By: PentaParagon
Last Updated: Nov 26, 2016
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Introduction Top


Hello! My IGN is Wesleik and my highest skill tier this season is Simply Amazing Gold. I enjoy watching professional Vainglory gameplay, and when I saw Team Secret's match against Snow Tsunami in the Winter Championships I knew I had to make a guide on it. Enjoy!

The Highlight (time-set):

General Overview Top

This is a guide based off of Team Secret's setup. Ringo will deal 90% of the team's damage while his allies keep him alive and buffed. It's a very high skill-cap composition, as the enemy team will dive Ringo when they see that he is Hypercarrying, and will do anything to shut him down. Since he is especially squishy with his setup, allies will need to crucible Atlases and keep him dealing damage as long as possible.
In addition, for this composition to have the highest chance of being successful, the team should stay together as much as possible.
A bruiser/peeler, a glass cannon, and a buffer/healer come together to synergize in one big Death Ball to roll down the lane for TSM Specials and wins. Let's jump right into the main event/hero: Ringo.


The one-armed man who can single-handedly (pun not intended) carry teams. He is also the man who can lose matches. Ringo's kit in a nutshell:
-Crit after every kill
-Very high attack speed
-A very strong slow
-A finishing attack with burn

For this comp, you won't be maxing out Hellfire Brew, as you'll need the slow more than you need the finishing blow- your items will be dealing enough damage already.

He is able to deal large amounts of damage during the majority of the game- anytime after his Sorrowblade, really. It is essential that your farming is in top shape. You will be laning for most of the early game, but once you have secured some items like a Heavy Steel and some boots, you should be heading to your team's jungle and taking the farm for further advances to your build. A member of your team should be in lane securing the last hits and holding the lane for you to come back and take it. Remember that the lane is where most of your gold comes from. Only take the jungle when the lane is pushed and you have the clear speed to take it and head up in time to get most of the farm.

But the fact that he's able to deal insane amounts of damage for most of the game is offset by his extreme squishiness (see: ). His Twirling Silver is not enough of an escape tool, and will get bursted down quickly before you can get any damage off.

Here's a few tips to stay safe.
-Stay behind the median line in the lane
-Just focus on farming, you need the money more than you need the kills
-If there's a Glaive/Catherine on the other team, try to stay further back, as they are able to kill you even when you're behind the line. (other heroes may be here, but these are the main threats)

And lastly, have your supports put vision:
-In the tribush
-Between the lane bush and the tribush (both sides of lane ideal)
-In the jungle shop bushes and by the front doubles (both sides of jungle ideal)
These are just meant to keep safe, they don't include key spots for important objectives like the enemy's back jungle, the Gold Mine, and your jungle (if they're counterjungling). These points shouldn't be neglected.

This will minimize the chances that you get caught and it'll be happy days from there.

The first item is a Sorrowblade, no question about it. His gives him the attack speed he needs for his high weapon power to secure kills quickly and efficiently.
From here, you build a Breaking Point, a Tyrant's Monocle, the Aegis, and another . A Reflex Block should be built before the Breaking Point for devastating crowd control (CC) on the other team, like Koshka's ult and maybe a Glaive Afterburn. Other than that kind of sitation, build it after.
If they stack , you should probably replace the second Monocle with a Bonesaw. And if they're not building much defense against you, they're absolute dead meat: replace the Breaking Point with a Tornado Trigger and clean them out.
Travel Boots should be bought after the first Sorrowblade to increase clear times and transitions between the jungle and the lane (rotations). It should finish as a in most situations, as you'll need the energy and cooldown it offers. Journey Boots will be a situational item, for when the team is dive-heavy and you need to sprint away often.
Interactions with your allies:
If the Ardan Gauntlets, position yourself to stay around the perimeter of the Gauntlet to prevent dives onto you.
If the Adagio buffs you, try to match your Twirling Silver with it and deal some massive damage (if he's built CP at that point)
And lastly, if the Adagio is casting his ult, try to move towards him and stay on top of him to try to keep them in the circle if they want to kill you. It also makes it harder for them to target you, they might end up hitting Adagio instead.


Adagio's main role in the composition is to healing Ringo and punishing divers with a huge stun.
His kit, in a quick rundown, you should know what the skills are:
-Give damage buff
-Huge stun
-When enemies are on fire (from Arcane Fire), he will regain 35% of the damage dealt to those enemies as energy.

You'll want to overdrive his and max his . Your team is dealing mainly weapon damage, but if they don't build Aegises (they probably won't) you can opt for some raw Crystal Power, like a Shatterglass or a Frostburn. I prefer the Frostburn, because once they dive in and you heal Ringo, they'll find it hard-pressed to do much: kill a Ringo who isn't slowed, or escape the Verse without a Reflex. It provides some backline peel that will help keep Ringo healthy. If they can't catch Ringo (not many gap-closers/ CC), you can build Shatterglass to give Ringo huge amounts of damage with the Agent of Wrath. They'll be asking "WHAT IS THAT DAMAGE?! I BUILT A METAL JACKET AND I'M STILL GETTING DELETED!!"
Your heals are based off a percentage of your health. This means that you'll be getting as much health as possible from your items. The build is the basic essentials for roaming: War Treads for mobility, Crucible to block debuffs and CC, Contraption for vision, and a Fountain for team heals. Then there's a Clockwork and a Frostburn.
Now the reason why the Clockwork is there instead of a Shiversteel, listed in the Optional, is because sometimes you will not have the luxury of getting Arcane Fire procs on enemies. Ringo might be getting deleted from afar by a Celeste (like in the clip), and you'll need to spend energy healing him that won't be recovered as quickly. That's why you get Clockwork: for the Energy Capacity and Recharge.
But if their dives are absolutely INSANE, then you'll probably need the Shiversteel to basic-attack them off of Ringo.
If they focus you or Ardan (next section), they'll be leaving Ringo wide open to delete them all.
Remember, you have one BIG task to do: other than keeping him healthy, you need to keep him FIT. That means that you need to Crucible the Atlases at all costs! That is your main priority! Now this is understandably hard. You will need to practice watching the Ringo and the heroes coming onto Ringo to Atlas him. But once you master it, you will be well on your way towards victory!


Ardan. The last piece of the puzzle. He's going to be doing a lot in this composition too:
His kit:
-Offer speed boost and barrier, with slow on enemies in range
-A punch
-A positioning tool, Gauntlet, that stuns those who enter or try to escape.

Your main role is to Reflex Block the Atlases, Atlas the other team, and keep the team off of Ringo with a Shiversteel while at the same time building up some damage to become a threat later in the fight.
In 90% of the situations you find yourself in, you should be positioning yourself between Ringo and the enemies. The big exception is CP Vox, who in which you find yourself matched against, you should not stay close to Ringo to prevent bounce damage.
Your Gauntlet should be ideally dropped in a way that keeps bruisers out and carries inside. This way, Ringo can move in and out of the Gauntlet, positioning himself best for the kill. In the situation that this doesn't happen, make sure the Ringo is staying outside of the gauntlet and building up Breaking Point stacks safely.
Pretty simple.


See the threats in the Ringo section? That's who you need to ban.
Ideally, you should be banning Celeste- her late game enables her to damage you before you can even reach her.
Ringo is best chosen later in the draft, with the supports picked first.

Afterword Top

For anyone who wants to see the highlight:
The BrokenMyth YouTube channel for showing me Team Secret's highlight:

Future things to do:
Pretty up the guide later when I have the time.
Show stats and percentages, like how much more of a heal Adagio gets when he builds Shiversteel instead of Clockwork.
In-depth drafting guide


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