Ultimate Metal to the Petal by huxley

Ultimate Metal to the Petal

By: huxley
Last Updated: Feb 19, 2015
103 Votes
Build 1 of 1


Build: The Only Build You Will Ever Need

Ability Path

Heroic Perk
Brambleboom Seeds
Spontaneous Combustion

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
Krul Hit and Hop. Krul needs to get close to you and cuddle you - don't let him do that, ew undead flesh, ewww.
Skaarf This cutie can't touch you. But be careful of its ultimate.
Adagio With this build, Late Game Adagio won't be much of a threat, but will still be essential in coordinated team fights.
Catherine You are Catherine's worst nightmare, your munions' dps is bad news to her shield. Spontaneous Combustions when here shield is off.
Ringo Early Game/Weapon Build- Ringo is mostly in the lane focusing on farming and kiting, but pro Ringo players are quick to react on backups, so still be careful. His weapon build will be less of a threat, out-kite him, plus he has no skills to eradicate your precious munions. nomnomnom
Koshka Mid-Late Game - Set your items to defense mode for more HP and from getting killed instantly. Time your Reflex Block and slow her down from running away with Shiversteel.
Glaive Early Game - Glaive is a threat if he is near the tower or has supportive teammates. Otherwise, use shiversteel, eat some munion candies and kite your way to victory.
Ardan Ardan is a team player, and so should you.
Joule Joule - Joule's heroic perk makes her a bit hard to crack. Her lightning sword spam can hurt specially if she is Weapon Build.
Adagio Early Game Adagio can burn munions, can slow you down, and enhances his attacks. Avoid engagement if Petal lvl 2-5. You can face him 1 vs 1 at lvl1 because your seed stacks will eventually heal faster + armor. But fight is long so be careful of backups. Mid-Game Adagio, lower his threat level by being weary of ambushes. Use Flares or Scout Traps for your own safety. If caught by surprise, use Spontaneous Combustion immediately.
Ringo Crystal Ringo - His threat is relatively high because of high damage from his ultimate and can spam achilles shot. Lower his threat levels by equipping yourself at least with Reflex Block. Time it properly and activate it when the slow moving Fire is ready to hit you.
Petal Crystal Petal - Engage when reflex block or boots is ready. They will rely much of their power from munions. Outlast her with your better HP, and sustain.
Glaive Late Game Weapon Glaive - One of the hardest to counter heroes in late game. However, this will need a good sense of strategy, when fighting against him. Munions will easily be eradicated, but continue planting seeds. Kite him and let Breaking Point stack, slow him down with shiversteel. Don't Panic! Use reflex block with proper timing. And activate yay pets only to slow him down some more, but still don't rely much on your pets.
SAW Crystal Saw is Bad News - He can erase your pets easily, Shank you in the chest if he feels like it, or just run away back to motherland if he needs it. Move around when facing him and avoid a linear path. Make him miss his Suppressing Fire. It's more about your technical skills than item builds at this point. Weapon Saw - He is the King of Weapons, and no one gets near him with full stacks on Spin-Up. But his range is still an issue, so you have a bit of advantage. Hit and Hop as you please. And no need to summon seeds and pets at this point, he'll just make em' evaporate instantly.
Koshka Early to Mid Game - Ever wonder why she shouts "Squirrel!"? She is referring to you of course! Her twirly death will stack high because of your munions and seeds, so her normal hits will be a pain. Her bursts hurts too. She can outrun your Spontaneous Combustion too. So use with proper timing, like when she's using her ultimate.
Taka Weapon Taka - His hide skill is annoying, his movement speed, split second of invulnerability and ridiculous life steal makes this assassin a real threat.


Ok, so yes it took a while for an update.

2 items have been nerfed here, specifically Breaking Point and Fountain of Renewal.
There will be no changes to this build, however, I have played with this build and felt the nerf.
Indeed there will be some changes on the play style on how this build is handled.

For the meantime, I'll be adding the supposed updates on this section.
- Defensive items are now circumstantial. If you see enemy building weapons, go for Metal Jacket or Atlas Pauldron, and if you see Crsytal based enemies, start building shield items and feel free to build Fountain of Renewal.

- Breaking Point is still the most OP item in the universe for me, despite being nerfed for range.
- Simple tip on using this build is to play defensively while you stack your BP, rush to the enemy fray if there is ample amount of stacks, and be confident on your def build.

About Petal Top

Just a quick info about her:
- Petal plants seeds that restore health over time when she or allies stand on them. (Max stack of 5 seeds)
- Petal can transform seeds into pets (aka Munions) that fight for her from a distance.
- Petal's unmatched basic attack and pet range allows her to harass like no one else.
- Petal is unmatched in overall cuteness and universal adorability.

