Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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Celeste |
Very limited movement speed, block the stun, and it's very easy to land A - C combo on her |
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Skaarf |
Watch out for kites like when fighting Celeste, but once you go all in he's food. |
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Just don't jump in when he's at full y stack, but from mid to late you can easily outdamage him, especially if Atlased |
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Catherine |
The stun may be annoying and avoid spinning when her bubble is up and you're fighting one on one, but generally easy kill early game. |
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Joule |
Joule is not in a good state this patch. In one on ones, if you dodge or block her stun, you win. Otherwise ultilize your gap closers to dodge her skills. |
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Ozo |
Big damage early, falls off late, he have no reliable escape and you can easily combo on him. |
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Kestrel |
The stun is annoying and can really hurts, but that's all she have once you're on top of her. |
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Fortress |
Fairly powerful early and can pair well with heroes like Krul. You can take down his wolves faster with your attack speed or kill them with your ult if you're already on top of him. |
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Ringo |
Ringo...don't let him kite you, so save your gap closes for him. Otherwise he's easy food. |
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Adagio |
Do not underestimate his early game, though it is easy to unleash the combo on him, with Foesplitter messing up his heal.
Adagio can only heal and hit you with B or use C, while eating your whole combo. |
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Glaive |
Rona beats Glaive, and you will outsustain him the more the match goes on, but remmeber that he can afterburn away or punt you from his team. |
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Koshka |
She can go toe to toe you early, and lock you down mid-late. Try to block her stun if you can, but normally you will win. |
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Phinn |
Tanky, strong early damage if he manages to hit you, he can also pull you from the ranged carry so really watch out.
He's slow, build stacks off him if he wants to bait then jump the carries. |
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Rona |
Disengage if you can when she ult. Usually the Rona who manages her bloodrage better wins. |
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Vox |
A little bit harder to catch than other ranged champs. Watch out for kite, and make good use of your slow to catch him. |
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Blackfeather |
His late game is powerful and he can easily escape your combos, try to shut him down early, since it takes a long time for him to outsustain you. |
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Petal |
Avoid early fights, though you can easily damage both her and her munions if you can get close.
Avoid getting kited, and watch out for the seeds, they do pack a punch. |
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Reim |
The old man packs a punch....only if you stand still. Stutterstep around his spires, ultilising speed boost from Foe Splitter. You can outsustain him from mid-late if you can dodge a few spires. Disengage if his fortified health goes out of control.
It's usually an even match up and boils down to skill. |
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Taka |
Fairly annoying with the Kaku and Kaiten, while XRetsu reduces your lifesteal (currently bugged though).
Save your A to catch him out of invisibility and burst him down with foesplitter. |
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Alpha |
Shut her down early, though don't be overagressive, do not let her dominate your jungle else it's game over. |
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Ardan |
Very reliable at getting enemies away from you, make good use of your gap closers. |
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Krul |
If left unchecked, he's a huge nuisance late game since he can outsustain you. Early game is weak, however, so go agressive and invade, burst him down as quick as possible, try building BP stacks off of other enemies before going all in. |
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Skye |
Use your gap closers wisely, remember that she have a big stun and a good juke. You will win if you outplay her. |
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Lance |
Lance is another roam that can peel you off his carries really well. He have superior tankiness and cc, so make good use of your gap closers and avoid getting kited by his carries. |
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