3ssentials: Hypercarry Ringo (Peel Comp) - A collab by BlazeChron, Radiance, and MaximusPrime by 3ssential

3ssentials: Hypercarry Ringo (Peel Comp) - A collab by BlazeChron, Radiance, and MaximusPrime

By: 3ssential
Last Updated: Jul 3, 2017
3 Votes
Rating Pending
Build 1 of 5


Build: 100% Lethal

Ability Path

Double Down
Heroic Perk
Achilles Shot
Twirling Silver
Hellfire Brew


Build: Peeling with Afterburns

Ability Path

Hunt the Weak
Heroic Perk
Twisted Stroke


Build: Godly Pulls


Build: Threat Table

Ability Path

Double Down
Heroic Perk
Achilles Shot
Twirling Silver
Hellfire Brew

Item Choices

Threat Meter

Show all
Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
Ardan Sure, gauntlet is annoying, but with proper communication with your teammates, they should be able to Crucible for you and get you out of there. If there's something else to block, you should probably get your own reflex block. Crucible should be used for things like Adagio's, Ardan's, Catherine's, and Phinn's, and Joule's Ult(team wide effects). Your own reflex block should be used for things like Koshka's, Gwen's, and Kestrel's ult(one target abilities). Also, Pheen can just walk out of the gauntlet and hook Ardan out of it.
Baron With his slow movement speed and slow rockets, you should be able to avoid most of them with your B and burst him down
Phinn Tough and has lots of health, but slow. You are MUCH faster than him and should be able to easily kite/kill him. Watch out for his ult(don't give him good opportunities to use it) and stay a safe distance away from him. If he to pulls your entire team you're in danger, as CC does not affect Phinn and Glaive probaly can't protect you that well and might afterburn away(which should NOT happen)
Celeste She's super squishy but Glaive and Pheen should be able to get them closer to you so she can't just Helio spam you from a distance. Super squishy and watch out for her ult. Only dangerous if Pheen or Glaive can't get her close to you as she should be focusing on damaging you with her Helios. Don't just stand in the middle of the map wondering why those stars are getting bigger when it suddenly hits you in the middle of the team fight, just go hypespeed with your B or if it's too late to try and dodge it, then just keep calm and reflex block
Adagio Not dangerous in a 1v1 but his healing and burning can be very annoying. Don't get stunned by his ult, insta death for you since you're so squishy(will be bursted down by his teammates)
Skaarf Avoid his skill shots, don't get gooped, and burst him down. Try not ot get caught in his ult and you should be fine. Phinn should be able to tank his shots if you can't avoid it and should be able to stun him when he tries to ult.
Skye Glaive doesn't do much with his afterburn against her(Suri Strike) but Phinn can tank her A for you if needed. She should be pretty easy since you don't rely on skill shots. Just auto attack away and you should kill her.
Samuel Sure his perk is annoying as it can save him from the brink of death but it's not that drastic. Make sure to stay away from Phinn as he is a really slow duck for Samuel to aim at and get stacks from. Glaive can knock him out of his Drifting Dark and get behind him so you can burst him down. So basically, long as you have the vision to do it, then your teammates should be able to get Samuel slow to you so you can burst him down.
Kestrel You should be able to avoid most of her skillshots but if you can't, then Phinn or Glaive should be body blocking most of the shots. If she's going CP, you should have scout traps everywhere and your team should be flaring the bushes and possible trap locations(If you and your team runs into a mist trap, well GG). If she tries to use her invis to sneak up on you without her team, you should be able to burst her down and you should be protected with your team. If she tries to ult, you should be able to avoid it with your B. If not, Reflex Block(the answer to everything). If she has Flicker as her roam and he ults and her whole team goes invis and ambushes you, then you should probably put more scout traps down. All jokes aside, just stay calm, don't panic spam your items(properly timed reflex blocks can save your life. If you waste it then it's pretty much a pointless item), and just focus the carry. If you have enough items, you should be able to burst her down quickly and her team should start to panic. Ulting her at the beginning of a teamfight is typically a bad idea as you will be a sitting(standing?) drunk duck for her to snipe at and kill. Also, she/her team probably has a reflex block/crucible so ulting is nearly always a last resort move.
Ringo So if you're in casual and there is another Ringo then you should be able to best him in a 1v1. Get glaive to stun him into a nearby(but not too close) wall in a teamfight and he should be bursted down. He will probably try to run away with the roam wasting their fountain. Remember Phinn can hook Ringo back into you if needed but should not initiate with a hook as the whole(or most) of the enemy team will be on top of you(unless he manages to only hook ringo cause he overextends).
