Gwen (WP & CP) Walkthrough (Patch 2.1) by Kal6

Gwen (WP & CP) Walkthrough (Patch 2.1)

By: Kal6
Last Updated: Feb 19, 2017
6 Votes
Build 1 of 2


Build: Gwen (WP)

Ability Path

Heroic Perk
Buckshot Bonanza
Aces High

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
Reim Don't underestimate a reim, he typically isn't someone to worry about but any hero can be strong if they are farmed and played well
Fortress With team coordination fortress can take you down easily. He recently got a defense buff but you won't see him much still
Flicker Easily countered by vision items, not a threat unless his slow/root lands on you. Just buy scout traps.
Baron He's got damage that's for sure, but he isn't played much and with his low mobility you should be fine.
Adagio Good all around. I think the main thing you need to watch out for is his empowered basic attacks when hes played as a damage dealer.
Ardan Don't get caught in his gauntlet, but just use skedaddle to get out if you do. He's a threat if you let him be, use him to build breaking point stacks as soon as he gets in range to ensure victory.
Lyra strong basic attacks in the early game and provides heals for your opponents- she can be annoying to play against. IF shes being played as a damage dealer, be more cautious of that basic attack
Ozo A tanky ozo can be scary. Get those Breaking point stacks up and show him whos boss, reflex block his ultimate, dont skedaddle it
Rona Not the biggest concern but she's got more than enough to kill you if you let her. don't let her get close
SAW Faster attack speed than you and more basic attack range. Poke him and buy book of Eulogies to stay alive...
Idris Still not too many idris players out there it seems but the ones who do play him are usually pretty good in my experience, he can be tricky to evade but with your teammates help you'll live if you build defense against him
Catherine Hard to kill, Consistent stuns and an ultimate that will limit your options for a few seconds if landed.
Krul Krul has the tools necessary to keep you on your toes and stick like glue to you. Ping your team for help, skedaddle when necessary, and you'll be fine.
Taka Use vision to counter him, stuns are good for stopping him too. You'll die instantly to him if you've got no defense
Glaive Afterburn. Afterburn. Afterburn. be careful and run ... glaive is like the new taka, don't think you wont get dived.
Celeste She's got as much range as your buckshot, high damage and the potential to create a minefield of stars, often locking you out or blowing you up
Blackfeather Sustain, mobility, damage... keep away from him. Kite for your life
Joule With gwen's lower than average basic attack range, joules thunderstrike can be a problem. not to mention her other scary tools..
Lance lots of roots & stuns coming out of lance. very dangerous. 1 skedaddle won't save you from a good lance, don't get caught by him.
Alpha Very strong but you can use her to build BP stacks usually since she has to get close. skedaddle if her A lands on you to try and avoid the damage+slow
Koshka High burst damage, high mobility, and sometimes impossible to avoid... Use your skedaddle to get out of her ultimate but don't stick around to get bursted down. kite hard.
Samuel Sam will poke and kite you all day. He's got more range on his basic attack than you do too, keep that in mind when you're engaging him (most heroes do)
Skaarf Similar to Samuel in some ways. our lSam will poke and kite you all day. He's got more range on his basic attack than you do too, keep that in mind when ittle dragon friend can flame and burn up anyone, just remember that goops are deadlier than fireballs.
Kestrel CP kestrel can ruin anyones day, WP kestrel is also strong.. You should be able to win every time though if you have vision, avoid her traps, and ultimate (easy right?)
Petal Most likely banned anyway, an obvious threat this patch because her minions are crazy!
Phinn THE HOOK. DONT GET HOOKED. He can also keep you out of the fight or in it when you don't want to be with his powerful stun and pulls. watch your step!
Ringo hes STRONG. don't let him out trade you with his insane attack speed and you will be good
Skye Both CP and WP skye are really strong. this patch (2.1) I would say Jungle/CP skye is more of a concern.
Vox WP vox is on par with ringo, watch the bouncing basic attacks at all times and just like other carry enemies, kill him before his stacks fill up. Don't get kited by him either, you won't like being on a 1v3 highlight compilation =)
  No Threat
  No Threat