Quick Item Summary Top

The Tanky Anti-Hero Build
1. Stormguard Banner
2. Shiversteel
3. Sprint Boots which will be upgraded later to Journey Boots
4. Aegis or Crucible
5. Fountain of Renewal
6. Breaking Point
7. Tyrant's Monocle get this by selling Stormguard Banner

Petal Guide - In Timeline Top

Early Game Farm while being Careful

Farm effectively by simply being cautious. When fighting with pros, be ready for ganks and early invasions.

Set scout trap for vision or just to scare away enemies, or for additional damage when engaging with enemies (especially if they wish to chase you or if they're melee). Scout trap is your extra friend at level 1, especially when enemies try to take a bite at your cuteness.

In lane, plant seeds on the bushes or on locations where enemies won't get free shots at them. Master the art of kiting. Don't summon bramblethorn pets yet as they will consume energy, and they will get chewed on by enemy mobs, and is an easier target for enemy heroes. Use yay, pets! if some of the enemies are standing on the seeds as they can damage and slow, and engage in a fight from a safe distance. Plant seeds again in a safe spot for resummoning pets, and as a mini-healing station for you or your allies. Watch your energy and leave some for yay, pets!

In jungle, by the time you reach lvl 2, farming becomes faster. For the daring players, I suggest that you farm at the enemy's side as soon as you get yay, pets!. Position yourself, on a good exit path. Her range is your best weapon, it allows you to see oncoming enemies, and by there you can judge if its fight or flight. (Check your map all the time for missing enemy heroes, know who they are at the beginning of the game.) Also don't hesitate to scatterbramblethorn seeds generously, energy is easy to recover. It's because there's a jungle mob that gives hp+energy regen when you kill it.

Try to get Stormguard Banner before the Gold and Crystal Miners spawn on the 4th minute. This item will allow you to jungle faster and provide you with extra regen. Take down Crystal Mine, as soon as it's available.

Next on the item list is Sprint Boots for that extra hopping distance. Have a Minion Candy ready, for extra damage of your bramblethorn pets.

Take down gold mine if it is at least more than half full. Use ping signals for backup if necessary. Petal can easily take down gold mines alone but be weary of ambushes. Use Minion Candy for extra damage. If available, don't hesitate to use Spontaneous Combustion when gold miner's hp is low for that sure last hit.

Mid Game Be Alert & Harass

At this point, you should be on your way to completing Shiversteel. This item has an active slow, and gives you a good amount of hp. During mid-game, Petal's Spontaneous Combustion is one of the deadliest skills. Be patient on when to use it. Make sure all your pets are are attacking the target before making them explode. Use Shiversteel's active slow to make sure they don't get to outrun the explosions easily.

During this time, Petal can be confident in farming in either lane or jungle, be alert if your teammates need backup for ambush or gank.. If your team is behind kill points, use scout traps effectively to avoid falling for ganks and ambushes. In normal team fights, Petal is a favorite target because she's soft and has no boost of speed for escape. This is why Shiversteel is important - extra HP plus slow down approaching/retreating enemies while your bramblethorn pets slowly chews away the HP of your targets.

If you feel like you're still the target of enemies, like Ringo's Hellfire Brew or Koshka's Yummy Catnip Frenzy, or constantly gets caught in Adagio's Verse of Judgement start building Reflex Block. Timing is the key. When playing with any hero, it is more important to watch the your own HP (especially on the rate that it decreases) than focusing on enemy's HP. If you focus on your own HP, there's a huge chance you will see other incoming damage that can be fatal, thus you can time your Reflex Block properly. Still, don't forget to stock Halcyon Potion.

If you feel like you have more offensive freedom, then it's time to build the most OP item in the universe - the Breaking Point. One of the cheapest weapons in the shop, yet the scariest. Carry this weapon with pride, as to whoever wields this shall carry the team to victory! hoooraahh!

Afterwards, upgrade your Reflex Block to Aegis, or Crucible if you're feeling generous. Complete your boots to Journey Boots.

Late Game Stack-up & Take Control

At this point, I would usually complete Fountain of Renewal, making Petal tankier. It's because wielding the Breaking Point means you have to prolong fights to get its max potential. The longer you stay in battle, the stronger you get. Once you have Fountain of Renewal you no longer need the halcyon potions.

Next to complete is Tyrant's Monocle, and don't forget to sell your Stormguard Banner. So why Tyrant's Monocle? It's because it has high crit rate and damage. If you wanna see huge red numbers on your screen, then this is it.

