VG Item: Spellfire


Spellfire | Category: Ability | Tier: 3 | Cost: 3000

+80 crystal power

Passive: Abilities dealing crystal damage to enemies (excluding lane minions) deal 7-40 (level 1-12) +55% of your crystal power as bonus crystal damage over 3s and apply Mortal Wounds for the duration.

Tip: Buy this item to augment poke abilities or hinder sustain targets.

Heavy Prism
+45 Crystal Power

Tip: Crystal power increases the strength of abilities.
Crystal Bit
+15 Crystal Power

Tip: Crystal power increases the strength of abilities.
Eclipse Prism
+30 Crystal Power

Tip: Crystal power increases the strength of abilities.
Crystal Bit
+15 Crystal Power

Tip: Crystal power increases the strength of abilities.

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Takuisgud (16) | October 23, 2017 9:39pm
Yay we now have a Op Dps item,a that no one will use. This item seems very underrated but very op. Let say your playing Taka and because ur t4 you go cp Taka. You have around 300 cp and your ult already one shots ringo which does 1k dammage+bleed which will do around 200 dammage but since u have 300 cp you will also make them bleed for 300 dammage. Idk if that seem ******ed to you but I don't want to be taking 500 bleed damage, for 5 seconds, 100 damage each second, like wtf that just sounds ******ed
Takuisgud (16) | October 23, 2017 9:41pm
Oh **** I forgot u have an item call slumbering husk buy it for once

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