Hello Everyone! I am
Radiance, the Creator of
3 Essential Adagio Builds, which is the
Highest rated
Adagio guide on the Forums. I am also an
Experienced Website Coder, and theorycraft enthusiast. I enjoy learning about the
lore and story behind every game and every character. I like to find
meaning in things that mean
little to anyone, and uncover the
secrets in Vainglory's tiniest of Details. I am a ROAM Main, and I play different genres of games, including sandbox, fps, and other MOBAS.
Some of my other works include:
Stormguard Secrets: Amie
This guide will teach you how to play
Adagio in All three Roles, with both Crystal and Weapon Power Builds.
Adagio is the most Flexible hero in the Game. You cannot find any other Hero that can play both Jungle and Lane, can be built CP and WP, and can also serve as a roamer for the Team. This level of flexibility makes
Adagio a Valuable Pick in Drafting at lower Levels, sometimes even confusing the enemy into thinking you have two roamers, or two laners, or no roamer. Although it is less effective at higher levels, simply drafting
Adagio can cause the enemy to counterbuild incorrectly, leaving your team with a gold advantage right off the start.
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Arcane Renewal
Slot: Heroic Perk
Whenever enemies burning with Arcane Fire take damage from any source, Adagio regenerates 25% of that damage as energy. |
Gift of Fire
Slot: A
Heals a target ally, then splashes Arcane Fire onto nearby enemies. If Adagio heals himself, he'll also apply a heavy slow to nearby enemies.
Arcane Fire (status effect):
Burns the target every second and causes Adagio's other abilities do deal more damage.
- Burst heals the target instantly, followed by a gradual heal over the next few seconds.
- Burst Heal is increased by 9% of Adagio's bonus health.
- When cast on self, slows nearby enemies by 70% for 0.9s.
- Resets basic-attack cooldown on activation.
Agent of Wrath
Slot: B
Temporarily boosts an allied hero's next several basic attack for 6s.
- Deals bonus damage to enemies afflicted by Arcane Fire.
- Bonus damage is increased if Adagio casts this spell on himself.
- Resets basic-attack cooldown on activation.
Verse of Judgement
Slot: C
Adagio channels for 2s then deals heavy damage to all enemies in a wide ring around him. Enemies burning with Arcane Fire are also stunned.
- Adagio temporarily gains fortified health while channeling.
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Adagio strays from the stereotypical Consistent Damage path of Wp
Adagio, and the Burst Healing Support path of Roam
Adagio, both of which spike Middle Game. Crystal
Adagio is strong and very bursty right from the start of the game, due to the basic attack cooldown resets of
Gift of Fire and
Agent of Wrath.
Agent of Wrath also helps
Adagio to deal consistent damage to bully enemies early game. In the Middle Game, Adagio Spikes at Level 8 when his
Agent of Wrath Overdrives, and Again at Level 11 When
Gift of Fire Overdrives. This makes Crystal
Adagio a Well Rounder throughout the game.
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Arcane Renewal is one of the most complex concepts to any new
Adagio player. However, it is the fundamental skill which allows
Adagio to fill almost any role in Vainglory.
Arcane Renewal allows
Adagio to constantly be at full energy, despite not building ANY energy regeneration Items. A good team will be able to help
Adagio to regain as much energy as possible in the short time frame where enemies are afflicted by
Gift of Fire.
Gift of Fire is one of
Adagio's signature skills. Surprisingly, it is also one of the key skills that allows him to burst down enemies quickly.
Gift of Fire can be cast on a melee ally, such as
Glaive or
Lance when they are in the middle of the fight, regardless of whether or not they have lost health. This ignites all Surrounding Enemies with Arcane Fire, which allows Adagio to instantly regenerate Energy using
Arcane Renewal. One should never Cast
Gift of Fire on an ally without setting enemies on fire, as the Energy cost of
Gift of Fire is quite large. One exception is when your ally is about to die, or when you have many energy regeneration items and are out of combat.
Agent of Wrath is
Adagio's lesser appreciated, but most devastating skill. The amount of damage that this ability can output is often underestimated. Aside from resetting Basic Attack cooldown, this Ability also gives you 5 empowered basic attacks, all of which deal 100-110 damage early game, and 200-300 damage late game. These Empowered Basic Attacks are only usable in the 6 seconds since you've used the Ability. Thankfully,
Blazing Salvo allows you to use all of these Basic Attacks before the 6 seconds are over. Overdriving this gives you 7 empowered basic attacks, all of which can be used in under 6 seconds with
Alternating Current.