I tried mixing Breaking Point with:
- Tornado Trigger - fast, but you won't need speed with Breaking Point since bonus stacks every second and is not dependent on speed. Although sometimes it's tempting to use.
- Bonesaw - the feeling is like 1+1=1.5, they don't really mix well. Bonesaw shreds armor, so the armor piercing ability of Breaking Point becomes pointless. (oh catchy! #doublerainbow)
- Serpent Mask - not so good, her attack speed is too slow for lifesteal.
- Tension Bow - happiness only comes every after 5 seconds, meh. (but good in early game though)
- Sorrowblade - this is also a good option, constant high output, so I would sometimes get this replacing - Shiversteel when games last really long, and teammates have good ability in disabling/crippling enemies.

Petal can farm pretty well during late game with this build. If you have extra gold, sell the cheapest item, which is Shiversteel, then buy Weapon Infusion and consume, buy Minion Candy and consume, and buy back Shiversteel and get back to the fight!

Now the journey of building your items is complete. Stack-up the Breaking Point, harass enemies from the distance, slow them down with bramblethorn seeds and yay, pets! combo, slow them down some more with Shiversteel, block huge bursts of damage with Aegis or Crucible, activate Fountain of Renewal when in a pinch, and take control of the battle.

Exploiting Petal's Abilities Top

In this section I will share to you some nifty tricks to get Petal's full potential. Whether you're using my build, or a crystal or a hybrid, or anything that's comfortable to you, this section is for you.

Abuse her range.
Hit and Hop is Petal's own form of kiting. Slowly bite off enemy's hp with some cheap shots.
Your bramblethorn pets will attack the last enemy that you attacked as long as it's in her range. So hop a little bit closer for your pets to continue chewing, you can stop the kiting if you think it will slow down the chase, your pets will still continue on gnawing your target.

Be generous in planting seeds.
In early game where energy is limited, try to stack them in one place to create a mini-healing station. But not more than 5 seeds. Always reserve energy for yay, pets!.

In late game where you have more energy, scatter them around, especially if you're in the lane. This will slow down lane mobs as they will attack them. Second, it is annoying for enemies that has targeting skills like Ringo's Achilles Shot or Catherine's Merciless Pursuit as they tend to accidentally target the seeds.

Seeds at the Ready - Petal's strength comes from her munions. In case Saw's suppressing fire, Adagio's fire, Catherine's shield, Glaive's cleave, or Koshka's Twirl obliterates the pets, easily resummon them back. In using Petal, always check the HP of the munions, then press Yay Pets to heal them. If in case, it's too late, press Yay! Pets only if the corpse of the munions disappears on screen, this ensures that the munions sprout from the seeds; pressing it too early won't do anything and cooldown takes a while.

Petal's Escaping Maneuvers
First - don't panic.
When being chased, kite back while hopping away from the enemies. Your munions will chew on them while you're moving away and sometimes you can turn the tides of battle with this.
Plant seeds along the way. As enemies tap on their screens, they might just accidentally hit the seeds instead of the ground. Now you just bought yourself an extra distance away from the enemy.
Is one of your pets missing? GOOD, this means you can sprout one. But wait till the enemy gets near it. Then use yay, pets! right when they're on top of the seed, and watch them slow down and take damage. And you might just be able to kite back and reverse the predator-prey relationship.

Petal is bad at hiding at the bushes
Don't rely too much hiding in that tall brush. Your pets would sometimes stick out, and there goes your game of hide and seek. And also, don't use yay, pets when you don't wish to be seen, her skill creates a glowing ring effect that tells everyone that a cute killer is nearby.

Spontaneous Combustion
Don't use Spontaneous Combustion if enemies are moving. Make sure that her pets are actually chewing on your targets before activating the explode. Get the most of it during clashes if enemies are close together and are currently engaged in a target.
Get an extra explosion by pressing yay, pets! after one or two explosions. The explosion happens as long as there is a munion alive. This trick however requires a bit of careful timing and some practice.

Petal Against Enemy Heroes - Difficult Top

For a quick guide, just refer to the threat meter on the top page of this guide.

Early to Mid Game Koshka - 10/10
Ever wonder why she shouts "Squirrel!"? She is referring to you of course! Her Twirly Death will stack high because of your munions and seeds, so her normal hits will be a pain. Her bursts hurts too. She can outrun your Spontaneous Combustion too. So use you combustion with proper timing, like when she's using her Yummy Catnip Frenzy.

You can lower her scariness level by building a defensive set first, especially if she likes targeting you. So try to complete Reflex Block and Journey Boots over Breaking Point.