Petal Potato. She has a lot of extra range with her B(when overdriven) but Phinn can just pull er back and you can easily kill her munions.
Lance Mehh Not dangerous as a captain(except his root, sort of), and you should be able to avoid being pushed back to his allies. More dangerous as WP, Phinn can stun(probably) and Glaive can punt back and you have your A and B so you should be able to kite him effectively.
Gwen Watch out for her stun, she will probably use it if you try to chase. She can shake off your slow and block Glaive's A with her B, but only one of those things(unless you guys stack them). If you can, get her to waste her B so Glaive can safely punt her to you and burst her down. Gank often and be aggressive(but not foolishly aggressive) when you can and you should have the upper hand.
Joule CP takes a lot of gold, but can effectively shut you down without taking much damage typically. She should be targeting you as your allies don't have much firepower so you should either invade the jungle(only if you're really ahead bc crystal sentry) and try to kill her, or just take the first couple of camps(closest to mid). If you can't invade at all, then have Glaive stun or Phinn ult her whenever she starts using it. Communication is 3ssential(sorry bad pun). WP is slightly less dangerous, but if she lands that stun on you(relfex block it if unavoidable. proper positioning is key) you should expect do die as WP crit Joule can burst anyone down although, with proper timing, glaive can knock her back before she can land any hits on you.
Ozo Has some decent sustain, you should be able to burst him down before he can do much though. If he tries to Acrobounce you, then you should definitely be able to burst him down(bad beginner Ozo mistake). Glaive should probably not Afterburn his ult as he needs to save the energy and cooldown for more important things so you need to reflex block his Bangarang.
Krul If he gets you with his perk/shiversteel then you practically have no escape. Perk could be worth reflex blocking. If he does get to you however(He shouldn't. You should be cautious and have traps/flares everywhere) then get glaive to punt him back or phinn to stun him.
Vox Ok so the key is to get Glaive(or Phinn) to punt/pull him to you so you can burst him down before he can get his BP/BM stacks up. After you burst him down, it should be pretty easy to get the rest of his team.
Blackfeather CP Blackfeather can just poke you to death if you're not careful, WP needs to stick to his target for the lifesteal. If you're team has hypercarried you correctly, then you should be able to burst him down before he does much damage
Catherine Her shield can reflect a LOT of damage, so you probably shouldn't attack her when she's using it. Wait, why would you attack her in the first place unless she's going CP carry? Never focus her if she's going roam, have your allies get rid of her shield by attacking her if she's a good WP/CP carry(Her shield timer decreses by 0.5 sec every time it reflects damage if you didn't know). Anyway, she can lock you down and pretty much prevent you from kiting when she silences. Run when you see her using it. Godly captains can block it(don't count on it) so if you can't avoid it, you should either 1)run and wait for it to end if the teamfight hasn't start yet and they're trying(badly) to engage (you should be keeping your distance at the beginning of a teamfight or when you're going through the jungle with your team) or 2) it's a good silence and you're in the middle of the teamfight so do the only thing you can: keep on auto attacking and hope your team kills them or it ends and Phinn comes in with that clutch fountain. If your team has hypcarried you correctly though, you should be able to just burst down most people pretty quickly.
Koshka If you are not well versed in the world of Reflex Block, you will be stunned every time and probably be bursted to death. Always save your reflex block for her ult and burst her down when she tries to jump on you. Stay with your team and keep a decent distance from them and make sure Phinn places scout traps and flares everywhere so you know their positioning.
Fortress Bleed slows, wolves reveal(and puts you in combat), and can force his entire team on you with his A. A good fortress will do that and probably Crucible Glaive's Afterburn and try to burst you down. Your high attack speed can get rid of the wolves but they're extremely annoying and this hero is just a nuisance. He is this high because he can get his team onto you and burst you down before you can do much since you're supposed to be carrying this team(your allies are underfed and will probably die without you, unless it's late game). Luckily, he can't do much to save his allies so nullwave gauntlet and silences are pretty good as it allows you to burst them down without too much trouble.
