Overpowered CP jungle ozo with full guide by freewilly

Overpowered CP jungle ozo with full guide

By: freewilly
Last Updated: Dec 18, 2016
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Build: Lifesteal Ozo

Ability Path

Carnie Luck
Heroic Perk
Three-Ring Circus

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
Celeste Her core collapse is difficult to land to stun you, so she isnt a huge problem. Build an aegis for her ult and target her and you will be fine.
Samuel He is squishy, and it is pretty easy to avoid his abilities. Target him first in a team fight so he cannot ult your whole team.
Krul It is impossible for him to stay on you because of your movement, and his health is nothing without lifesteal, so he isnt a big problem. watch put for his ult late game
Taka Taka is squishy and can't do too much damage to you with your lifesteal. The biggest problem is his stealth. Make sure your roamer has flares so you can stay on him for the kill
Koshka She has high damage potential but is pretty squishy. With your speed and lifesteal, you should be able to beat her pretty easily. Just remember to replace your fountain with an aegis because of her ult
Skaarf His goop can be annoying, but it is easy to avoid. He is pretty squishy, and with your movement, it is fairly easy to avoid his ult
Ringo His slow and high damage can shred you, but if you target him first, he is easy to kill. Build and aegis instead of a fountain for his ultimate
Rona Her ult is easy to avoid with your movement, so her lifesteal wont work. She has a considerable amount of health, so plan your abilities carefully so you dont get stuck near her with no abilities to use.
Baron His crystal path gives him high damge but only if he hits you with his A ability. Your movement will be able to get you away from him. His weapon path isnt that good, so he is not a difficlut enemy
Joule Joule has a stun, but it is difficult to for her to land if you continue to move. Avoid her ult and consider an Aegis instead of fountain
Skye She can be pretty dangerous if she targets you, but as long as you avoid her targeting and A ability, you should be fine
Reim If you keep moving, it is hard for him to deal damage. He has high health capabilties however, so dont 1v1 him unless he is low
Lyra If she is roaming, it is impossible to kill the jungler with her massive amounts of heal. make sure you target her in team fights. If she is laning, she is squishy and easy to kill
Phinn His high health and stun are devastating in team fights, so make sure you save him for last. He doesn't have great heal or defense abilities for his team, so definitely go for the jungler and laner. Build an aegis rather than a fountain to defend against his ult.
Gwen Her slow and stun can be pretty tough to counter, however, her ult is hard to land and she is pretty squishy, so make sure she isnt targeting you, then go for the kill
Ozo If he is building weapon, you should be able to kill him with a helper. If he is also building crystal, he will be a threat to your team, so make sure someone on your team can stun or slow him
Alpha When she is building crystal, stay away from her ult and A abilities. she is good at chasing, so if you are low, you have a better chance of sticking around and letting your lifesteal kick in. She also had good health, so in a teamfight, target the laner before her.
Kestrel Her stun and high damage potential can be a pain, so make sure you are mindful of where she stealths. She doesn't have a great amount of health, so target her immediately and you will be fine.
Vox He can be really annoying with team fights because of resonance. Make sure you target him first and avoid his ulti so you aren't silenced.
Petal She can deal lots of damage, and has great chasing/slowing capability. Dont fight her unless she is low or you have someone else
Ardan He can grant his allies strong health barriers, which is a pain in late game. his ult can also get you killed with the stun. Build and Aegis instead of a fountain, and in a teamfight, target whichever player he did not fortify first.
Adagio He is a good healer, and arcane fire can hurt you when he attacks you. Make sure you have an aegis for his ult, because it has high damage and can stun.
SAW He has very high damage, and his slow can be very annoying. It is also hard to take him down with his lifesteal. Target him first and build an aegis instead of a fountain
Fortress He is tanky, and has a lot of damage potential building weapon or crystal, he can also mark you and grant his whole team lifesteal. Save him for last so his sprint perk wont work and his abilities will have less perks
Catherine Beware of her stuns. This can devastate your B ability, giving you no lifesteal and getting you immediately targeted. When playing Catherine, usually buy an Aegis instead of Fountain. Also keep an eye out for how her ult can silence you.
Lance His stuns and roots are pretty hard to get out of, and he is pretty tanky. Dont target him right away but go for whichever jungler he is paired with.
Blackfeather His slow, lifesteal, chasing, and health make him very difficult to face, when he is with a roamer, take out the laner first in a teamfight. stay away from him early game.
Glaive If glaive stuns you, you dont have a great chance of surviving. His high weapon power will shred you when you are stunned. IN late game fights, wait to engage until after your roamer has engaged, or after you see him use his stun. Build and aegis instead of a fountain
Flicker He is a huge pain because of his B ability slow. In the early game, stay away from him and don't get into team fights until you have your aftershock. Be mindful where you are standing, because his A ability can do lots of crystal damage without you even noticing

Using your A ability Top

Your A ability has three strikes. Between each of these hits, you can basic attack. When chasing an enemy, you should basic attack in between each strike. This will allow you to utilize your aftershock and get the most damage possible. Make sure you watch out for the second strike during the early game, however, because it sends you barrelling through the enemy to their other side, which can get you into trouble in early game by putting you too deep within the enemy lines. Nonetheless, the second strike is great for chasing. The third strike will deal damage to all people surrounding you, so in a teamfight, try to affect as many people as possible and get maximum lifesteal.

Using your B ability Top

It takes skill to land this move successfully. However, it is your most important move, with large amounts of damage and massive lifesteal. You should always bounce on your main target first, this way you can land on them last, dealing lots of damage and quickly following up with your A ability. You should always target the squishiest person as your first target. Because of this move's lifesteal, you can win fights even at a sliver of health. If you plan doing this however, make sure you reflex block or fountain yourself after the first jump, because you are vulnerable in mid air, and you wont be able to lifesteal until your second jump. Also try to land close to as many enemies as possible on your third jump. This deals area damage, and grants lifesteal from anyone you damage. This also allows you to quickly get the kill with your A ability, and if you place it correctly, you can also land your third A ability strike on many enemies. (See using your A ability)

Using your fountain in the late game Top

Use your fountain after you hit your first target with your B ability. You are vulnerable in the air, and you need to heal before your aftershock lifesteal kicks in.

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