds, stacking up to 3 times.
Basic attacks reduces the cooldown of Core Charge by 1 second.
Core Overload: Alpha loses 1% of her current health every second, but also increases the damage of subsequent Core Charges and causes her basic attacks to heal her. Basic attacks refresh the duration.
Note: When maxed out, it only takes away that percentage of health every second IN COMBAT. So no, you wont go from 100% health to Zero% in 1 min. 40 sec. when you even arent fighting enemies. Also, this sometimes glitches out or gets blocked by obstacles and it wont bring you to the enemy.
Termination Protocol
On activation, Alpha begins a self destruct sequence. At the start of this she gains a burst of move speed as well as 400-1000 barrier (based on her level). Immediately afterward, she rapidly loses move speed as her Halcyon core approaches critical mass.
After 3 seconds, or immediately upon her barrier being breached, Alpha explodes. This explosion deals heavy crystal damage to all enemies within 4.5 meters and is lethal to herself.
This ability can only be activated while Infinite Reboot is available. Upgrading this ability reduces the cooldown of Infinite Reboot.
Note: Do not just jump into a fight and activate this, activate it when you are about to die to put it to it's full potential. Also, you can actually still use your abilities while your Ultimate is charging up. So you can use your A to get behind them then explode! KAMEKAZE!!!
Beginning Top
For both builds, try not to get in big fights in the beginning. Alpha is relatively weak early game.
CP: Crystal bit helps you take down monsters/minions faster. Let the roam tank the hits, alpha's B hurts her so she will probably die if she solo farms early game.
WP: Same as CP do not solo-fight heroes early game (unless Krul. Krul is WEAK early game)
NOTE: Try to farm as much as you can.
First shop trip Top
You probably shouldnt 1v1 Early-mid game. She (it?) is amazing in teamfights.
CP: You are starting to build the base for your first tier three item. Aftershock. Alpha is a pretty bursty hero and this build takes advantage of that.
WP: You are building weapon power so you (obviously) can do more damage, making processes like fighting/farming easier.
Second Shop trip Top
Now, you should notice that you do a good amount of damage during fights. But still. No 1v1's yet.
CP: You almost have that aftershock. Play conservatively. Attempt to gank laner.
WP: You do good chunks of damage, try to gank w/ roamer. Act conservatively.
Around 5-6 min. Top
Both builds are getting slightly tankier and do good amounts of damage. Gank whenever possible (and useful).
CP: YAY! Aftershock! You do **** tons of burst damage, check you mini-map so you can join teamfights.
WP: You do more sustain-y damage. Slightly tanky. Gank laners when viable/useful.
<10-12 min. Top
It's pretty much mid game. There should be a good amount of teamfights every now and then. Both builds do great damage without being a glass cannon. Don't 1v1. (or at least don't 1v1 late/mid game heroes)
CP: You are starting to build towards broken myth, upgrade oak heart into dragon heart. You do healthy amounts of damage.
WP: You do A LOT of sustain/burst damage. Nothing really new.
MidGame/postmidgame Top
Both builds are dishing out great amounts of damage. They both scale or "snowball" quite well into late game. You can easily hunt down remaining enemies after teamfights and kill them.
CP: You get your broken myth. Start building toward Alternating current.
WP: SORROWBLADE! FINALLY! You are about to get the items that branch into breaking point, and you buy another swift shooter for an upcoming item.
PostMidGame/Beginning Late game Top
Both are snoqballing quite well. Team fights are easier to win. Do not 1v1.
CP: You are building toward alternating current. So far so good.
WP: About to get breaking point. You finally get your shiversteel which slows down enemies by quite a bit to make it harder for them to get away.
Late Game Top
Both builds are really good in teamfights. Both builds farm relatively fast.
CP: Alternating current and shiver steel. The breaking point and alternating current get better as fights go on, because the breaking point increases your CP as long as you are fighting, and the alternating current deals crystal damage along with the faster basic attack rate. Aftershock is mainly for burst.