Flicker You're probably squishy AF so his slow will be EXTREMELY detrimental to you, as you will not be able to escape his allies(Don't use reflex block unless you have to or unless there is nothing else to reflex). Try to get Glaive to punt him away from you as a last ressort(You should have vision everywhere so it shouldn't happen). Rated this high because of ambushing abilities. Don't let him get near you.
Glaive Can punt you back. More dangerous when going CP because more punts and you only have 1 Reflex Block. Stay back and bburst him down when he attempts to punt someone back(probably your jungler as you should be staying back)
SAW Only dangerous when going CP. Just get your allies to stun/reposition him if he's going WP and it should be a pretty easy kill. Don't get shanked and you should be fine as long as you focus him.
Reim Tanky if he gets to you. Unfortunately, Phinn is a bad pick against Reim(no choice though, Phinn is a necessity in this comp) as he just gets free hits on him bc of his slow move speed. Try to burst down the carry first(unless Reim is the carry), then focus Reim and get glaive to punt him into a wall(away from you and Phinn if possible). Bursting him down is possible but hard if you let him get fed and tanky.
Alpha Tanky and pretty mobile, she can easily target the backline(You!) and kill them. If she targets you, kite her and get your allies to knock her back/stun her, and if she's going CP, don't get near her when she ults but close enough to help your allies/kill the enemy team(A good alpha will always ult before she dies). Phinn's Polite Company will be key so defeating her.
Baptiste Ok, so this really depends on how skilled the player is. A bad Baptiste will try to rush you thinking he's a warrior(easy kill) and Ult you away (opposite direction) when he's 1) running away or 2) trying to engage. A decent one will attempt to poke you but isn't that aware of his stacks and may or may not take full advantage of his empowerment(try to avoid getting hit directly by his A when he is empowered). He will also immediately Ordain you when the teamfight breaks out. If he imeediately Ordains you, then you should be able to just burst them down from inside your space. Only escape using your reflex block if you will die if you stay in it(ex: CP Joule Ult). A good Baptiste will take full advantage of everything and will only try to Ordain you when you are moving around(higher chance of stunning you). If you are facing a good Baptiste, they will try to get Glaive and/or Phinn so they can punt/pull you out of his ordain, making that comp really dangerous. He will also Ult you into a wall so you can't attack so his allies can just burst you down. TL;DR, A large part of or it is just how skilled he is(no natural counters to you). Just stay back(duh) and don't run out of his ordain(if Phinn can body block for you then he may accidentally Ordain Phinn since his hitbox is so large).
Grace Negates damage, can stun(technically a knock-up), and has a massive heal. It's typically a pretty good idea to get a Shiv against her unless you wanna be aggressive enough to starve her of gold(not a wise idea). Probably best to just try and burst her alies down before she can heal them and make sure your allies can protect you well. She's a hard counter to this strat since a good Grace will overdrive her B first to negate Pheen's CC and be able to stun you. Play smart but be aggressive at the same time.
Taka He can burst you down quickly in a couple of shots if you do not have scout traps everywhere. Let your allies flare everything and face check bushes if needed. Burst him down as soon as you see him, running typically won't help much
Gwen A good CP Gwen can use her B to dodge Glaive's Afterburn and refleqx Phinn's Ult and then proceed to poke you to death from a distance. Try to get the jump on her or at least get vision everywhere. A good gwen can also use her B to negate he Afterburn on your ultimate(She'll still take the impact damage) but she'll still get Afterburned by Glaive if she doesn't have a reflex block ready.
Grumpjaw CP, WP, Roam, doesn't matter. He still deals a ton of damage and if he manages to swallow you, Glaive better stun him right away bc his ult still does a lot of damage. Reflex block is NOT the answer because I'm 90% sure you can't block his ult(I've tried) and his A doo much slow if he aims it well. Stay behind your allies and they should be able to help peel and make it easy for you to kite.
Idris Try to get some poke on him before you engage so he can't get a barrier when he uses his A(pretty large barrier that lasts 4 whole seconds)
Rona A good WP Rona will overdrive her A first(for better chase since she relies heavily on her lifesteal). Don't clump up( ex: she jumps on you, then glaive and phinn focus her and get hit by her ult) so she can't get a bunch of lifesteal from her ult and try to kite(save your A for when she ults if you can) her when she ults(she's super slow). Get glaive to punt her back when she tries to jump on you if necessary. Just make sure she can't get that lifesteal and stay behind your allies.


