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Ardan |
his tank builds can be annoying, but only due to the fact that he takes quite some time to kill. just root when with members of your team, and he's as good as gone. |
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Adagio |
his ult can be annoying, but just push him away with the wall when he begins to channel. if you can, try and stop the ult altogether by walling him into an object, and he should become stunned, leaving you ample time to kill him. |
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Petal |
not much of a problem, even with her minions, shes not much of a threat. be sure to root her, even gythian wall her away or to your turret, and she's not useful at all |
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Alpha |
my advice is to watch for prime directive, her A ability. with the power to chase after opponents, she can kill you when you're weak. just be sure to wall her away, and you'll kill her off with teammates. |
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Vox |
really, no threat at all. just watch for his silence, and just root/stun him for your teammates. 'nuff said. |
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Ozo |
his ult is the only real problem here. otherwise, when with your team or at least one other laner or jungler, you should have no problem whatsoever. |
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Rona |
her ult is he only real factor for complaining here. just be sure to simply walk away, and either stun or root her just after her ult, and you team members should do the rest. |
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with his after affect of slowed speed with his A ability, you really don't need to stun or root him, though i would recommend it after he regains his speed. jut try to gank him from the bushes if he trys to push, and you'll wall him into the turret, thus resulting in him taking massive damage, or a full on kill. |
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Blackfeather |
though not much of a threat, just be sure to watch for his piercing lunge, and be sure to roll away if he begins to give haste. otherwise, you should have no problem at all. |
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Reim |
just be sure to watch for winter spire's after affect of higher damage, and you should be fine. just root or stun, and you and you members should kill him off with haste. |
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Ringo |
the only hing to watch for here his is Achilles shot, seeing as how it reduces your speed nearly double. just roll out of the way, and try to root him ASAP before his teammates get there. try to gank out of the bushes near the lane by lunging after him with your A ability, and you should kill him easily. |
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Skaarf |
once again, just gank from the bushes with your A ability, and you should kill him off, seeing as he's extremely squishy. just beware of his spitfire, and ult, (which you can really just root or roll out of) and you should be fine. |
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Lance |
now here's where it gets interesting. depending on the oppositions build, it can go one of three ways. if running a full support build (very common) they would be a little tankier, but should deal no damage at all, whuch should resutl in a stalemate unless your full team, or even one other person is present. if running a CPl build, chances are they have no physical damage at all, and if you're running Ageis, he should go down no problem when stunned or rooted. and lastly, if running a WP build, even similar to yours, it can be quite the match. just be sure to have some team members to support you, and there should be no threat at all. |
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Kestrel |
it's best watch for her stun and run combo. when she's using her B ability, try to avoid being caught in the crossfire and stunned simultaneously eiher with her auto attack or arrows. otherwise, if caught off guard, and either rooted and stunned, she's not much of a threat. only thing making up her risk factor, is her B ability. |
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Celeste |
just be sure to watch for her A ability, and always roll out of harms way when she uses her Ult. if you can, save a teammate from death by rolling in front of the blast, but only if you're high on health, or running Ageis. |
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Skye |
just watch for her annoying forward barrage A ability, as it can chip away at your health very slowly. also, stunning her or rooting her as mentioned in Ringo's and Saw's explanation can kil her off pretty fast. just be sure to do it right. |
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Fortress |
through my personal experiences, he's not too tough. be sure to watch you health though, as he can pull some crits out of nowhere and not to mention at the worst possible times. my advice is to push him away with the wall, and try to let your ranged teammate pull off some damage off first, then go in for the kill with the root alongside your teammates. he should be no problem when with members of your team. |
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Phinn |
Annoying as he is, rooting him isn't as effective as it is on mot hero's. just try push him when he activates his slam, or roll out of the way during his ult, and you should have no trouble when in team fights or singling him out. |
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Taka |
the only real problem here is his X-retsu. with the added affect of bleeding damage, and no heath regeneration, he can be annoying to pinpoint with your root. my best advice, is to wall him into an object, then beat the living shit out of him as he can get quite annoying with his B ability. ah, the sweet sanctification of killing Taka is one like no other. especially when its because of a root. *insert evil laugh* |
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Glaive |
though despite a great jungler, he can be quite annoying at times. with his ability to stun after boosting, try to root or stun him while amongst team members, and you should be able to kill him with no problem. and don't forget, if he boosts away, roll through skinny walls. you'll catch up to him shortly. |
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Catherine |
her stun can kill a man, no joke. watch for her in team fights. if she approaches you with relentless pursuit, just wall her away, and be sure to watch for her two second stun delay afterwards. otherwise, just be sure to push her away if she stuns, but otherwise, you're teammates can easily kill her off, with your help of course. ;) |
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No Threat |
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Koshka |
her stun can turn the tides of the team fight. if caught in her grasp, chances are the entire team is focusing on you, and its best to root and/or stun her as fast as possible if spotted with the opposing team. try your best to counter her ult with Ageis or Crucible's guard, and you should be in the clear. |
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Joule |
when caught in the jungle, (and taking note of how over-tanky she can be) and even in the lane, it best to watch for her rocket jump, as it's especially painful when other members are focusing on your stunned posture. if you can, root her and try to stun her with the wall, and its possible to take a large chunk out of her health, and rarely kill her. |
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No Threat |
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