Build: Gwen (CP)

Ability Path

Heroic Perk
Buckshot Bonanza
Aces High

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
  No Threat
Fortress With team coordination fortress can take you down easily. He recently got a defense buff but you won't see him much still
Flicker Easily countered by vision items/buckshot, not a threat unless his slow/root lands on you. Just buy scout traps.
Baron He's got damage that's for sure, but he isn't played much and with his low mobility you should be fine.
Reim Don't underestimate a reim, he typically isn't someone to worry about but any hero can be strong if they are farmed and played well
Rona Not the biggest concern but she's got more than enough to kill you if you let her. don't let her get close
Krul Krul has the tools necessary to keep you on your toes and stick like glue to you. Ping your team for help, skedaddle when necessary, and you'll be fine.
Lance lots of roots & stuns coming out of lance. very dangerous. 1 skedaddle won't save you from a good lance. good thing playing cp gwen lets us use skedaddle more often
Lyra strong basic attacks in the early game and provides heals for your opponents- she can be annoying to play against. IF shes being played as CP, be more cautious of that basic attack. her heals will sustain your enemies a little so getting them low on health can be more of an issue as CP gwen vs WP
Joule Mainly have to watch out for her jump and ultimate, which can be deadly, especially if combined. She should never be within thunderstrike range when playing CP gwen
Idris Still not too many idris players out there it seems but the ones who do play him are usually pretty good in my experience, he can be tricky to evade but with your teammates help you'll live if you build defense against him
Catherine hit her with buckshot when her shield is down. she can be hard to take down and her consistent stuns + ultimate need to be watched out for especially as cp gwen
Ardan His ultimate will be your main obstacle. just skedaddle through it and don't use buckshot on enemies that have barriers
SAW SAW is a higher threat to CP gwen than WP gwen because he can put a lot of pressure
Taka buckshot will deal well with taka. Use vision to counter him, stuns are good for stopping him too. You'll die instantly to him if you've got no defense
Adagio Good all around. I think the main thing you need to watch out for is his empowered basic attacks when hes played as a damage dealer. As CP gwen, adagios heals can be more of an issue
Koshka High burst damage, high mobility, and sometimes impossible to avoid... Use your skedaddle to get out of her ultimate but don't stick around to get bursted down. kite hard.
Celeste She's got as much range as your buckshot, high damage and the potential to create a minefield of stars, often locking you out or blowing you up
Blackfeather Sustain, mobility, damage... keep away from him. Kite for your life
Ozo A tanky ozo can be scary. reflex block his ultimate, dont skedaddle it. just like alpha, you want to keep him in particular at a distance with buckshot before he engages
Alpha Very strong. skedaddle if her A lands on you to try and avoid the damage+slow. Try to keep her specifically away from your team with buckshot before she can engage
Kestrel CP kestrel can ruin anyones day, WP kestrel is also strong.. Buckshot does well against her. You should be able to win against her if you keep vision on her
Glaive Afterburn. Afterburn. Afterburn. be careful and run ... glaive is like the new taka, don't think you wont get dived, because you will... over and over. be careful
Samuel Sam will poke and kite you all day. He's got more range on his basic attack than you do too, keep that in mind when you're engaging him (most heroes do)
Skaarf Similar to Samuel in some ways. our little dragon friend can flame and burn up anyone, just remember that goops are deadlier than fireballs.
Petal Most likely banned anyway, an obvious threat this patch because her minions are crazy!
Phinn THE HOOK. DONT GET HOOKED. He can also keep you out of the fight or in it when you don't want to be with his powerful stun and pulls. watch your step!
Ringo hes STRONG. don't let him out trade you with his insane attack speed and you will be good. spam him with buckshot to prevent him from getting close
Skye Both CP and WP skye are really strong. this patch (2.1) I would say Jungle/CP skye is more of a concern.
Vox WP vox is on par with ringo (which means he really strong), watch the bouncing basic attacks at all times and just like other carry enemies, kill him before his stacks fill up. Don't get kited by him either, you won't like being on a 1v3 highlight compilation =)
  No Threat
  No Threat