"Feed all the Farm to the Drunk guy? Why the heck not?"


Welcome! We are 3ssential, an organisation of guide Writers whom have come together to share our ideas and experiences to produce high quality content for VGFire Users. Our guides are coded from top to bottom for your convenience, so do enjoy the interactive features on this guide. Now, we are going to introduce our guide Writers.


BlazeChron - what are turrets?

Greetings, I am Blaze. If you've heard of me you've probably read my Ozo Guide before. I like to turret dive, and I can 1v3 with ease, if I'm the 3 :D
I can Carry, Jungle and Roam, but my Roam isn't the best(and get scolded everytim)
Currently practicing to achieve 20 cs/min with Voks (with bots XD)



Radiance - Le Coder and Meme Supplier

Hello Everyone! I am Radiance, the Creator of 3 Essential Adagio Builds, which is the Highest rated Adagio guide on the Forums. I am also an Experienced Website Coder, and theorycraft enthusiast. I enjoy learning about the lore and story behind every game and every character. I like to find meaning in things that mean little to anyone, and uncover the secrets in Vainglory's tiniest of Details. I am a ROAM Main, and I play different genres of games, including sandbox, fps, and other MOBAS.



MaximusPrime - Reflex Block is the Answer
Hello everyone, I am Max, creator of the You have been Poked to Death by SAW guide, which won the 'Know your Role' contest. I play any role needed but I typically prefer carry(though I rarely get to play it bc forced roam) and likes to try out new and crazy things in Ranked and Casual(If they can't counter it, then they can't beat it). Other people call this "Trolling" but I call it Breaking the Meta. Likes bad puns and is currently trying to make Goatman a reality. Gaming moods range from Blitz Trolling to #TryhardOrDiehard




So, you are probably wondering what "HyperCarry" means. Well, you'll either love it(If you are Ringo) or hate it(If you can't think of the team :P). Basically "Hypercarry" means that the Carry takes everyone's farm and gets super overleveled and has a ton of gold while his teammates are there just to support and peel for him. Note that this strategy requires a lot of teamwork and isn't as effective late game since the whole point of HyperCarrying is to have an overpowered hero on your team early/mid game at the expense of other heroes' gold/xp.


You're the carry. Kill stuff and get gold.


- You get to play Carry
- High DPS
- Steal everyone's gold(overfed)
- You get to play carry(everyone wants to)
- That's pretty much it lel

- Atlas Pauldron
- Winning requires you to play really well
- Weaker late game
- Requires good judgement
- Low energy


Double Down
Slot: Heroic Perk

Ringo's next basic attack after killing anything will be a critical strike.

Helps you early game, provides some poke, practically useless late game. Decent for farming though.
Achilles Shot
Slot: A

Ringo fires a trick shot at his target's heel (or whatever lower extremity exists), slowing the target & dealing damage.
Slows enemies, does a bit of damage. Great for catching up to enemies or slowing the down when they're trying to chase you(Kiting). Don't use immediately in the beginning of a team fight and NEVER EVER use it for farming(yes, I still see people use it for farming) as it costs a ton of energy(aka mana) and you can't really waste it or afford the cooldown in case you really need it. This ability will also help your team catch up to enemies.
Twirling Silver
Slot: B

Ringo slings bullets at his target in a mad flurry, dramatically increasing his attack speed and move speed for a duration.
  • Activating this ability resets Ringo's basic-attack cooldown.

Your main shredding tool. Gives you a bunch of move speed, attack speed, and damage. Great for attacking, escaping, chasing, farming and is a great ability overall. Only downside is that it takes a semi-large chunk of your precious energy that's essential for power. Save it for when you need it and clearing farm so you can rotate faster and rotate to jungle for the treants. Be wary when you chase enemies with this however, because you may be walking to an ambush without your teammates and then your Quicksilver will go on cool down so you will have no chance of escape and probably die(Stick with your teammates and let them tank!).
Hellfire Brew
Slot: C

Ringo takes a long swig from his gourd, then spits out a scorching fireball at his target. The explosion deals splash damage on impact and sets the target on fire, burning it & nearby enemies for 4s.
  • The fire pierces all shield on impact.

LUL Your ult is a potato unless you're trying to kill the last running enemy(they'll save their reflex block for it if they're smart)(also, you might not have enough energy). You have no extra CP so it doesn't do that much damage and you should be relying on the extra damage/move speed/attack speed your B gives you. This ability is a last resort although if you manage to see an enemy Taka or Kestrel(going CP) first and they retreat, your ult can prevent them from going invis. High risk, High reward move, probably best if you don't try it though(Always play it safe).


Item Function
Since CP A core item, it allows Ringo to do more damage over time and melt his enemies once he gets enough stacks. 3ssential for teamfights and getting aces
Gives you some attack speed(no the attack speed nerf wasn't really a nerf, SEMC fixed this attack speed bug making it a lot smoother) and a bunch of crit.
Armor shred allows you and your teammates to do more damage on the target you are focusing on(mostly just you though)
Allows you to run all over the place and gives a decent amount of health. Allows you to be more slippery and make riskier moves.
A Reflex Block and shield. It can save your life when used well
If you need more armor late game. Sacrifices more defense for burst.
If you're dominating the enemy team and need more damage. Will help you get BP stacks quicker
Not really worth it IMO, there are better items late game. Wouldn't recommend getting.
If you don't need to be as slippery and just need more energy/cooldown
This is an item Pheen and Glaive should get, Aegis or Metal Jacket is better

