Starting with two weapon blades against almost everything except alpha and krul if he started with his b will guarantee you early supremacy and will fill his lack of constant damage. Of course you will sell them ONLY when you need you can/need (I prefer to stick with them the longest) to buy an aftershock.Then, start building clockwork and finish with a broken-mith, defence is optional because you can cycle rapidly through his Xretzu-Kaiten-Kaku thanks to the buff of the clockwork, that's why I prioritized cw over bm. Of course, mastering the kaiten timing is a MUST when playing taka (and also juking your opponent while fleeing away under-covered).
Thanks for your well built guide even if some things are out-dated (because time exists and so does patches).
It's not just for the energy, the true damage is useful and when added to the burn from Spellfire and X-Retsu, you can finish off low enemies by not even touching them.
But Spellsword could be an option instead of Stormcrown, although I think Stormcrown is better.
Trust Gatorrex and Excoundrel. Also, Taka simply need more CP to deal damage over time. Spellfire is a waste. You need to constantly Mortal Strike with House Kamuha perk at 5 stacks and maintain the bleed. It adds up to a lot quickly. Early game extra WP is powerful on Taka, House Kamuha bruh
I guess you're right with the Spellsword, so should it be your first item and then build Aftershock or the other way around? I mean it sure is a good first item, but that early Aftershock can make you so deadly.
But I don't know about that Spellfire, it gives enough CP and offers that damage when your abilities are on cooldown or when the enemy is too far to reach.
And also, when I play Taka I find that getting Clockwork instead is better if I'm going against another Taka or squisher targets so I can burst them down easier and use my abilities more frequently. Or if I'm going against an Alpha and I need to escape quickly.
Applying the Mortal Strikes is easy enough without the Spellsword. All of Taka's abilities apply Mortal Strikes so I a fight, just keep kiting the enemy to keep your stacks.
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Thanks for your well built guide even if some things are out-dated (because time exists and so does patches).
But Spellsword could be an option instead of Stormcrown, although I think Stormcrown is better.
But I don't know about that
Fold ya later, Fal