Verse of Judgement is a powerful crowd control tool, which forces immediate evacuation or death for the enemy team. Coupled with
Gift of Fire, you can land entire team stuns that last for 2.2 seconds, more than sufficient to wipe out at least 1 carry. You should avoid using this ability if doing so does not land any stuns.
Back to CP Adagio Contents
Early Game:
Adagio has a strong early game presense due to his surprising burstiness. Start with a
Crystal Bit and a
Swift Shooter, as well as a
Halcyon Potion. You should try to contest Mid Treant. As long as nobody in your team Feeds First Blood, it is okay to lose Mid Treant. From there, Rotate up to Lane or Jungle and Continue your Farming Cycle. Try to consolidate your Early Game Fast Clear by getting a
Sprint Boots, followed by an
Blazing Salvo is also important, if you plan to invade the enemy.
Middle Game:
You should have gotten an
Alternating Current by now, which helps a lot with jungle or lane clear. Around this time, you should pick up a Tier 1 Armor, such as
Light Shield or
Light Armor. It helps to upgrade to
Travel Boots and
Reflex Block once you get your Level 6 Ultimate. If the enemy is building
Light Shield to counter you, pick up a
Broken Myth, but if they are ignoring your Crystal Damage, or going full glass cannon, go for a
Shatterglass. After having 2 Tier 3 Offense Items, you would want to pick up either a
Metal Jacket or a
Aegis, depending on which enemy carry hates you more.
Late Game:
At this point of the Game, you should have 2 Tier 3 Offense Items, 1 Tier 3 Defense Items,
Travel Boots, and a
Reflex Block unless it has gone into an
Aegis. Next, you would want to get a
Dragonheart to build into a
War Treads. After that, you may pick up a CP Item of your Choice, depending on what the enemy is building. If you see a lot of High Health, go for
Aftershock. If the enemy is building Double CP Defense, go for another
Broken Myth. Or perhaps just top it all up with another
Shatterglass. Your last item should be a defensive Item like
Metal Jacket,
Fountain of Renewal or
Aegis. There are some rare cases where you would build a
Clockwork however, to give your team Sustain in Long Fights. Clockwork does wonders in long fights.
Back to CP Adagio Contents
1. You can initiate Fights with your Roamer
Flare Guning the Enemy Bush, using your
War Treads to rush your entire Team in, igniting the enemy with
Gift of Fire, and Stunning all of them with a
Verse of Judgement. If you can pull this engagement off quickly, you will have a very high chance of winning the engagement.
2. This is a General Tip for players of all Elo Levels. When you have no Roamer, Try to Engage in Lane, as the Space is wider, and it is harder for the Roamer to body block everything or debuff everyone. When you have a roamer, try to lure the enemy to engage in the jungle, where heroes are forced into tighter clumps, where items like
Atlas Pauldron or abilities like
Gauntlet are more effective.
3. In the Early Game, use your
Gift of Fire and
Agent of Wrath to reset your basic attack cooldown for absurd burst damage. Due to their low cooldown, they can be used early game to clear jungle camps faster, and used late game to proc
4. If you are Laning, use your
Gift of Fire to Heal your own Minions and Ignite Enemy Minions.
5. Using your Long range, you can Attack the Enemy Hero to leash the Enemy Minions closer to your Turret.
6. In Teamfights, CP
Adagio should focus down the highest damage dealer on the Enemy Team.
7. CP
Adagio Cannot Solo Objectives. This build is made to kill players quickly, but with a decent frontline,
Adagio can melt objectives relatively quickly.
8. When Jungling, it is important to stutterstep. Stutterstepping is the mastery of the Hero's attack speed, such that you can move, and immediately attack when your basic attack cooldown is over. Stutterstepping is good for repositioning yourself closer to the next jungle camp.
9. When Drafting, be wary that the enemies may start to draft stuns into their team if they see an
Adagio. This may give you some insight into whether to play WP or CP.
10. Do not overextend in lane. Many players have the impression that a Teammate forced near his turret is losing. Unless your farm is being fed to turret or your own Minions, being pushed back to your turret is an advantage! It makes it much harder for the enemy team to gank you, and forces the enemy laner into a vulnerable position to resume farming.
11. As CP
Adagio, do not be afraid to splash your
Gift of Fire in the middle of 3 clumped up enemies.
12. Don't use
Agent of Wrath unless you can combo it with
Gift of Fire, as
Agent of Wrath is extremely energy costly.
13. Be careful when using
Gift of Fire or
Fountain of Renewal on an invisible ally, such as a
Taka in
Kaku or a
Kestrel in
Active Camo, as the particles will reveal their location.
14. Always recall when you run out of
Halcyon Potions in the early game if you are laning. Having instant health on demand can save you from many almost successful ganks.