WP: Woot! You can probably 1v1 alot of heroes (never krul). This is great in teamfights. You deal TOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNSSSS of damage to enemies because the breaking point You are starting to build a bone saw to further increase your damage.
Defense Top
For this, you can pick 1 third tier defence. This will help you be tankier because you may be able to revive but you are very vulnerable during that stage.
Preferred Builds/ Synergize-ation Top
I put these because these build were the ones that have worked best for me so far.
Also, both work in either lane or jungle. But I've found that cp works better in the jungle, and WP works better in lane.
Here are the roams that synergize well with ALPHA:
Lance - He is a very good match. Why? Well almost every aspect about him synergizes with Alpha. His A, keeps opponents rooted, which is a death sentence if that is a squishy hero. His B, can protect you at even teh most clutch moments. And his ult makes him just as mobile as you.
Catherine - (she is good at hunting down enemies and taking damage, perfect for you!)
Ardan - His ultimate pairs well with yours. Also he can make you go faster by using his A ability. Which is very useful as it can help you hunt down other and can save you at times.
Adagio - Heals and buffs. They help a ton.
(phinn doesn't as well because of his slow speed. But if you get it to work, it does work quite effectively)
Fortress: Not as tanky as others, but he is good as alpha isn't that good early game.
(surprisingly) Glaive - if the glaive player builds tanky and is very skilled with a roam glaive he synergize very well with Alpha.
Other heroes that synergize well with Alpha are (will add why in near future):
Blackfeather - his B ability can slow enemies down and his A ability can make it much easier to hunt down enemies. Fun times!
Krul - These two late game heroes work quite well together. Both of your kits complement eachother you have to chase down enemies and lock them down.
Skaarf - he/she/it works well with alpha. Skaarf can slow down enemies while you are ulting, which can be quite good. Skaarf can also help you with getaways, as he/she/it slows enemies down while you are escaping.
Vox - Does tons upon tons of damage. His damage can scare many away from you when you are rebooting.
Rona - Her kit forces people to go near her to fight (and vice versa). Which synergizes well with Alpha's abilities.
Kestrel - Traps. Her traps plus your A ability can make for quite good ambushes.
(These are some that work well. Will post all heroes soon)
Good luck!
General Tips! Top
Laning tips:
- Try to "freeze" the lane in an area near the turret, but not in the range of the turret. This will decrease the chance of you getting ganked (or at least from enemy side). While still being able to farm efficiently.
You "freeze" the lane by only last hitting enemy minions until they get past the "freezing zone"

This really helps as Alpha is a melee hero and is usually harassed by enemy ranged laners. For either of the builds, when starting in lane, I suggest a "Book of eulogies" and two "halcyon potions" so you can still keep up your health. Alpha's B ability uses 10% of her health, which really adds up over time. Later in the game, sell the eulogies.
- Dont stay in lane for too long. Try to rotate every 3-4 minutes or so, because you will get obliterated by enemies that are "snowballing" (scaling) better than you.
-Join team fights when they happen. No "I" In team.
Jungle tips:
- For alpha, I suggest farming from front and making your way to the back. You Must let the roamer first hit on everything. If you do the classic: Getting the first health minion solo while the roam is getting the two big minions. You will take tons of damage. Her B ability, plus the now "dangerous" jungle monsters.

- try not to start big teamfights early game. Unless its a 3v2 (your team being the three).
Also, for the CP build, you could swap shiversteel w/ eve of harvest for extra lifesteal.
Anither option for CP build, if you want to go glass cannon, go frostburn instead of shiversteel.
Good luck!
Match Results Top
I will be posting some of my wins/losses (1 or 2 losses out of 10+ games, forgot to screenshot)
And because it seems that I don't know how to add pictures here correctly (i'm on google chrome) heres the 'imgur link'
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