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Early Game: Get middle treant(make sure you don't die, remember that the crystal sentry isn't up yet, for both you and the enemy), get a lot of lane farm and rotate to jungle when you've pushed the lane too far for it to be safe. Get Glaive to gank and try to get a few early game kills and get the elder treant(middle treant) and a reflex block(only defense you should need early-mid game) when you can

Mid Game: Be map aware and rotate to jungle immediately if you need to help out your allies, push lane and try to get a turret. Mid game is when you're most powerful(power spikes) and make the most of it(you're not as effective late game). Don't forget to infuse(even if you're lvl 11) and try to take a couple more turrets/end the game if you're dominating them. Invade the enemy jungle and eliminate the Crystal Sentry if you can. Get the Kraken if they're camping the their base for a victory(if you and your allies did everything right).

Late Game: So they managed to hold out till late game. You're not as powerful now since hypercarrying is all about the massive early/mid game power spikes. Stay safe and try to bait the enemies out, always stay behind Glaive and Pheen if you can. If your team takes a risk and manages to unleash the Kraken, you should be pretty well off and either win or push them a lot. However, if they unleash the Kraken, then try to kill them and get an ace because it's easier for you to kill Kraken this way. If all they do is poke the turrets from afar(no chance of Glaive Aterburn or Pheen pull to engage), then you should probably just try to kill the Kraken or bait them in.


- Don't focus the roam(duh) but you can still poke them for BP stacks while the teamfight hasn't actually started yet so you will be powered up when it actually starts.

- Most of your gold will come from lane farm, go to jungle to replenish your health and energy after you push a wave of minions forward

- It's ok if Glaive gets some jungle farm while you're in lane, as long as you're not about to rotate(Don't take everything, it's impossible)

- In late game, if you have a full(or nearly full) build, and your items are on cooldown, you can spend the extra gold on selling the item of cooldown and rebuying it to reset the cooldown(make sure you have enough gold first)

- If Glaive punts an enemy into your face, have Pheen Quibble him and run(Glaive should no do that because it could result in your death)

- You can use Twirling Silver to get out of spawn faster(When you're leaving it, you will regen the energy back if timed well. Your energy is precious but use it if you need to (don't be hesitant).

- Don't use twirling silver if they're at your 3rd-5th turret, it will be on cooldown when you get there(useless Ringo)


If Ringo were Hades, Glaive would be Charon
Glaive will be Afterburning his enemies into the Afterlife by feeding them to the RinGod which will devour their souls and give Glaive Ambient Gold for his trouble
Alongside Phinn, Glaive's priority should be to keep Ringo fat and not dead

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- Afterburn spam
- Aftershock can sustain against and slowly kill high health targets
- High base health
- Annoying, big distraction so they don't target Ringo

- If Ringo is dead, Glaive cannot carry
- CP Path is only for Afterburn spam
- Practice required to Afterburn properly
- Will still run out of energy after Afterburning too much

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Hunt the Weak
Slot: Heroic Perk

Glaive's critical strikes cleave in a 4-meter cone in front of him.
  • Cleave deals half damage to minions.

Not very useful for CP Glaive but still good for faster jungle clear

Slot: A

Glaive rockets in the target direction, damaging all enemies along the way. His next basic attack is replaced by a frightening blast that knocks his target back 5.5 meters and briefly stuns them.

Basically the only reason we are running CP Glaive. Afterburn is one of the most powerful abilities on the Halcyon Fold due to its immense utility. With CP Glaive, you get to have Afterburn every 3 seconds!!! I may upload a video on Afterburn when I have the time(long shot) but for now if you want to learn how to utilise Afterburn, watch some Glaive gameplay on Youtube.(or read my Glaive guide right here)

Twisted Stroke
Slot: B

Instantly executes a critical strike.
  • This ability deals weapon damage, but it can deal bonus crystal damage if you have any crystal power.
  • Triggers basic-attack effects.
  • Passive: Increases critical-strike chance and AOE-cleave damage of basic attacks.

Though the cleave does not proc Aftershock, Aftershock will still hit the primary target. Good for jungle clear, and is an attack reset to squeeze in extra basic attacks

Slot: C

Swings Glaive's axe in a 5.4-meter circle, dealing massive area damage that increases with the number of Bloodsong stacks used. This removes all stacks.
  • Passive: Glaive generates Bloodsong stacks from basic attacking or from receiving basic attacks (max 20 stacks).
  • Each stack grants Glaive bonus lifesteal.