Back to CP Adagio Contents
Bear in Mind, this is a CP
Adagio, not a roam
Adagio, so combinations with
Ozo and such are just not possible.
Gauntlet +
Verse of Judgement is a instant KO Combo, assuming the Enemy has already used their
Reflex Blocks and
Crucible. Furthermore,
Ardan is able to give
Adagio the chasing power he needs to keep up with enemies with his
Wait for It is a very unobvious but powerful combination of Silence with
Adagio's ultimate, as it prevents the enemy from using items such as
Crucible to protect themselves. Furthermore,
Adagio can cast his
Agent of Wrath on
Vox, to abuse his attack speed to quickly deal large amounts of damage. If it is a crystal
Vox, the damage will be further amplified.
Catherine is not your friend.
Catherine is your worst Nightmare. A smart
Catherine will chain her silence with her stun so that you can't block both of them. Against
Catherine always build double reflex blocks so that you can confirm the use of your
Verse of Judgement. One nice trick to abuse
Stormguard is when she is near your turret with her bubble on, walk into her bubble and take the bubble damage. This will cause the turret to turn on her.
Be careful of
Glaive, as he is able to
Afterburn you into his teammates, or away from the fight, rendering your
Verse of Judgement useless. Make sure to
Reflex Block when channeling if you think he is holding on to his
Afterburn. If he boots into your face to attack you,
Gift of Fire yourself to apply a slow and kite him. You will outdamage him if you continue to kite him.
Koshka is a dangerous hero for you. She has 2 gap closers and 1 stun. This means that you will have to keep using
Gift of Fire to slow her whenever she uses a gap closer. Time your
Gift of Fires well and you will be okay. Remember to
Reflex Block her
Yummy Catnip Frenzy.
You will squash enemy
Petals with your
Gift of Fire damage. It wrecks her munions. Any matchup against a
Petal will be a good game.
Back to CP Adagio Contents
Weapon Power
Adagio is a Attack Speed Build that can Shred armor quickly and apply Mortal Wounds. It occasionally builds hybrid by throwing
Aftershock into the build. Weapon
Adagio is a Average Jungler Clearer, but is exceptional at holding lane Early Game. In the Middle Game,
Adagio powerspikes upon Reaching his Ultimate
Verse of Judgement. In the late game,
Adagio provides utility and Armor Shred for his Team. This makes Weapon Power
Adagio a Strong Mid-Late Game Hero.
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Arcane Renewal is one of the most complex concepts to any new
Adagio player. However, it is the fundamental skill which allows
Adagio to fill almost any role in Vainglory.
Arcane Renewal allows
Adagio to constantly be at full energy, despite not building ANY energy regeneration Items. A good team will be able to help
Adagio to regain as much energy as possible in the short time frame where enemies are afflicted by
Gift of Fire.
Gift of Fire is one of
Adagio's signature skills. Surprisingly, it is also one of the key skills that allows him to burst down enemies quickly.
Gift of Fire can be cast on a melee ally, such as
Glaive or
Lance when they are in the middle of the fight, regardless of whether or not they have lost health. This ignites all Surrounding Enemies with Arcane Fire, which allows Adagio to instantly regenerate Energy using
Arcane Renewal. One should never Cast
Gift of Fire on an ally without setting enemies on fire, as the Energy cost of
Gift of Fire is quite large. One exception is when your ally is about to die, or when you have many energy regeneration items and are out of combat.
Agent of Wrath is slightly weaker in Weapon
Adagio than in Crystal
Adagio. However, it can be used to apply basic attack cooldowns for burst, and for efficient farming. Do not Overdrive this, it is a waste on WP
Verse of Judgement is a powerful crowd control tool, which forces immediate evacuation or death for the enemy team. Coupled with
Gift of Fire, you can land entire team stuns that last for 2.2 seconds, more than sufficient to wipe out at least 1 carry. You should avoid using this ability if doing so does not land any stuns.
Back to WP Adagio Contents
Early Game:
Adagio has a average early game presense due to his below average Basic Attack Damage, but basic attack cooldown tools. Start with a
Weapon Blade and a
Swift Shooter, as well as a
Halcyon Potion. You should try to contest Mid Treant. As long as nobody in your team Feeds First Blood, it is okay to lose Mid Treant. From there, Rotate up to Lane or Jungle and Continue your Farming Cycle. Try to consolidate your Early Game Fast Clear by getting a
Sprint Boots, followed by another
Weapon Blade.
Blazing Salvo is also important for your clearing speed.
