Weapon Glaive is a terror to encounter in the jungle, especially if he is well farmed and played right. Using him effectively requires careful play and though he is slightly harder to play compared to his crystal counterpart, he would be able to out damage him in the long run. With the right knowledge and play-style, a weapon Glaive can be incredibly difficult for the opposing team to counter during the late game as he annihilates everything in his path to victory.
A weapon Glaive has several weaknesses though and the build path I suggested above, along with my play-style focuses of getting rid of them first. Let's have a rundown of all his weaknesses.
A weapon Glaive is generally weak compared to other heroes, early to mid game, atleast till he reaches level 6. He can be bursted down easily by any crystal intensive heroes.
Going full weapon would prompt atleast one of the members of the enemy team to buy some armor during mid game which could cut down his damage potential immensely.
A weapon Glaive would be very mana/energy dependent all throughout the game
Glaive is a very versatile hero. You could play him as a jungler, laner, or captain/support. His first ability Afterburn (A) Glaive rockets in the target direction, damaging enemies along the way. His basic attack knocks people away and stuns them for a short period of time. His second ability Twisted Stroke (B) Glaive instantly executes a critical strike. This ability deals weapon power, it can also deal crystal power (if you go crystal power). It triggers basic-attack effects. Lastly, its passive increases critical-strike chance and AOE-cleave damage of basic attacks.
Finally, his Ultimate, Bloodsong (C) Glaive swings his axe in a circle dealing area damage that increases with the number of stacks used. This ability removes all stacks. Glaive generates Bloodsong stacks from basic attacking or from receiving basic attacks (max 20 stacks). Each stack grnats Glaive bonus lifesteal.
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