Complete guide to battle royale by colton

Complete guide to battle royale

By: colton
Last Updated: Jun 15, 2016
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Introduction Top

Ever enter battle royale and find you have LITTERALY NO IDEA WHAT TO DO? if so you aren't alone. That's why I compiled this guide.

strap in for a battle royale guide that not only gives general tips but also basic guides for every hero! On top of that you will enjoy many typos, spelling, and grammer errors sure to keep things exiting (I apologize)

General tips Top


* when you enter a battle royale, you and your team have to decide who is support. even though there isn't a jungle it's a good idea to have someone with IGC, fountain and utility items even if they are still building damage. Generally pick the most "roam-ish" hero. I will explain details on each hero in the hero guide section but usually it's best to pick melee heroes.

* WP vs CP. the age old question takes on a new meaning in battle royal and it can legitimately be a hard choice but, follow a few simple rules and you should be "OK" if it is decently viable simply use the opposite damage of your other damage dealer. If it is less obvious you must decide weather it is better to use the less viable path or use the same damage type of your other damage dealer and build allot of pierce.

* the biggest mistake players make in battle royale is forget to FARM! It can be easy to get distracted by the enemy but it is just as important as in normal games so kill those minions!

* kill yourself! It sounds dumb but if you are sitting on 4 thousand or more gold it's about time you turret dive for a kill. Remember to only do this when both your teammates are alive and in a position to defends while you are "away".

Hero guides Top

The moment you have all been waiting for! Here you can see basic builds for each hero and some handy stats to help you make Decisions.

Battle royale stat key:

Goodness = how good this hero is in battle royal

Roamishness = how good this hero is at support (note that most melee heroes will have 3 or more roamishness even if they aren't particularly good at support, they will still be better than snipers or mages)

CP/WP = how viable this hero is at both building CP or WP

Alpha Top

Battle royale stats: (1-5 stars)

Goodness: 4

Roamishness: 3

WP: 3

CP: 4

Oh man alpha already? Was hoping to save her for later but alphabetical order is to OP. I admit I'm really bad at alpha but this guide is all about being ready for any hero in battle royal. it's time you, and I learned her secrets.

Crystal power:

When playing CP alpha be careful early on and stay back until the time is right, stack your core charges on minions so you are ready to deal massive damage with Prime Directive. Be sure not to reboot under enemy turret or it's game over. Later on you can be more aggressive because alpha has a great late game. use your Termination Protocol in team fights when you are near death and be sure to gap close with your A at the last second to ensure you blow up on an enemy.

Starting items:

Crystal Bit Eclipse Prism Hourglass Swift Shooter Sprint Boots Halcyon Potion

Full build:(based on other guides because I didn't feel confident recommending items)

Broken Myth Aftershock Alternating Current Shiversteel Journey Boots Atlas Pauldron or Aegis

Weapon power:

WP alpha has a slightly better early game than CP but still be careful. It's definitely a good idea as before to stack Core Charge on minions and use the heal from it to keep your health up. Remember Alpha is great at last hitting with WP so try and out farm the enemy. Late game your ult will definitely lose out on damage but it's still valuable as a health barrier.

Starting items:

Weapon Blade Weapon Blade Six Sins Swift Shooter Sprint Boots Halcyon Potion

Full build:(again I researched alpha builds from other guides)

Sorrowblade Breaking Point Bonesaw Shiversteel Journey Boots Atlas Pauldron or Aegis


Ideally alpha isn't going to be the support but if you must, you should go damage support hybrid. Play similar to how you would usually but don't get distracted from using your items to save the team.

Starting items:

Ironguard Contract Sprint Boots Halcyon Potion Minion Candy use Swift Shooter and your choice of Weapon Blade or Crystal Bit depending on your team.

full build:

Fountain of Renewal warhorn Crucible or Atlas Pauldron depending on situation. Pick two tier 3 damage items.

Adagio (in progress) Top

Battle royale stats:

Goodness: 5

Roamishness: 5

WP: 3

CP: 4

Adagio is a battle royale powerhouse so get ready to totally destroy the enemy! Mainly by whittling them down with massive sustain and burn but let's focus on totally destroying your enemy!

Crystal power:

CP adagio is definitely a strong option, if played correctly it can totally destroy the enemy! (ok I'm done) early game focus on landing your burn by healing the enemy minions at the front with Agent of Wrath, this should make it hard for enemy melee heroes to last hit, combo this with Agent of Wrath and anyone approaching you will be decimated. late game be more careful but continue to combo arcane fire with agents of wrath and you pose a serious threat as a damage dealer. remember to try and land your ult while they are burning for the stun!

Starting items:

Swift Shooter Crystal Bit Eclipse Prism Sprint Boots Oakheart Halcyon Potion

Final build:

Shatterglass Broken Myth Alternating Current Journey Boots Aegis or Metal Jacket Fountain of Renewal or second defense item

Weapon power:

Weapon power adagio is actually quite good in battle royale and can be used if needed. Remember that allot of your damage still comes from your A and B so don't forget to use them. You should be able to last hit extremely easily so focus on out farming the enemy.

Starting items:

Weapon Blade Weapon Blade Blazing Salvo Oakheart Sprint Boots Halcyon Potion

Finale build: Tornado Trigger Tyrant's Monocle Tyrant's Monocle Sorrowblade Aegis Metal Jacket Journey Boots


Support adagio is very good in battle royal however I still suggest some CP items. Maintain focus on buffing high attack speed heroes with Agent of Wrath and healing allied heroes with arcane fire. Preferably when they are close to any enemy to burn them, this will help you maintain your energy.

More coming soon Top

"What?" I know it's sad, but this is going to take ALLOT of work so I'm going to update it over time with new content, more heroes, and general improvements! Tell me what you think and if you have any suggestions in comments!

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