Middle Game:
You should have gotten a
Sorrowblade and a
Blazing Salvo by now, which helps a lot with jungle or lane clear. Around this time, you should pick up a Tier 1 Armor, such as
Light Shield or
Light Armor. It helps to upgrade to
Travel Boots and pick up a
Reflex Block once you get your Level 6 Ultimate. If the enemy is building
Light Armor to counter you, build towards
Bonesaw instead of
Breaking Point, but if they are ignoring your Consistent WP Damage, or going full glass cannon, go for a
Breaking Point. After having 2 Tier 3 Offense Items, you would want to pick up either a
Metal Jacket or a
Aegis, depending on which enemy carry hates you more.
Late Game:
At this point of the Game, you should have 2 Tier 3 Offense Items, 1 Tier 3 Defense Items,
Travel Boots, and a
Reflex Block unless it has gone into an
Aegis. Next, you would want to get a
Dragonheart to build into a
War Treads. After that, you may pick up a Offense Item of your Choice, depending on what the enemy is building. If you see a lot of High Health, go for
Aftershock and build Hybrid. If fights are long, go for a
Breaking Point. If the enemy has High Sustain, get a
Poisoned Shiv. Your last item should be a defensive Item like
Metal Jacket,
Fountain of Renewal or
Aegis. There are some rare cases where you would build a Tyrant's Monacle however, but only when the enemy does NOT build defense against you.
Back to WP Adagio Contents
1. You can initiate Fights with your Roamer
Flare Guning the Enemy Bush, using your
War Treads to rush your entire Team in, igniting the enemy with
Gift of Fire, and Stunning all of them with a
Verse of Judgement. If you can pull this engagement off quickly, you will have a very high chance of winning the engagement. WP
Adagio can still stun the enemy with his Ultimate, so do not rule it out as a Crowd Control Tool.
2. This is a General Tip for players of all Elo Levels. When you have no Roamer, Try to Engage in Lane, as the Space is wider, and it is harder for the Roamer to body block everything or debuff everyone. When you have a roamer, try to lure the enemy to engage in the jungle, where heroes are forced into tighter clumps, where items like
Atlas Pauldron or abilities like
Gauntlet are more effective.
3. In the Early Game, use your
Gift of Fire and
Agent of Wrath to reset your basic attack cooldown for faster jungle clear. Due to their low cooldown, they can be used early game to clear jungle camps faster. If you are laning, conserve your energy, as you do not want to overextend in lane.
4. If you are Laning, use your
Gift of Fire to Heal your own Minions and Ignite Enemy Minions.
5. Using your Long range, you can Attack the Enemy Hero to leash the Enemy Minions closer to your Turret.
6. In a Teamfight, WP
Adagio, he locks onto the highest damage dealer in the enemy team.
7. WP
Adagio has very high attack speed and range. If an enemy gets close enough to melee you, they probably won't survive if they try to run.
8. When Jungling, it is important to stutterstep. Stutterstepping is the mastery of the Hero's attack speed, such that you can move, and immediately attack when your basic attack cooldown is over. Stutterstepping is good for repositioning yourself closer to the next jungle camp.
9. When Drafting, be wary that the enemies may start to draft stuns into their team if they see an
Adagio. This may give you some insight into whether to play WP or CP.
10. Last hitting with WP [Adagio is very easy. Lower Elo players may not know this, but when a minion is last-hittable, its health will turn from red to a reddish-pink. On WP
Adagio, your basic attacks hit much harder, so it gives you much more room to plan your farm.
11. Do not overextend in lane. Many players have the impression that a Teammate forced near his turret is losing. Unless your farm is being fed to turret or your own Minions, being pushed back to your turret is an advantage! It makes it much harder for the enemy team to gank you, and forces the enemy laner into a vulnerable position to resume farming.
12. Be careful when using
Gift of Fire or
Fountain of Renewal on an invisible ally, such as a
Taka in
Kaku or a
Kestrel in
Active Camo, as the particles will reveal their location.
13. Always recall when you run out of
Halcyon Potions in the early game if you are laning. Having instant health on demand can save you from many almost successful ganks.
Back to WP Adagio Contents
Gauntlet +
Verse of Judgement is a instant KO Combo, assuming the Enemy has already used their
Reflex Blocks and
Crucible. Furthermore,
Ardan is able to give
Adagio the chasing power he needs to keep up with enemies with his
Carnie Luck Passive allows him to gain ridiculous amounts of Healing from
Adagio. While many of recommended using the following Comp:
Adagio, it is actually not that strong. This is because an item called Poisoned Shiv can drastically reduce the effectiveness of all three heroes. Furthermore,
Imperial Sigil is stationary, while
Ozo tends to be very mobile and will rarely sit still on the Sigil.
