Hi LW,
I haven't updated the guide/build in a while, apologies.
I'll see what I can do on short term/long term to improve the build reflecting the changes made int he last updates of VG.
Wow-love the guide and GIF files. My playstyle is spammy crits, so my Ozo build is different, but those trc and ab tricks are priceless. My Ozo build is Tyrant's Monocle, Tyrant's Monocle, Fountain, T. Trigger, Clockwork, Potions btw.
Thanks for the praise and I'll surely try to add more GIF's in future guides, they are being appriciated. Making them was a whole different kinda story though (recording, selecting frames, converting, decreasing quality and dropping more frames, uploading, intergrating" anyways, worth it ;)!
Serpent Mask gives you lifesteal off of the amount of WP you have. With your finished build, you have 157 base WP + 50 from Serpent Mask = 207 WP. Serpents Mask gives you 10% WP lifesteal, or 20.7 health per hit. When you finish you build, you have a total of 3125 HP from Crucible, Warhorn, Journey Boots, and Ozo's base HP. 20.7 HP lifesteal is less than one percent of you total health, .7% to be exact. This is just too small to matter. When attacking heroes, you get a bonus 15% lifesteal, bringing your total life steal to 25% or 51.75 HP per hit. This is 1.7% of your HP pool. THIS IS STILL NOT ENOUGH TO MATTER. The reason your lifesteal is so insignificant is because you buy CP items with WP lifesteal. Your better off getting an Eve of Harvest, but then again, with item slots wasted on Warhorn and Crucible, you have only built a total of 35 CP from Aftershock, so I guess if you want some lifesteal, however insignificant, get a Serpent Mask. But really, choose carry or support, don't combine them, you only have 6 item slofs.
ah but remember ozos perk. aftershock heal can turn from 15% of enemy max hp to about 19.8% of rnemies hp (As healing not damage) which is great if enemy has Ardan or Phinn on their team.
ah but remember ozos perk. aftershock heal can turn from 15% of enemy max hp to about 19.8% of rnemies hp (As healing not damage) which is great if enemy has Ardan or Phinn on their team.
First off, you need Eve of Harvest to heal off CP damage. And Eve of Harvest still only heals 25% of damage to enemy heroes, so just less than 5% of enemies HP.....
Second, the whole point of my comment was to point out that combining Serpent Mask with CP items is the dumbest thing you can do in this game. IF you've been doing well with this build, your either up agianst some stupid enemies, or your a badass at Ozo and should go pro.
Ah Rona, she has been in the game for a good few months already. She was one of the first new heroes after the 'first heroes'.. I don't really have a favourite. I've seen many new heroes and a ton of balancing, which made it all better in the long run. In the end you become better as a VG player as you have to adapt to the changes they made. It makes you more agile and versatile player. Especially when playing with unknown people, sometimes you have the be the one that decides to change his hero for the better of the team (too many laners/junglers/support) (Darwin; those who survive are those who adapt).
I'm not sure if you accidentally read Ozo's Passive wrong, but health regen from things like boots and warhorns isnt increased. Health regeneration is not increased. Only everything else. BTW might wanna throw in an extra halcyon potion or two for early-mid game. Also might I suggest getting Warhorn AND contraption. I use it for Ardan, and I get the 2.5 Splash damage (Which can help a LOT with Three Ring Circus, as they count as basic attacks AND basic attack reset, allowing 6x damage from Contraption), and I can deal more damage to Kraken and Mines. Also I will get back to you on this, but Contraption+Three Ring Circus might heal more from splash damage. I will edit this comment again when I find the answer.
(Which can help a LOT with Three Ring Circus, as they count as basic attacks AND basic attack reset, allowing 6x damage from Contraption
I was wrong here. Contraption is Damage per Second. However I still suggest Contraption+Wargorn since this build seems fairly weak against teams/heroes with stuns, especially those who like to ambush (Such as Koshka and Krul). Being able to put a flare there would allow you to be able to hover your finger over Reflex Block and have a near 100% chance of avoiding the stun. Not to mention a bunch of scout traps placed all over the map can make things very difficult for your enemies.
Hi BlueSabere, I think I made some mistakes there indeed. I'm gonna try out your feedback tomorrow and see how that works for me (my playing style) and adapt the guide where needed. I do feel like I lack the exact knowledge and game-mechanics to be confident in accepting or denying your claims. I'll come back to you about this later ;)! Let me know about your findings.
I saw another mistake. You seem to have forgotten that Three Ring Circus applies basic attacks (Like aftershock)on hit, and that it applies only to the primary target. Also Aftershock has a cooldown before it can be used again (I believe it is 1 second, but it may be 1.5), so a frostburn in Options instead of Eve of Harvest could be a good idea, to ensure that the enemie cant escape before you use circus again. To
Clockwork doesn't cut your ability time in half. The formula for cooldown acceleration is
C2 = C1 / (1 + (CA/100))
C1 = Original Cooldown
C2 = Cooldown after Modifiers
CA = Cooldown Acceleration
To cut an ability time in half, you would need:
The new cooldown to be half the old.