USELESS ACTIVATABLE even with CP. Only use Bloodsong when dying or trying to reveal stealthed heroes(but even using Bloodsong for this is not recommended)

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Item Function
Since CP Glaive is not very fast at clearing the jungle, Stormcrown can make Glaive clear camps faster. Also provides cooldown reduction for more Afterburns
Your main item, it provides percentage health damage, health regeneration based on damage dealt and more cooldown reduction for more Afterburns
Provides a 3 second sprint to catch fleeing enemies or to run away. Provides more cooldown reduction(hahaha) for even MORE Afterburns
WP characters destroying you? Get Metal Jacket to reduce incoming Weapon damage
Enemy building tons of attack speed? Get Atlas Pauldron to slow their speed down to a crawl
Need a reflex block and some more shield? Get Aegis to block dangerous abilities
Your team losing too much health? Get Fountain of Renewal to rejuvenate your team to continue fighting!
Where Aftershock goes, Broken Myth follows. Broken Myth increases Aftershock's damage, granting more healing and damage, especially against high health targets.
Enemy has stealth characters? Buy a Contraption and make them cry. Also provides cooldown reduction
Spamming Afterburn too much and are always low on energy? Get Clockwork. Not recommended but is optional.

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General Gameplay
If Ringo comes down to take jungle farm, give it to him. This is a HyperCarry Ringo team composition, not a HyperCarry Glaive team composition. The point of giving Ringo all your farm is that he can get items faster(Jungle+Lane gold) and delete enemies during team fights. You on the other hand do not need the gold as much, so give Ringo the gold, you get Ambient Gold anyway so you do not fall too far behind in gold.

If your Ringo Carry is constantly in your jungle and neglecting lane, spam Question Mark pings and tell him to go back to lane. Although yes, you are supposed to give Ringo your farm when he is in the jungle, but neglecting lane, which gives way more gold than the jungle, is just dumb.

Gank lane, try to Afterburn the enemy Carry(this is even easier when he is over-extended) into the turret(or at least within Ringo's range). Ringo will then be able to kill the enemy laner, get gold for faster items, and be able to deny the enemy Carry lane farm by making your lane minions die to the enemy turret(when a turret kills a minion it does not give the enemy team any gold).

During team fights, act like you are ganking lane, try to push the enemy Carry into Ringo's reach(or at least Phinn's hook(into Ringo's reach)) for him to kill. From there, Ringo should have no problem dealing with the rest of the enemy team. If the enemy jungler poses a threat to Ringo, peel for him with your Afterburn. Use your Afterburn sparingly, although you can spam it, it is unwise to not use it to protect your HyperCarry.

More in depth Gameplay
For the first rotation head towards the Mid Treant, Phinn should Flare the opposite bush to check for enemies(or if they Flare your bush then obviously they are there). If they attempt to take the Mid Treant, try to steal it, but if you can't(failed to(noob) or the enemy is too threatening( Koshka in the early game is too strong)) then just ignore the Treant. Giving them 100 gold from First Blood is not worth the gold from the Treant.

Keep farming, I cannot emphasise this enough. No one can 1v3, even more unlikely when underfarmed. If the enemy Carry has good positioning and is constantly out of reach of your Afterburn in lane, just ignore him and go back to the jungle to farm. Time wasted camping in lane for no reason is time that could be used to earn gold and win the game. Since CP Glaive cannot clear the jungle very quickly, get Stormguard Banner ASAP to speed up farming, which you can build into Stormcrown later.

Mid Game, when you reach your Power Spike, try to be very aggressive by initiating fights with Afterburn and to keep feeding Ringo free kills, when you get the Ace buff(which you SHOULD) you can:
1)Push turret, especially if you were fighting in lane as it is the closest objective
2)Steal the enemy's back jungle(not recommended if you are too far away from their back camps)
3)Take gold mine as your Stormcrown should be able to deal enough damage to quickly clear these objectives before they respawn. Capitalise on your Ace buffs!

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-Don't target the roam. Unless he/she is the last man/woman standing on the enemy team and/or is using an ultimate that can threaten your team and you desperately need to stun it with Afterburn( Verse of Judgement)

-If the enemy team is really good and is predicting your Afterburn stuns, you can be a jerk and:
1) Afterburn
2)Watch them waste their Reflex Block
3)Laugh maniacally as you punt them into Ringo
If they are really really good and they do not waste their reflex block, thumbs them up they're 2op4u

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Phinn is the tank of his Team. Defensive and support items scale greater on him than on other heroes, and he utilises this extra tankiness with his Polite Company to give a huge chunk of fortified health to his allies. He is able to pull entire Teams back and forth, allowing his team to secure kills or to escape death. The displacement provided by all of his abilities as well as their synergy when used one after another makes Phinn a great Roamer for heroes with few gap closers like Ringo. Phinn's natural tankiness and ability to give Tankiness also suits Ringo's contrasting squishiness. And where he lacks in Speed, Glaive covers him with his rocket powered Afterburn smash.