Lance has a Weapon Power Element, which complements your
Bonesaw very well.
Vox is a powerful Teammate for WP
Adagio can cast his
Agent of Wrath on
Vox to amplify the damage of all of his Resonance. Furthermore,
Wait for It can be used to silence enemies so that they cannot
Verse of Judgement.
Be careful of
Glaive, as he is able to
Afterburn you into his teammates, or away from the fight, rendering your
Verse of Judgement useless. Make sure to
Reflex Block when channeling if you think he is holding on to his
Afterburn. If he boots into your face to attack you,
Gift of Fire yourself to apply a slow and kite him. You will outdamage him if you continue to kite him.
Koshka is a dangerous hero for you. She has 2 gap closers and 1 stun. This means that you will have to keep using
Gift of Fire to slow her whenever she uses a gap closer. Time your
Gift of Fires well and you will be okay. Remember to
Reflex Block her
Yummy Catnip Frenzy.
You will squash enemy
Petals with your
Gift of Fire damage. It wrecks her munions. Any matchup against a
Petal will be a good game.
Back to CP Adagio Contents
Adagio is a Long battle oriented Build that can Stun Entire Teams and save teammates from near Death. This build is not as tanky as other Roamers such as
Phinn or
Lance, however his strength is in his burst heals and his
Verse of Judgement is a great zoning tool. Roam
Adagio has an exceptionally strong early game, due to his cooldown resetting skills and Early CP damage from
Agent of Wrath. In the Middle Game,
Adagio powerspikes upon building a [Fountain of Renewal]. He powerspikes again at Level 6 upon reaching his Ultimate,
Verse of Judgement. He has another Powerspike at Level 8, where he obtains his overdrive on
Gift of Fire. This makes Roam
Adagio a Middle Game Hero, that maintains relevance late game.
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Arcane Renewal is one of the most complex concepts to any new
Adagio player. However, it is the fundamental skill which allows
Adagio to fill almost any role in Vainglory.
Arcane Renewal allows
Adagio to constantly be at full energy, despite not building ANY energy regeneration Items. A good team will be able to help
Adagio to regain as much energy as possible in the short time frame where enemies are afflicted by
Gift of Fire.
Gift of Fire is one of
Adagio's signature skills. It is able to save an ally from the brink of death.
Gift of Fire can be cast on a melee ally, such as
Glaive or
Lance when they are in the middle of the fight, regardless of whether or not they have lost health. This ignites all Surrounding Enemies with Arcane Fire, which allows
Adagio to instantly regenerate Energy using
Arcane Renewal. One should never Cast
Gift of Fire on an ally without setting enemies on fire, as the Energy cost of
Gift of Fire is quite large. One exception is when your ally is about to die, or when you have many energy regeneration items and are out of combat. As a roamer, this ability makes you unique in having the highest single target burst heal in the game.
Agent of Wrath is rather obsolete in Roam
Adagio. However, it can be used to apply basic attack cooldowns for burst, and for efficient farming. If you have an ally with high attack speed, you can cast it on them for a little bit more damage. Do not Overdrive this, it is a waste on Roam
Verse of Judgement is a powerful crowd control tool, which forces immediate evacuation or death for the enemy team. Coupled with
Gift of Fire, you can land entire team stuns that last for 2.2 seconds, more than sufficient to wipe out at least 1 carry. You should avoid using this ability if doing so does not land any stuns. In Roam
Adagio, it is very unlikely that the enemy will be able to burst you down before you can cast it, due to your enormous pool of health.
Back to Roam Adagio Contents
Early Game:
Adagio has a strong early game presense due to his basic attack cooldown tools. Start with a Contract, 4
Scout Traps, 2
Flares and 1
Halcyon Potion. You should try to contest Mid Treant. As long as nobody in your team Feeds First Blood, it is okay to lose Mid Treant. From there, Rotate back to Jungle and Continue your Farming Cycle. Try to consolidate your Early Game Fast Clear by getting a
Sprint Boots, followed by a
Flare Gun, Lifesprint,
Light Shield and more
Scout Traps.
Middle Game:
You should have gotten a Fountain by now, which helps a lot with team fights. Around this time, you should pick up
Travel Boots. It helps to buy another
Oakheart and even a
Light Armor if your enemy carry has high attack speed.. If the enemy is building burstily, build towards
Crucible instead of
Contraption, but if they are building otherwise, or going for attack speed, go for a
Contraption or an
Atlas Pauldron Respectively. Through this entire process, DO NOT stop
Scout Trapping. At some point, you will have to sell your Contract to make room for more Items. Do not sacrifice your
Scout Trap space unless you have a
Contraption. After having 3 Tier 3 Utility Items, the rest of the Build is VERY flexible.