Introduction to Gwen, The Gunslinger

One of the last heroes to join us in 2016, Gwen is among my personal favorites. In this guide I'll be going over both of her paths, CP & WP. I'd like to make it clear though before we start that weapon power Gwen is the recommended way to go and you should start with it first if you're looking to learn her. Gwen is a powerful hero with lots of damage who can be hard to lock down if played right, but she is very squishy. Having a great kit for laning, especially in this patch (2.0), where ranged and poke-heavy heroes are dominant, shes become a star of the winter season. Note that I consider her to be a medium difficulty hero (her in-game description says that she is easy). Her abilities can easily be misused and more than often, players don't use them to their full potential. Before we start, watch the video below to get an good idea of who Gwen is. I'll be making references to things in video too.

Gwen's official spotlight by SEMC. I'll touch on everything mentioned in the video. Also keep in mind changes may have been made to Gwen since this videos creation.


Gwen's Kit

Heroic Perk


After every 1.6 seconds without attacking your next basic attack does 50% more base damage. Attack speed shortens the time needed to reset it.

This passive is very useful for last hitting minions in the early game and for poking at the enemy during fights later on. A common question people ask is "should I wait for her passive during fights?". The answer is no, keep hitting them because it's better to get started on Breaking Point stacks. The only time you should wait for Boomstick is in situations like at the end of Gwen's spotlight (skip to 3:25) where she is able to poke Baron and Glaive with her buckshot after using boomstick to quickly stop the enemy from advancing before they even had the chance to strike back.


Buckshot Bonanza

An easy ability to land, Buckshot Bonanza is a cone shaped area of effect ability that shoots in the target direction, much like a shotgun. With a very far reach, buckshot slows and provides vision on anyone hit by it for 2 seconds.

As part of their mechanics, lane minions attack enemies who hit you when they're within range. Using this mechanic to your advantage is one way we can get more out of buckshot. By using this ability on the enemy laner when minions are out of reach, you can pull them closer to you and at the same time get some poke damage while staying safe from the danger of what may be waiting for you in the bushes. Speaking of bushes, it's always very risky walking into them because camping a bush and ambushing the enemy is a common strategy... luckily Buckshot Bonanza provides vision so use it to check bushes when you aren't sure it's safe so you don't take unnecessary risks by face checking the bush. Buckshot has a powerful slow, use this secure kills before an attack, to catch up to an enemy out of Gwen's short basic attack range, or to slow enemies that are chasing you to ensure your getaway.[/color]



Skedaddle gives Gwen a speed boost and removes all negative effects when activated, it's like having a 2nd pair of boots that can be used at any time. It also gives you a permanent speed boost of 0.8 when learned but it goes away for 4 seconds when an enemy hero attacks you.

This ability which really separates Gwen from other heroes because she's able to stay mobile in dangerous situations. Positioning is crucial as a laner/carry, you want to stay within range of your target but also out of the enemy team's range too. You'll find accomplishing this can be tricky sometimes because of Gwen's very short basic attack range, that's why it's important to know when to use skedaddle because to stay safe you have to avoid those huge abilities like Ardan's Gauntlet and Koshka's Yummy Catnip Frenzy and just walk away from them like they never happened. When timed right, you can get out of any sticky situation with skedaddle. I think it's important to say that skedaddle has a long cooldown, so deciding when to use it as almost as important as remembering to use it at all. Just because there's a negative effect on you doesn't mean you should immediately use skedaddle, remember that there are 3 enemies so that's 3 potential risks and you can only block 1.


Aces high

A skillshot that damages anything it passes through, goes over obstacles, and only stops to stun enemy heroes.

This is the hardest ability to use in Gwen's kit because it's got an odd hitbox/visual, so sometimes even when it looks like it will land for sure, it doesn't. It's best to use this on slowed enemies maybe or ones who are coming toward you so they walk into it for you. Getting good with this one will take a lot of practice, if you're a Krul player you should do well since his ultimate is very similar.

