Overview Top
For those of you that have have stumbled across this guide wanting to know whether to buy Rona or not, BUY RONA!! To me she is the most fun hero in the game. The best thing about Rona is that she has uses no energy. To counter this (SO SHE IS NOT TOO OP) she does have some high cooldowns on here first two abilities Into the Fray and Foesplitter. What Rona does use for two of her abilities are bloodrage which is gained by auto attacking. Bloodrage is mainly used for your ult as you need at least 75 bloodrage to activate it and it is used for the second activation of your Foesplitter to deal more dmg (If you want to know more about her abilities read the next section).
I mainly play Rona with tanky hero build and use her to jumps onto the enemy team and spin for the win with her ult. I feel the tanky build is best since building all weapon dmg or crystal dmg on her you are really squishy and need to know when to engage to not get killed instantly by a Taka. With the tanky build you can just sit in the middle of the team soak up tons of damage then deal kill everyone when you get enough bloodrage for your ult.
Rona's pros are that she has two abilities that let you stick to your target making her hard to kite. Her ult has a very low cooldown that can almost be used as soon as you have enough bloodrage to activate it. Her ability Into the Fray can be used as an escape ability to use when you get caught out in the jungle.
Rona's cons are that she has no ability that gives you health back, therefore you must buy the Book of Eulogies as a starting item when your jungling.
Abilities Top
Berserkers' Fury
Slot: Heroic Perk
Rona attacks 50% faster than most heroes, but she deals only 80% damage with each attack.
Additionally, Rona's abilities use Bloodrage instead of energy, a unique resource that is generated from basic attacks, abilities and taking damage from enemies. This caps at 100 and decays when Rona leaves combat. Energy and energy regeneration from items is converted to in-combat bloodrage generation.
A very good passive for Rona's kit especially since it build your bloodrage faster which means you can ult faster with means GG with squishy enemy teams.
Into the Fray
Slot: A
Rona leaps into battle, gaining bloodrage from colliding with enemies. She also gains damage reduction for 3 seconds based on the number of enemy heroes she hits. After a short delay, the ground ruptures for 3 seconds, slowing enemies who pass over it for 35%.
Probably Rona's most versatile skill that can be used as both a initiating ability and escape ability since you can hop over about every wall with into the fray with ease. Beside being great to tool to let you jump into the middle of the enemy team dont underestimate the slow it does as most champs without a jumping ability like this one will be greatly slowed.
Slot: B
Rona lunges to her target, landing a basic attack and gaining bloodrage. Briefly after using this ability she can reactivate it to attack again, consuming all of her bloodrage and applying a mortal wound to her target. The damage of the second attack is increased by 0.35% for each point of bloodrage consumed. Additionally, the cooldown for this ability is reduced by 1 second with Rona's basic attack.
This is the main skill your going to be killing the minions with in the jungle. I recommend taking the overdrive for this over into the fray as this your main dmg tool before you get access to ult. This skill lunge ability provide Rona with another gap closer to stick to enemies and i like when she spins both here axes after your use it once its kind of reminds of the days I used to play Draven in league before they nerfed him (that talk is for another day)
Red Mist
Slot: C
Rona begins an axe-wielding whirlwind, continually dealing weapon damage to nearby enemies. During the whirlwind she can move freely but at reduced speed. She can cancel the ability at any time by reactivating it or using another ability. Red Mist requires at least 75 bloodrage to activate.
When using the tanky build this is your bread and butter after lvl 6 as even when tanky this does massive amounts of damage to enemy champs. The best part about this skill is that the cooldown is very low. In team fight you want want to activate this skill around as many enemies as possible to get the maximum effect. I highly recommend overdriving this ASAP the only time your wouldn't is if your are building crystal Rona which is (SMH!!!)...
Item Explanation Top
For the many Rona players out there like me that dont want to be killed in a 1v1 fight within 2 seconds when you don't get the kill from your initial burst dmg or when in any teamfight late game here is the explanation as to why I prefer a more tanky build path.
The cornerstone of any tanky build is getting boats loads of health and this is the item to do it
I recommend rushing this item second on any build as the active from the reflex block should be able to mitigate their initial burst dmg.
Fountain of Renewal:
This is item is just amazing. The power of the heal to you and your whole team cant be ignored expecally when playing with two other squishies that are getting low in a teamfight. I recommend getting this item first if the enemy team has heavy crystal dmg.
Metal Jacket:
This item is for the all the sniper and assassins that do stupid dmg early game. If the team is heavy weapon power or has one weapon power champ that is getting fed I recommend building a reflex block first to block there abilities then rushing this item to help you fight against them.
Serpent Mask:
Almost in any build you are going the need lifesteal and this item for it. It is essential to get the Book of Eulogies when starting the game as it gives you health back whenever you kill a minion. This items is also helpful as when using your ult you will get lifesteal from it provide you with massive sustain.
Breaking Point:
This is great item to have that will give tons of damage with its passive if you able to stay in a fight for an extended amount of time. Since your building tanky you will be able to stay in fight longer which will allow the passive to stack an your damage to increase. I reccommend only getting this item if your going the tanky build route as the Lifesteal and Crystal wont give you enough time to properly stack the passive.
Honorable Mentions
Tornado Trigger:
This item can be used to replace Breakling Point and is a viable option in fact. If your going to build this item I highly suggest picking up a blazing salvo early in the game than after you finish building all the tank items upgrade to this.
Conclusion Top
Hey thanks to everyone out there that is ready my Rona guide that I worked hard on. Will try to continue to update with a Lifesteal build and Crystal build for Rona when I have the time. Also am thinking about making a guide for Fortress as I seem to be playing him alot lately when jungle is already taken in hero selection. (DAMN THOSE KRUL INSTALOCKERS!!!). Well feel free to post any feedback you have in the comment section a I will try to respond as soon as I can.
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