Late Game:
At this point of the Game, you should have 3 Tier 3 Utility Items, and a bunch of
Scout Traps. Your next item will likely be a
Contraption, if you do not already have one. If your Team lacks stickiness, go for a
Shiversteel. If you are about to take an objective, grab a
Stormguard Banner, and finish it into a
Stormcrown later. If the carries overlap counters, you may purchase a
Crucible or
Atlas Pauldron if you did not already have one.
Back to Roam Adagio Contents
1. You can initiate Fights by
Flare Guning into the Enemy Bush, using your
War Treads to rush your entire Team in, igniting the enemy with
Gift of Fire, and Stunning all of them with a
Verse of Judgement. If you can pull this engagement off quickly, you will have a very high chance of winning the engagement. Roam
Adagio can still stun the enemy with his Ultimate, so do not rule it out as a Crowd Control Tool.
2. This is a General Tip for players of all Elo Levels. When you have a roamer, try to lure the enemy to engage in the jungle, where heroes are forced into tighter clumps, where items like
Atlas Pauldron or abilities like
Gauntlet and your
Verse of Judgement are more effective.
3. In the Early Game, use your
Gift of Fire and
Agent of Wrath to reset your basic attack cooldown for faster jungle clear. Due to their low cooldown, they can be used early game to clear jungle camps faster.
4. Ever wanted to not steal that treant kill but you couldn't because you were rooted? Just press recall! The Treant Interrupts your recall, but stops you from basic attacking!
5. If the enemy overextends in lane, you can use your Crippling 70% Slow
Gift of Fire self heal to trap the poor carry.
6. In Teamfights, Roam
Adagio has to manage his
Gift of Fire and his
Verse of Judgement well. Sometimes you do initiate with
Verse of Judgement. Sometimes, you use it midfight to confuse the enemy, or when your teammates have landed slows and stuns.
7. Roam
Adagio hits very hard for a roamer early game. Use this to pressure your opponent by Invading before the first 4 Minutes drop.
8. Your choice of Contract is key to winning the early game in Vainglory.
Ironguard Contract,
Protector Contract, and
Dragonblood Contract are all given detailed elaboration in my Item Explanations for Roamer Items.
9. Be careful when using
Gift of Fire or
Fountain of Renewal on an invisible ally, such as a
Taka in
Kaku or a
Kestrel in
Active Camo, as the particles will reveal their location.
Back to Roam Adagio Contents
Carnie Luck Passive allows him to gain ridiculous amounts of Healing from
Adagio. While many of recommended using the following Comp:
Adagio, it is actually not that strong. This is because an item called Poisoned Shiv can drastically reduce the effectiveness of all three heroes. Furthermore,
Imperial Sigil is stationary, while
Ozo tends to be very mobile and will rarely sit still on the Sigil.
Petal's Munions are always in close Proximity to the Enemy. This allows
Adagio To cast his
Gift of Fire easily.
Vox is a powerful Teammate for Roam
Adagio can cast his
Agent of Wrath on
Vox to amplify the damage of all of his Resonance. Furthermore,
Wait for It can be used to silence enemies so that they cannot
Verse of Judgement.
As you are the roamer of the team, Weapon
SAW is a dangerous enemy to encounter. Unless your jungler or laner packs a stun, it will be very hard to kill a Weapon
SAW, as the traditional way of doing so is to stun him and all jump on him at the same time. Engage with Caution, and retreat if he is at 12 Stacks of
Spin Up.
Back to Roam Adagio Contents
Semi Carry
Adagio is very similar to Roam
Adagio, and generally follows the same concept. However, semi carry
Adagio aims to take advantage of the natural tankiness of allied heroes such as
Glaive or
Koshka to leverage early to mid game pressure on the enemy. This build is most effective when you have friends to communicate with, or when your teammates are just playing very tanky carries. Semi carry
Adagio is unique in that it forces the enemies to deal with an attack on 3 sides instead of just 2. Learning to create Chaos with your
Verse of Judgement and
Gift of Fire slow are key with this build. Confuse your enemies, and you will win.
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Arcane Renewal is one of the most complex concepts to any new
Adagio player. However, it is the fundamental skill which allows
Adagio to fill almost any role in Vainglory.
Arcane Renewal allows
Adagio to constantly be at full energy, despite not building ANY energy regeneration Items. A good team will be able to help
Adagio to regain as much energy as possible in the short time frame where enemies are afflicted by
Gift of Fire.
