Because Kestrel has both amazing ability combo's and if your
Glimmershot runs out and you are being chased attacked and can't use
Active Camo you can resort in to using Kestrel's basic attacks. I know its a tad bit hard to farm for all this items but I assure you that you it will pay off. I use this build and can get a lot off kills(assists if your teammates steal your kills) in mid to late game. It can grant you immunity against powerful
Tanks, and
Mages. Kestrel can also live an ambush and the possibility to kill all the opponents that ambushed her thanks to the Shatterglass, Clockwork, Sorrowblade, tornado Trigger and Serpent's Mask or run away with Journey Boots, Aegis, Fountain of Renewal, Atlas Pauldron and Crucible. This items are practical but unnecessary at the same time.
Note:This is my first build guide please correct my mistakes if there are in a civilized manner. Thanks!
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