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- Very good Ability Synergy
- High Health and durability
- Able to Give Tankiness to Teammates
- Many displacement tools
- Cannot be stunned

- Slow
- Very Slow
- Very Very Very Very Slow
- Needs cooldown items for Forced Accord
- No modified Energy

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Slot: Heroic Perk

Phinn cannot be stopped or stunned. All movement-impairing effects are instead reduced to moderate slows, and stuns are converted to silences.
  • He even shrugs off attempts on his life, passively gaining 18% additional armor, shield and max health from items and effects.

Phinn's passive has a very high impact on his decision making as a roamer, as it essentially allows him to body block any single target skillshots. Unstoppable gives him bonus tankiness from all defensive items, and prevents him from ever being slowed or stunned! This means that Phinn will always be on the move, and aiming to block single target crowd control and skillshots for his team.

Slot: A

Phinn slams his anchor down on the targeted location, heavily slowing enemies for 1.1s.
  • Overdrive: At max rank, the slow becomes a stun!
  • Deals reduced damage to minions.

Quibble is best used when you can land it with your enemy right in the centre. This makes it always a confirmed stun. To achieve this, be patient with your Quibble, and try to use it deep in team fights when the enemy team is ontop of you. Quibble has a very large radius, so learn to gauge where the radius of confirmed stuns to grant your Ringo more time to shred.

Polite Company
Slot: B

Phinn stomps the earth, damaging all enemies in a wide area and nudging them toward him. The effect reverberates around allies, temporarily granting them fortified health.
  • Fortified health increases by 5% of Phinn's bonus health and 18% of Phinn's bonus armor/shield.

Polite Company is an energy consuming Health buff for his allies, as well as a displacement tool. You can use Polite Company to initiate a fight by pulling enemies towards yourself. This also buffs the Health of your Ringo, allowing him to enter the fight with more sustainability. Comboing Polite Company with Quibble is a very common Phinn technique, which is relatively easy to pull off, but very deadly with this combination of heroes due to Ringo's burst potential. Refrain from using this ability unnecessarily as it eats a lot of energy.

Forced Accord
Slot: C

Phinn throws his anchor in a direction. After the anchor reaches its destination, Phinn yanks it back, damaging all enemies in its path and pulling them back to him.

Forced Accord is best used on enemies at a distance, as the hook takes time to travel distances, and ironically, it strikes faster at further than nearer targets. This is because the hook has to fly out and then return to catch its targets, so further enemies will be hooked first. Forced Accord is often used as an initiator to pull the enemy team into a 3v1 or 3v2. However, a better use of Forced Accord is to hook them when they are retreating. Why hold Forced Accord? Because Forced Accord can also be used defensively, for hooking the entire enemy team into you while your teammates escape. Be prepared to sacrifice :)

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Use in conjunction with Allies with Slow Jungle Clear.
Use against Strong Early Game Enemies who are very likely to invade.
A must build for All Roamers. Try to get it before 8 Minutes.
Team Support Item that gives Bonus Health to Phinn's Polite Company. Helps your Team Reposition quickly, and to disengage or Engage.
Build Early in all Matchups. Flare every bush that your team is about to walk Into.
Build After War Treads and Fountain
People tend to rush out a Contraption Early. This is incorrect. Get a Flare Gun and Scout Traps, and establish as much map vision as possible. Roamer Items are cheaper than carry items, so you can afford the vision.
Build this against AOE Abilities like Adagio's Verse of Judgement or Celeste's Solar Storm.
Build against enemies with high attack speed.
Build as a slot Filler if your allies have no gap closers.
Build against Roamers with many Active items.