Gift of Fire is one of
Adagio's signature skills. It is able to save an ally from the brink of death.
Gift of Fire can be cast on a melee ally, such as
Glaive or
Lance when they are in the middle of the fight, regardless of whether or not they have lost health. This ignites all Surrounding Enemies with Arcane Fire, which allows
Adagio to instantly regenerate Energy using
Arcane Renewal. One should never Cast
Gift of Fire on an ally without setting enemies on fire, as the Energy cost of
Gift of Fire is quite large. One exception is when your ally is about to die, or when you have many energy regeneration items and are out of combat. As a protector, this ability makes you unique in having the highest single target burst heal in the game.
Agent of Wrath provides interesting Utility late game. Throw this onto your high attack speed carries such as
Glaive, and they will spit out the entire value of
Agent of Wrath in an instant. In the early game, it can be coupled with early game CP heroes such as
Koshka to secure first blood as well as the enemy jungle.
Verse of Judgement is a powerful crowd control tool, which forces immediate evacuation or death for the enemy team. Coupled with
Gift of Fire, you can land entire team stuns that last for 2.2 seconds, more than sufficient to wipe out at least 1 carry. You should avoid using this ability if doing so does not land any stuns. In Semi Carry
Adagio, it is very unlikely that the enemy will be able to burst you down before you can cast it, due to your enormous pool of health.
Back to Semi Carry Adagio Contents
Early Game:
Semi Carry
Adagio has a strong early game presense due to his basic attack cooldown tools. Start with a Contract, 4
Scout Traps, 2
Flares and 1
Halcyon Potion. You should try to contest Mid Treant. As long as nobody in your team Feeds First Blood, it is okay to lose Mid Treant. From there, Rotate back to Jungle and Continue your Farming Cycle. Try to consolidate your Early Game Fast Clear by getting a
Sprint Boots, followed by a
Flare Gun, Lifesprint,
Light Shield and more
Scout Traps.
Middle Game:
You should have gotten a Fountain by now, which helps a lot with team fights. Around this time, you should pick up
Travel Boots. It helps to buy another
Oakheart, followed by a
Crystal Bit and a
Swift Shooter. Upgrade them into
War Treads and
Alternating Current, and prepare for some team fights. This is the stage where Semi Carry
Adagio begins his long sequence of powerspikes, and he must leverage this advantage. Try to force initiations with the enemy, and be extremely aggressive at this point of the game.
Late Game:
In the late game, you should pause to continue building Utility for your team. Counterbuild accordingly. If the enemy has high attack Speed, build
Atlas Pauldron. If the enemy has bursty AOEs, build
Crucible. If the enemy has invisible Heroes, build
Contraption. If your team lacks gap closers and slows, get a
Shiversteel. But what if you are out of space for a
Shiversteel? Thats fine, for your last item will either be a
Frostburn for additional slows, or a
Broken Myth for amplified damage. Choose accordingly to what best suits your team.
Back to Semi Carry Adagio Contents
1. You can initiate Fights by
Flare Guning into the Enemy Bush, using your
War Treads to rush your entire Team in, igniting the enemy with
Gift of Fire, and Stunning all of them with a
Verse of Judgement. If you can pull this engagement off quickly, you will have a very high chance of winning the engagement. Roam
Adagio can still stun the enemy with his Ultimate, so do not rule it out as a Crowd Control Tool.
2. This is a General Tip for players of all Elo Levels. When you have a roamer, try to lure the enemy to engage in the jungle, where heroes are forced into tighter clumps, where items like
Atlas Pauldron or abilities like
Gauntlet and your
Verse of Judgement are more effective.
3. In the Early Game, use your
Gift of Fire and
Agent of Wrath to reset your basic attack cooldown for faster jungle clear. Due to their low cooldown, they can be used early game to clear jungle camps faster.
4. Ever wanted to not steal that treant kill but you couldn't because you were rooted? Just press recall! The Treant Interrupts your recall, but stops you from basic attacking!
5. If the enemy overextends in lane, you can use your Crippling 70% Slow
Gift of Fire self heal to trap the poor carry.
6. In Teamfights, Semi Carry
Adagio has to manage his
Gift of Fire and his
Verse of Judgement well. Sometimes you do initiate with
Verse of Judgement. Sometimes, you use it midfight to confuse the enemy, or when your teammates have landed slows and stuns.
7. Semi Carry
Adagio hits very hard for a protector early game. Use this to pressure your opponent by Invading before the first 4 Minutes drop.
8. Your choice of Contract is key to winning the early game in Vainglory.
Ironguard Contract,
Protector Contract, and
Dragonblood Contract are all given detailed elaboration in my Item Explanations for Roamer Items.
