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Hero |
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No Threat |
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Celeste |
Blackfeather is the strongest hero against Celeste. He can dodge her stun and easily chase and kill her. |
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Ringo |
Same as Celeste, Blackfeather is also very strong against Ringo. With an Atlas Pauldron he makes him pretty much useless and with no escape moves, it makes it almost impossible for Ringo to escape a good Blackfeather player. |
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Petal |
Petal is not a very strong hero espacially against bursty heroes. With Blackfeathers high mobility it is very easy for him to hunt her down and close the gaps which she always wants between her and her enemies. |
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With the help of an Atlas Pauldron, Saw will not be any kind of problem for you or youre team. |
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Koshka |
Koshka is a very strong early game hero, but in Late she has no chance against a Blackfeather. Try to build much CP def and survive her burst. |
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Taka |
Although Taka csan escape well with his invisibility, Blackfeather is a stronger hero in general. Build a lot of defense to survive his burst. Also consider an Atlas pauldron if he is too anoying. |
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Adagio |
Adagio deals massive ammounts of damage, but cant slow or stun Blackfeather if he is used correctly. |
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Joule |
Blackfeather can jump arround and behind Joule to use her perk to his own advantage and kill her on her weakpoint. |
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Alpha |
Alpha can deal massive damage but with a more defensiv Blackfeather build (which i reccomend in most of the games) he can survive her burst and kill her even twice. |
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Rona |
Rona is a strong melee hero. Although Blackfeather is a little bit stronger in my opinion, it depends on thr players skills who will win. Just keep in mind that Blackfeather is one of the strongest Late game heroes, so in a long game you will win. |
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Skaarf |
Skaarf is a big threath against melee heroes, but Blackfeather immunity to slows and his massive gap closers help him to stay close to Skaarf. |
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Vox |
Vox is a very mobile hero, but Blackfeather should be able to stick at him an even kill him. An Atlas Pauldron is always a big help to make him useless. |
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Glaive |
Glaive is a strong melee hero, but if Blackfeather has an Atlas Pauldron early, Glaive is useless for a moment. |
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Krul |
Krul is always a pain for melee heroes, but with his ability to dodge stuns or slows and his high mobility, Blackfeather combined with a Fortress can beat even a very good Krul. |
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Skye |
Skye is a hard matchup in general. If xou build a shiversteel you should always be able to stick to her and also help youre team to reach her. Delete her as fast as possible! |
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Kestrel |
Kestrel is very dangerous for Blackfeather. With her ability to maker herself invisible whenever she wants (in WP build) It is hard to kill her fast and if Blackfeather reaches her, she can stun and burst you down. |
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Reim |
Reim is known as THE Blackfeather counter. His shield he gets is too immense for Any kind of melee hero. Try to avoid him if possible or get carried by youre laner! |
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No Threat |
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