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During the First Rotation, Phinn follows his team to contest Mid Treant. It is fine if the Treant is lost, as Long as first blood is not fed. Phinn then proceeds to rotate up to lane. He hides in the lane Bush and only walks out to last hit minions. If the enemy minions are close to damaging the turret, Phinn should walk out to tank damage for the Turret. When the Ringo and Glaive return from their First Rotation, Phinn should recall and buy. Immediately after, he should make his way down to the lowest jungle camp to meet the Ringo and begin the second Jungle Clear. In the early game, Phinn repeats this Cycle with Glaive and rotates back and forth between jungle and lane to receive ambient and to hold lane.
At 4 Minutes, the entire Team rotates down to buy, and pushes the enemy's front camps. At this point, you must work together as a team to deprive the enemy from as much farm as possible. This can be achieved by several means, such as ganking their laner, taking their fronts, dropping their turrets, and taking gold mine when it is full. Of course, Ringo should always take the occasional trip back to his jungle to clear the farm, but only do so if the camps are full of gold. It is better to take the enemy's camps than your own camps.
During midgame, Ringo hits his Ultra Powerspike and your team should have a huge lead over the enemy in terms of raw damage potential. Press your advantage as much as you can. Ringo Shreds objectives. Eliminate their Crystal Miner. Take their Backs and their Fronts. Melt their turrets. Or melt them instead :3 This is your most powerful point in the game, so push your advantage as hard as you can and go all out for the win. Use your powerful pulls to grab any enemy that you see, regardless of numbers. Ringo will destroy them. If the enemy has 2 or fewer turrets, a kraken push is almost always a win.
If the enemy somehow holds out until the Late game, it becomes difficult to win, but not impossible. At this stage, you are the most powerful member of your Team. It is unlikely that the enemy will build Defence against CP, so consider building a shatterglass or a broken myth to help to maintain damage. The best you can do now is to land godly pulls and hope for an ace. The first team to ace wins :)

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1. Phinn is very slow, making Jungle Invades very difficult. Try to use your displacement abilities alongside Glaive to take the initiation into your own Territory.

2. Due to the Midgame Nature of this Comp, Phinn should Forced Accord whenever the opportunity arises. If your allies are near you, and you flare a bush and there is an enemy carry or jungler inside it, just pull them. Do not think, just pull them, and your carries will shred them to bits.


1. Lack of Vision
One very common mistake I see players making is placing vision incorrectly. I value vision very much, and I find that it is vital to Flare Gun every single bush that my team walks into. After doing so, I tend to place a Scout Trap there so that I do not have to flare it as often, and can have permanent vision without being present. Vision is very powerful in vainglory. Being able to see your enemies on the map can tell you whether or not it is safe to overextend, or give you early notice to a plan to push your jungle. Vision allows you to see what your opponent's do not expect you to see, and that tends to be their downfall.

2. Wrong Placement of Scout Traps
Many times, I see players placing their Scout Trap wherever it is convenient to place it. Unless you are playing an early game rush comp where the damage is significant, you should always try to place Scout Traps where enemies would not step on them.
Imagine that your Team starts on the Left side of the map. As a rule, you always want to Scout Trap the corner of the bush that is furthest from the enemy team.

Notice how the Scout Traps are all placed at the left most corner of the bush. This is the correct way to Utilize Scout Traps.

3. CS Taking
One HUGE Sin for a roamer, is to take their laner or jungler's farm. Unless it is being fed to turret or one's own minions, a Roamer should NEVER try to get farm. Stealing your Jungler or Laner's farm causes them to fall behind in terms of gold and Xp. Roamer Items are Cheaper than Carry Items. Take a hit for the Team.

4. Peeling
This tends to apply only to roamers with enemy movement abilities such as Phinn's Forced Accord, or Glaive's Afterburn. These skills can cause your enemy to be knocked out of a Celeste's Core Collapse, or out of reach of an ally Krul. Do not peel recklessly. You can throw kills that way.

5. Roaming (Alone)
Roaming does not mean to walk around the map. It means to stick with one Teammate at all times, unless you are moving from Teammate to Teammate. Sometimes, I see my roamer in the enemy's jungle and I'm just wondering, why are they even in there. Leaving your Carry for a second can cause them to be ganked and killed if you do not provide enough vision. Leaving your jungler reduces their clear speed by a quarter. You must know how to manage roaming between carry and jungler, but definitely not off on your own.

6. Risky Fountains
Many new players think that if they Fountain of Renewal just as their teammate is about to die, it will save them. This is not true, as the Fountain of Renewal initial heal is not difficult to burst down. As a general rule of the thumb for newer players, use Fountain of Renewal in combat if your Teammates are below one third (1/3) health.

"Obtained from 3 Essential Adagio Builds by Radiance"

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Thank you for taking the time to read our Hypercarry Ringo Guide. We hope this Team Comp will encourage synergistic drafting between lower level users, and maybe it might even put a smile on your face when you run into that CP Glaive in casual. This is the first project which the 3ssential Team has pushed out, and it really is like diving into the deep unknowns of the ocean, as this guide is the first of its kind on VGFire. Given enough support, we will continue to push out collab guides with other Guide Writers, to bring you even more content that is updated regularly due to superior manpower. Please do remember to check out some of the other works by our Guide Writers for more quality content!!!


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Posted 25th May

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