9. Be careful when using
Gift of Fire or
Fountain of Renewal on an invisible ally, such as a
Taka in
Kaku or a
Kestrel in
Active Camo, as the particles will reveal their location.
10. In battles, positioning is vital with Semi Carry
Adagio. You will not want to be hiding behind your jungler, nor will you want to be in the front tanking all the damage. The ideal position for you to be in, is at the side, flanking the enemy. This makes it harder to land piercing skill shots, and also causes a distraction. When the enemy is given three threats to deal with, it will often confuse them, and they will forget all about your laning carry who slowly takes down their entire team.
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Glaive is a great teammate for Semi Carry
Adagio as he is exactly what
Adagio needs. A tank, a stun, and a gap closer.
Glaive can
Afterburn right into the middle of a clump of enemies, allowing
Adagio to light them all on fire.
Glaive also dispenses
Agent of Wrath basic attacks very quickly.
Early game,
Koshka and
Adagio are beast. Late game,
Koshka falls off, which tends to be a huge issue. However, this Team Comp allows
Koshka to switch to the role of tank, while
Adagio switches to the role of jungler. With One Carry and Two Semi Carries,
Koshka's fall off will be much less impactful. Furthermore,
Agent of Wrath on
Koshka early game is devastating with her
Twirly Death.
Back to Roam Adagio Contents

Lack of Vision
One very common mistake I see players making is placing vision incorrectly. I value vision very much, and I find that it is vital to
Flare Gun every single bush that my team walks into. After doing so, I tend to place a
Scout Trap there so that I do not have to flare it as often, and can have permanent vision without being present. Vision is very powerful in vainglory. Being able to see your enemies on the map can tell you whether or not it is safe to overextend, or give you early notice to a plan to push your jungle. Vision allows you to see what your opponent's do not expect you to see, and that tends to be their downfall.
Wrong Placement of Scout Traps
Many times, I see players placing their
Scout Trap wherever it is convenient to place it. Unless you are playing an early game rush comp where the damage is significant, you should always try to place
Scout Traps where enemies would not step on them.
Imagine that your Team starts on the Left side of the map. As a rule, you always want to
Scout Trap the corner of the bush that is furthest from the enemy team.

Notice how the Scout Traps are all placed at the left most corner of the bush. This is the correct way to Utilize
Scout Traps.
CS Taking
One HUGE Sin for a roamer, is to take their laner or jungler's farm. Unless it is being fed to turret or one's own minions, a Roamer should NEVER try to get farm. Stealing your Jungler or Laner's farm causes them to fall behind in terms of gold and Xp. Roamer Items are Cheaper than Carry Items. Take a hit for the Team.
This tends to apply only to roamers with enemy movement abilities such as
Forced Accord, or
Afterburn. These skills can cause your enemy to be knocked out of a
Core Collapse, or out of reach of an ally
Krul. Do not peel recklessly. You can throw kills that way.
Roaming (Alone)
Roaming does not mean to walk around the map. It means to stick with one Teammate at all times, unless you are moving from Teammate to Teammate. Sometimes, I see my roamer in the enemy's jungle and I'm just wondering, why are they even in there. Leaving your Carry for a second can cause them to be ganked and killed if you do not provide enough vision. Leaving your jungler reduces their clear speed by a quarter. You must know how to manage roaming between carry and jungler, but definitely not off on your own.
Risky Fountains
Many new players think that if they
Fountain of Renewal just as their teammate is about to die, it will save them. This is not true, as the
Fountain of Renewal initial heal is not difficult to burst down. As a general rule of the thumb for newer players, use
Fountain of Renewal in combat if your Teammates are below one third (1/3) health.
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Thank you for taking the Time to Read my Extensive
Adagio Guide for all Roles!
Upvoting this guide will help to boost it past some of the very old guides with 100+ upvotes but with outdated content. Boosting this guide will guide more new players to learn to play
Adagio better. You never know, some day someone who read this guide would be on your team in a solo queue, and you would be grateful that they knew what they were doing :3
I will refresh this guide with content everytime I discover something new, so keep your eyes peeled for more :)
By the way, I would like to thank the entire VGFire community for helping to boost this guide to the TOP of the
Adagio guides section. You guys are the best!
Finally, I would like to thank the VGFire Staff Team for Recognising my efforts. It really means a lot, and my heart literally started beating really fast when I saw this.

If you've made it to the end of this guide, you're a Champ!
Smooth sailing in the fold with your vice captain
Adagio :)
IGN: zRadiance
Region: Southeast Asia
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