Crystal Taka, Your Worst Nightmare! by DomintorVain

Crystal Taka, Your Worst Nightmare!

By: DomintorVain
Last Updated: Dec 21, 2017
5 Votes
Build 1 of 1


Build: Crystal Taka Assassin

Ability Path

House Kamuha
Heroic Perk

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
Ringo Don't let him get ahead on farm and it will be easy to shut him down.
Adagio Try not to burn from Arcane Fire. Save your Kaiten (A) for when Adagio uses Verse of Judgement (ult).
Baron Quickly execute him at the start of each teamfight. WP: He has damage, so save Kaiten (A) for after he uses Jump Jets (B) and when he is about to shoot the two missles at you, flip over him to neglect the damage.
Flicker Don't get rooted in Blinding Light (A). Engage after Flicker has just used Fairy Dust (B).
Grace Save your Kaiten (A) for Holy Nova (B).
Reim Use Mortal Strikes to give you move speed, so you can dodge his Winter Spire (A). Use your abilities and then go invisible, repeat that until he's dead.
Vox Buy Travel Boots so he doesn't run away. CP: Lock onto him as soon as possible.
Fortress Quickly kill his wolves and don't let him target you with Truth of the Tooth (A).
Glaive Reflex Block or use Kaiten (A) on Glaives Afterburn (A).
Grumpjaw Keep your distance until he uses Stuffed (ult).
Joule Watch out for the stun from Rocket Leap (A). CP: Don't stay in a line with your team, so you don't get caught in Big Red Button (ult). If you have problems, buy Slumbering Husk.
Phinn Try not to get hooked by Forced Accord (ult) and save Kaiten for when he uses Quibble (A).
Rona Try not to get caught in Red Mist (ult). Use your abilities and then go invisible, repeat that until he's dead.
Celeste Watch out for Core Colapse (B).
Churnwalker Try to dodge his chains. If you do get chained, if possible break it as soon as possible.
Idris Kill him faster than he kills you.
Kestrel Always remember where her mist is and don't get caught in it.
Samuel Either engage or don't go near him.
Skye If Skye is low, but you can't chase her down, don't.
Alpha While running away, try to make unpredictable moves, so she doesn't lock you with Prime Directive (A). While reeboting try to burst her down.
Ardan As soon as Ardan gets Gauntlet (ult) buy a Reflex Block.
Koshka Keep a distance in early-game, but don't be afraid in late-game.
Skaarf Don't get caught in Goop (B) and you should be fine.
Taka More vision and better skills will win you the game.
Lance Dodge everything you can with Kaiten (A).
Blackfeather While invisible, try to make unpredictable moves, so he can't hit you with On Point (B). CP: When you have full Heartthrob stacks on you, wait until they run out and then engage.
Krul Reflex Block or dodge with Kaiten (A) From Hells Heart (ult). Use your abilities and then go invisible, repeat that until he's dead.
Lorelai Just keep moving, so she doesn't catch you with Fish Food (A).
Lyra Wait until Bright Bulwark (B) runs out, then engage.
Ozo Reflex Block Bangarang (ult). And slplit with your team when Ozo uses Acrobounce, to avoid all being hit by its final landing.
Reza Don't try to run away, you probably won't succeed, instead fight until the end.
SAW You need to constantly apply pressure to him, don't let him get ahead of you and attack him after your Captain uses Atlas Pauldron on him.
Baptiste Wait until he uses Ordained (B) and then go and attack him. Buy a Reflex Block for if you get trapped in Ordained (B) or if you don't have a target to Kaiten (A) over when Baptiste uses Fearsome Shade. Also try to engage when Baptiste has no or little soul fragments.
Gwen Beware Buckshot Bonanza (A) and save your Reflex Block for Aces High (ult).
Petal You have to burst him down before he kills you, running away is useless.
Catherine Buy a Reflex Block. Try to use Kaiten (A) to dodge Merciless Pursuit (A) and Blast Tremor (ult).

Items Explained Top

Stormcrown: This item is very useful since it grants Taka the cooldown speed and energy recharge that he needs. That way you'll find yourself fewer times without energy and you'll be able to strike again after you used your abilities earlier. Stormcrown also gives you that true damage, that is useful while farming or if your enemy has a sliver of health and your abilities are on cooldown, thanks to Stormcrown, you'll be able to kill them.

Aftershock: The earlier you get it, the stronger you will be. Almost always try to time your abilities, so you use them right when Aftershock is up. It also gives that energy recharge and cooldown speed that Taka really needs.

Spellfire: Spellfire works so well with Aftershock, because when you wait until you use your other damage ability, you're dealing extra damage with its burn since it won't stack and just reset at your next ability. Plus it gives you a lot of CP, which makes your abilities even more powerful.