C2 = 1/2(C1) So with a bit of substitution:
1/2(C1) = C1 / (1 + (CA/100)) Multiply each side by 2:
C1 = 2(C1) / ( 1 + (CA/100)) Multiply each side my (1 + (CA/100))
C1 * (1 + (CA/100)) = 2(C1) Divide each side by C1
1 + (CA/100) = 2 Subtract each side by 1
CA/100 = 1 Multiply each side by 100
CA = 100
You need need 100% cooldown acceleration to cut a cooldown in half.
As it is, a Clockwork gives you:
C2 = C1 / (1 + (50/100))
C2 = C1 / (1 + .5)
C2 = C1 / 1.5
C2/C1 = 1/1.5
C2/C1 = .666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
Only cuts off 33% of the cooldown, not 50%.
Sorry to kill your vibe.
Clockwork doesn't cut your ability time in half. The formula for cooldown acceleration is
C2 = C1 / (1 + (CA/100))
C1 = Original Cooldown
C2 = Cooldown after Modifiers
CA = Cooldown Acceleration
To cut an ability time in half, you would need:
The new cooldown to be half the old.
C2 = 1/2(C1) So with a bit of substitution:
1/2(C1) = C1 / (1 + (CA/100)) Multiply each side by 2:
C1 = 2(C1) / ( 1 + (CA/100)) Multiply each side my (1 + (CA/100))
C1 * (1 + (CA/100)) = 2(C1) Divide each side by C1
1 + (CA/100) = 2 Subtract each side by 1
CA/100 = 1 Multiply each side by 100
CA = 100
You need need 100% cooldown acceleration to cut a cooldown in half.
As it is, a clock work gives you:
C2 = C1 / (1 + (50/100))
C2 = C1 / (1 + .5)
C2 = C1 / 1.5
C2/C1 = 1/1.5
C2/C1 = .666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
Only cuts off 33% of the cooldown, not 50%.
Sorry to kill your vibe.
Or to put in simple terms cooldown is CD/1.
50% = 0.5
So clockwork makes it CD/1.5
= 33% less cooldown
VaingloryFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite VG hero’s build and strategy.
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Stormguard banner dosing make war treads anymore
I haven't updated the guide/build in a while, apologies.
I'll see what I can do on short term/long term to improve the build reflecting the changes made int he last updates of VG.
First off, you need
Second, the whole point of my comment was to point out that combining
Also, I got the game back when Rona was first released. What is your favorite update?
My IGN is Jhingha, just like my username here.
I was wrong here. Contraption is Damage per Second. However I still suggest Contraption+Wargorn since this build seems fairly weak against teams/heroes with stuns, especially those who like to ambush (Such as Koshka and Krul). Being able to put a flare there would allow you to be able to hover your finger over Reflex Block and have a near 100% chance of avoiding the stun. Not to mention a bunch of scout traps placed all over the map can make things very difficult for your enemies.
C2 = C1 / (1 + (CA/100))
C1 = Original Cooldown
C2 = Cooldown after Modifiers
CA = Cooldown Acceleration
To cut an ability time in half, you would need:
The new cooldown to be half the old.
C2 = 1/2(C1) So with a bit of substitution:
1/2(C1) = C1 / (1 + (CA/100)) Multiply each side by 2:
C1 = 2(C1) / ( 1 + (CA/100)) Multiply each side my (1 + (CA/100))
C1 * (1 + (CA/100)) = 2(C1) Divide each side by C1
1 + (CA/100) = 2 Subtract each side by 1
CA/100 = 1 Multiply each side by 100
CA = 100
You need need 100% cooldown acceleration to cut a cooldown in half.
As it is, a
C2 = C1 / (1 + (50/100))
C2 = C1 / (1 + .5)
C2 = C1 / 1.5
C2/C1 = 1/1.5
C2/C1 = .666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
Only cuts off 33% of the cooldown, not 50%.
Sorry to kill your vibe.
C2 = C1 / (1 + (CA/100))
C1 = Original Cooldown
C2 = Cooldown after Modifiers
CA = Cooldown Acceleration
To cut an ability time in half, you would need:
The new cooldown to be half the old.
C2 = 1/2(C1) So with a bit of substitution:
1/2(C1) = C1 / (1 + (CA/100)) Multiply each side by 2:
C1 = 2(C1) / ( 1 + (CA/100)) Multiply each side my (1 + (CA/100))
C1 * (1 + (CA/100)) = 2(C1) Divide each side by C1
1 + (CA/100) = 2 Subtract each side by 1
CA/100 = 1 Multiply each side by 100
CA = 100
You need need 100% cooldown acceleration to cut a cooldown in half.
As it is, a clock work gives you:
C2 = C1 / (1 + (50/100))
C2 = C1 / (1 + .5)
C2 = C1 / 1.5
C2/C1 = 1/1.5
C2/C1 = .666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
Only cuts off 33% of the cooldown, not 50%.
Sorry to kill your vibe.
Or to put in simple terms cooldown is CD/1.
50% = 0.5
So clockwork makes it CD/1.5
= 33% less cooldown
Or to put in simple terms cooldown is CD/1.
50% = 0.5
So clockwork makes it CD/1.5
= 33% less cooldown
Essentially, yes.