In high tier play, aces high is often used to engage the enemy damage dealers, save your teammates by stunning the enemy before they die, or stun lock someone (when your team combines abilities to lock down a target for a long time) For example Gwen's Aces High + Catherine's Merciless Pursuit + Skye's Death From Above used on a single target in a timed succession.


Item Buying, WP Gwen

In every match, the way you spend your gold is almost as important as how much gold you have. In this part of g0uide we'll go over the options I've listed, when to choose them, and why.

Final Build

BP is the most important item for this build. The stacks you get from it's passive will increase your damage to an unmatched level and usually the outcome of every fight is heavily effected by who can build Breaking Point stacks first. We buy this immediately because it gives decent attack speed, weapon damage and the stacks just really help to put you in a position of power during conflicts.

The 2nd item built, Tyrant's Monocle is effective because it makes critical hits much more likely, while also giving us a good amount of weapon damage. Combined with BP (Breaking Point) we'll be doing great damage once stacks get going. In the typical final build for this path, we also buy a 2nd tyrants as one of our last items instead of a 2nd sorrowblade because having 2 gives us very consistent critical hits.

A huge part of our damage source, having Sorrowblade makes every attack more impactful and whether you want 2 sorrowblades or 2 tyrants is up to you. As I said before, having 2 tyrants gives us very consistent critical hits. However, having 2 sorrowblades makes every critical hit deal a lot more damage, they just wont occur as often but hey if you're feeling lucky then go for it. I've won games with both ways but I'd recommend 2 tyrants.

Gwen struggles with energy and she's got high cooldowns. This is a major issue for WP Gwen and Halcyon Chargers offers the solution. Providing the much needed stats we need to stay in the fight longer, these boots are the better choice over . Yes, journey boots offer more speed and has a much lower cooldown than other boots but with Gwen we already have a lot of speed and another source of boost with Skedaddle.

Really something that I'm seeing more of lately on damage dealers instead of the standard defense items. Personally, I love buying Crucible over the standard defense because it works just as well and I'm also able to look out for my teammates at the same time with the team-wide reflex block The only downsides to buying this instead is that your enemies may be able to build breaking point stacks faster versus buying a metal jacket and the reflex block cooldown is 10 seconds longer than aegis.

Other Items, Alernatives

Pretty much the same item here just for different damage types, the only difference is that Aegis has Reflex Block. Many players like to build both Metal Jacket and aegis to be safe against tough opponents. I'd recommend doing this if your positioning isn't the best or maybe you're just get focused a lot by strong opponents. Having 4 damage items is nice, but sometimes 2x defense items is necessary.

This item can be bought as one of our first choices because it gives +5 weapon power but more importantly a source of sustain. Book of eulogies makes it possible to recover from damage taken and stay in the lane for longer. This is good for your CS or last hit count because you won't have to leave the lane if you don't want to. Selling this item after it becomes useless when leaving the early game can be situational. Read the next item section to learn more.

When exiting the early game, you need to decide whether or not to sell book of eulogies and move onto Barbed Needle for poisoned shiv. If there is an opponent who has Eve of Harvest or serpent's mask or any other good source of sustain, it may be a good choice to build poisoned shiv to match their endurance. Enemies that are constantly surviving fights or that are tough to take down can beat you just from surviving longer than you. If this is the case, buying shiv as your 4th item can also be a good option instead of buying more defense to survive longer. It isn't a bad item overall and it's affordable. Some people may disagree with this but in my experience, having the sustain you gain from this can work just as well as anything else.

Buying infusions before your build is finished is a legit strategy. I personally wait until I have 5 items at least to buy one or if my team needs the extra damage to defend our turrets from an advancing enemy team with the help of a kraken. If you feel that infusing early will get your team a turret or two and a lead, then go for it but keep in mind this is a risky investment. It's possible to infuse and gain nothing from it... that 500 gold could have gone to your main build so be smart when taking the risk and make sure you gain something from it.