Broken Myth: At some point in the game (if you're playing CP Taka correctly) the enemy carry will most likely build shield, that is why this item is so important. It also gives you enough CP for your abilities to keep dealing massive damage.

Journey Boots: Some people would say that Halcyon Chargers would fit better since it gives extra cooldown speed, energy, and energy recharge and although that is useful and I would recommend it in some cases, overall Journey Boots fit better into CP Taka's playstyle. They grant faster move speed, but most importantly the ability to use it's active every 12 seconds! So don't be afraid to use them, even if you are far from enemies because once you start fighting its cooldown will be set back to 12 seconds.

Last Item

Aegis: This will be your last item most games because you will need the Reflex Block and the shield will benefit you greatly.

Metal Jacket: Buy this if the enemy who is dealing the most damage is building weapon and if you don't need the Reflex Block.

Slumbering Husk: This is a great item if the enemies rely on burst damage, like a CP Joule and you have trouble dodging it. Slumbering Husk paired with Stormcrown and Journey Boots will give Taka a lot of extra health making him tankier and able to fight in team fights for longer.

Shatterglass: If the enemies don't have a lot of damage items and aren't really dealing a lot of damage to you and you're really feeling it, plus if you don't deal as much damage as you want to, you can buy Shatterglass. But beware, Taka is a squishy hero and with no defense, it won't take much to kill him, so consider buying Shatterglass only if you are confident that you don't need any defense.

Heroic Perk Top

Try to maintain full stacks of Ki when entering a team fight, but don't be afraid to engage without any. Ki stacks are especially important in the early game when you don't have X-Retsu (ult).

Mortal Strikes
Mortal Strikes are very useful since they grant Taka extra move speed. Use them even when you're escaping from enemies. When fighting land a Mortal Strike, then quickly step away until you can basic attack again, this technique makes you come close to your enemies only when needed and thus making it hard for your enemies to deal damage to you.

Abilities Top

Kaiten (A) is a very useful ability that grants Taka invulnerability, so use it before being hit by powerful abilities. You can also use it to reposition behind your enemy, making it easier to chase them down. When death is certain and inevitable use Kaiten (A) to stay alive a bit longer and deal some damage.

Don't use Kaku (B) to engage, but to run away, close up on enemies running away, or to hide until your abilities are on cooldown. Using Kaku (B) to engage will give it a long cooldown and prevent you to run away or hide when needed. While being chased use Kaku (B) and then quickly change the direction you are running away in and port in the nearest bush.

X-Retsu (ult) can let you close up on enemies far away, use it at the start of each team fight to get close to the enemy carry. Use it on heroes who bought Serpent Mask, Eve of Harvest or who have an ability or perk granting them vampirism to reduce the damage they recover.

Playstyle Top

Taka is an assassin, that means that he targets the enemy carry and tries to kill them as fast as possible. First, use your X-Retsu (ult), to get close to the enemy carry, then land a Mortal Strike dealing Aftershock damage. Wait until your Aftershock recharges and use Kaiten (A) to finish off the enemy. If Taka's health drops low, just use Kaku (B) to regen some health and reposition next to the carry. If any other enemy hero is low, forget about the carry and kill them. Don't be afraid to jump under turrets, you can quickly run away using Mortal Strikes or use Kaiten (A) to neglect a turret shot.

When Is Taka the Strongest? Top

Taka isn't very strong until he gets X-Retsu and Aftershock, so play passively at the start of the game, but immediately after you get both, start invading the enemy jungle or assassinating the carry. Just look for opportunities to start a team fight. You will need to take advantage of this time in the game because this is when Taka is the strongest. With this build, Taka is okay in the late-game, but don't rely on making big plays then. During the earlier parts of the game, after every rotation, drop by at the lane to deal some damage or kill an enemy and then return to the jungle, instead of waiting there for your minions to respawn. If the whole enemy team is in the lane and if you are sure, that they don't have vision, you can sneak by and steal their jungle minions, but after you do so quickly port home. While stealing the enemy jungle minions always keep an eye on the minimap and if one of the enemies disappear for a longer time port immediately.

Vision Top

Vision is very important, if the enemy team has a lot of vision and you don't Kaku (B) becomes almost useless, except its heal and move speed bonus. Always insist on you captain to buy vision items. Contraption is best, but if enough buying regular Scout Trap and Flare will do. If the enemy captain is buying a lot of vision, be cautious and maybe buy a Flare Gun or regular Flare and use it to flare places that you are going to fight in, so you know where they have Scout Trap there.

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