Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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Joule |
Just block her stun and be in a safe place before using suppressing fire otherwise she might ult you. |
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Phinn |
Not a problem alone. Block his stun and pull |
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Lyra |
Watch out when she ults on your team for she could have atlas pauldron ready. |
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Adagio |
Not much of a problem especially alone. Make sure to block his ult if he sets you on fire |
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Ringo |
No big deal |
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Alpha |
Not much of a threat. But she can snipe you if you are low on health. If she ults, use roadie run or move away. |
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Ardan |
His gauntlet can ruin your day and i dont recommend shanking people while inside. Try to anticipate a punch because of the punch-instant atlas combo so u can block it. |
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Gwen |
Not a big threat other than her stun. Otherwise have fun ripping Gwen to shreds. |
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Petal |
Easy kill if you have stacks don't worry about the munions just go for petal |
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Ozo |
Block the stun and don't engage without full stacks. |
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Skye |
Cp can be a problem. Block her ult or you might die |
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Idris |
Haven't had much experience fighting Idris. Move away from his chakrams early game though. |
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Vox |
WP not a problem, Cp is though. |
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Flicker |
Really annoying. Make sure you have vision |
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Grumpjaw |
Meh. Block ult |
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Baptiste |
His stun and fear can ruin your day along with skill shots. Kite him and block his cc as best as you can and you'll live. |
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Blackfeather |
Alone he isn't a big threat but with support, he can dice you up. Be careful |
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Churnwalker |
Annoying with the amount of damage he can do without building dmg items . He can also pull you out of position and your whole team. I don't recommend playing saw against this guy. |
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Grace |
Watch out for her stun |
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Lorelai |
Watch out for her stun |
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Catherine |
Watch out for her stun |
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Fortress |
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May the best SAW win! You of course (duh). Vulnerable during suppressing fire, attack has been slowed, or little to no stacks. |
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Lance |
If he tries to root you, use roadie run to stab and roll away or block it as well as his B and atlas pauldron. |
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Samuel |
Dodge his A and watch out for his ult. Kite him and you should be fine. |
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Reza |
His burst damage can be insane in a team fight but he can put up a good fight in a 1v1. Block his A and Ult though in a team fight. |
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Varya |
With my experience, she is a difficult match up because of her A and the shield that she gets with her B. She is most vulnerable when her B is on cooldown. Rip her to shreds when you get the chance. |
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Baron |
He out damages you and out ranges you with his Mortars. Bully him in early game so you can slow his builds. Baron is a force to be reckoned with late game. Be careful |
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Glaive |
Make sure to block his AfterBurn or you'll die. |
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Krul |
Block stun and stay away from bushes without vision. His gap closer has a small range and a bit slow so keep your distance and you should be fine. |
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Tony |
Could be a big threat with the two stuns in his kit as well as a major knock-back and his natural tankiness. Especialy if this guy is going crit. |
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No Threat |
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Rona |
If she jumps on you, use roadie run or boots and wait for support. She is the queen of sustain and in a 1v1 scenario, SAW will get his head split open with an axe. |
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Koshka |
Make sure to block her stun or you will most likely die. Don't 1v1 just run. |
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Skaarf |
Bad match up. He out-ranges you and counters your life-steal with his burn especially if Skaarf is building spellfire. But realy squishy. Dodge his skillshots as best as you can and hope for the best |
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Celeste |
Like Skaarf, she out-ranges you with her skillshots and her stun can really give you a bad time. Reflex Block it and you will be fine. But super squishy and immobile. Kite her and |
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Kestrel |
Another bad match up. Use your minions or allies as a shield from her Glimmershots and auto-attack her whenever possible to apply pressure. |
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