CP Walkthrough

Patch 2.1 First, let me say that CP Gwen can be hard to pull off and can work but isn't as reliable and if you're just learning this hero you should start with WP first. Since I've already gone through the basic of her abilities above, I'll just take note of the difference of how you use them when playing CP versus WP but I will repeat here some of the highlight tips I listed in the WP section


Buckshot Bonanza

Lane minions attack enemies who hit you when they're within range. Using this mechanic to your advantage is one way we can get more out of buckshot. By using this ability on the enemy laner when minions are out of reach, you can pull them closer to you and at the same time get some poke damage while staying safe from the danger of what may be waiting for you in the bushes. Speaking of bushes, don't take any unnecessary risks by face checking the grass/bush, use Buckshot Bonanza to make sure it's safe to go in. Since we have an energy battery to start with as CP Gwen, we can use this ability more often... always pay attention to your energy bar- you never want to be drained. In combat, this ability will be your main source of damage so spam it in fights and land it on as many enemies as possible to get the full damage potential. I should say, take advantage of it's range and use it from the very edges of the fight to stay safe, remember your basic attacks as CP gwen are very weak compared to WP so keep your distance and always try to keep enemies away with buckshot- if you use this right, you'll find that sometimes the enemy won't have enough health to fight your team by the time they decide to engage. Play passively and look for opportunities to poke at the enemy, because this build is VERY much reliant on bursting.[/color]



Positioning is crucial as a laner/carry, you want to stay within range of your target but also out of the enemy team's range too. It's important to know when to use skedaddle because to stay safe you have to avoid those huge abilities like Ardan's Gauntlet and Koshka's Yummy Catnip Frenzy and just walk away almost like they never happened. Compared to WP gwen who can only use skedaddle once or twice in a fight, CP Gwen will be able to use this more often =) but try not to use it as a simple speed boost because you want to remove negative effects with it primarily.


Aces high

Sometimes even when it looks like it will land for sure, it doesn't. It's best to use this on slowed enemies or ones who are coming toward you so they walk into it for you. Getting good with this takes time.
Once you've gotten good with this, Aces high can be used to engage the enemy before you close the distance between your teams, save your teammates by stunning the enemy before they die, or stun lock someone (when your team combines abilities to lock down a target for a long time) For example Gwen's Aces High + Catherine's Merciless Pursuit + Skye's Death From Above used on a single target in a timed succession.

CP Final Build- Items Explained

First item, this will make farming and clearing minion waves faster. Consistent damage, Alternating Current also good for combining the extra cp damage on every other basic attack with gwens passive Boomstick

This is our second cp item. Aftershock's main purpose is to make us more bursty and give us the much needed energy stats- cooldown reduction and energy regen.

3rd cp item here... Broken Myth or 'BM' gives us the shield penetration that we desperately need to effectively poke and raises our damage based on how long the fight goes on, which fits our passive and pokey playstyle here just fine.

Shatterglass Providing 150 crystal power, this expensive 4th cp item will make your abilities hit harder. We buy it last in this build because it only provides 1 stat pretty much and while more damage is always good, other stats are also important.

Aegis and Metal Jacket are interchangeable here because of skedaddle but I would recommend getting Aegis, or even Slumbering Husk in certain situations like against CP SAW or CP Ringo. Only buy 1 defense item because in most cases 3 damage items won't be enough to carry your weight if the enemy builds any shield. 2x defense shouldn't be needed anyway because the goal is to poke and never get close.

Halcyon Chargers are perfect for this build because they provide cooldown and energy. Don't build any other boots or you'll find this build hard to make work.

Update Notes Top

I should say that everything in every one of my guides is completely original and I've only looked at about 3 other guides total to compare my work to others (this is my 2nd). One thing I noticed while doing so is that someone had a 'change log' which noted everything they updated in their works. I really liked the idea of this so I decided to steal it =p Other than this it's all original

1/17/17:Started working on the guide. Finished the threat list, item build guide, and introduction.

1/18/17: Added the kit and shopping sections for WP. This guide is far from finished, but the base of it is complete so it's now published. I expect to make many changes and add the CP section when 2.1 drops and I get familiar with it.

2/18/17:After finally getting familiar with 2.1 I've finally updated the entire guide pretty much, including the threat list, item, and build path sections. Started on CP guide, even though CP Gwen seems less common than in 2.0

2/19/17: Finished CP Guide.

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