Weapon Taka - 10/10
So Taka is ridiculously strong (assuming you're playing with advanced players, else ignore this threat and chew away that fox in a box). At early game, instead of carrying Scout Trap, arm yourself with Flare Gun and make his escape his own demise. In late game, if he targets you with X-Retsu, wait four seconds before activating your Fountain of Renewal, his bursts are high, but a mediocre sustain. Outlast him by stacking your Breaking Point and Spontaneous Combustion after he uses Kaiten.

Use Shiversteel to slowdown his approach or retreat, Flare Gun to reveal the fox in a box, and reduce the threat of this softy fox to 6/10.

Saw - 9/10
Crystal Saw is Bad News - He can erase your pets easily, Shank you in the chest if he feels like it, or just run away back to motherland if he needs it. Move around when facing him and avoid a linear path. Make him miss his Suppressing Fire.

Weapon Saw is King - He is the King of Weapons, and no one gets near him with full stacks on Spin Up. But his range is still an issue, so you have a bit of advantage. Spontaneous Combustion him on the get go, then Hit and Hop as you please. And no need to summon seeds and pets at this point, he'll just make em' evaporate instantly.

It's more about your technical skills than item builds at this point. Learn how to move around when against Crystal Saw and master kiting against Weapon Saw

His additional weakness is he's soft. So, hit him with Spontaneous Combustion while your pets are still complete. Be careful against a SAW with Reflex Block though, that would be a tough nut to crack.

With proper maneuvers, you can lower the threat of this masked madman to 6/10.

Late Game Weapon Glaive - 9/10
One of the hardest heroes to counter in late game. However, it will be easier with proper strategy. Munions will easily be eradicated, but continue planting seeds. Kite him and let Breaking Point stack, slow him down with Shiversteel. Don't Panic! Use Reflex Block with proper timing. And activate yay, pets! only to slow him down some more, but still do not rely much on your pets.

I actually built this guide, with the purpose to defeat this kind of Glaive. Turns out, its actually good against other heroes too.

With proper timing of the active items, slay this beast and lower his threat rating to 5/10.

Crystal Ringo - 8/10
His threat is relatively high because of high burst and continuous damage from his Hellfire Brew and he can spam Achilles Shot.

Lower his threat power by equipping yourself at least with Reflex Block. Time it properly and activate it when the slow moving Fire is ready to hit you. His threat should drastically drop to 5/10.

Crystal Petal - 8/10
Crystal Petal means her pets bite stronger and scarier. Plus the Spontaneous Combustion can be a threat not just to you, but to the entire team.

Outlast her with your better HP, and sustain. Time your Reflex Block and Spontaneous Combustion when lightning starts appearing on her pets. You can be the superstar of your team by even upgrading to Crucible. With this counter, lower her threat to 6/10.

Early to Mid Game Adagio - 7/10
Early Game Adagio can burn munions, can slow you down, enhances his attacks and heals himelf. Avoid engagement if Petal lvl is 2-5. You can face him 1 vs 1 at lvl1 because your seed stacks will eventually heal faster + armor, than his burn + heal. But fight will be long so be careful of backups.

Mid-Game Adagio is really powerful, a master of ambush, and he is barely reliant on items. Lower his threat level by being weary of ambushes. Use Flare Gun or Scout Traps for your own safety. If caught by surprise, use Spontaneous Combustion immediately.

Lower his threat simply by being paranoid, reduce it to as much as 4/10.

Joule - 6/10

Joule's strength mainly comes from her Thunder Strike and her heroic perk Heavy Plating, her other skills has early warning devices giving you ample amount of time to dodge.
Mover around her - don't just stand there! Maker her miss that Thunder Strike and don't let it stack.
Don't panic if joule keeps eradicating your pets, plant a seed and wait for her to step in, then slow her down and move away or continue attack as you see fit.

Learn how to dodge her active skills and it would feel like she's missing two of em'.

Petal Against Enemy Heroes - Easy Top

Ardan - 5/10
Ardan is not a threat if he is alone. However, he has a humongous presence in team battles. He is able to establish team play, and protect teammates. During clashes, take note of his position as he is most likely the primary hero to deal the first strike, stay back so you won't get focused by the attacks. Kite him to stack your Breaking Point, and stay safe from a distance from him and his teammates.

A teamplayer Ardan is no joke, but with this anti-tank build, you can be confident of taking control of the battle and slaying your way for that kill.

Early Game Glaive - 5/10
Glaive is a threat if he is near the tower or has supportive teammates. Otherwise, use Shiversteel, eat some munion candies and kite your way to victory.

Late Game Koshka - 4/10
Mid to Late Game - Simply set your items to defense mode for more HP and from getting killed instantly. Time your Reflex Block and slow her down from running away with Shiversteel.

Early Game/Weapon Build Ringo - 3/10
Early Game/Weapon Build Ringo is mostly in the lane focusing on farming and kiting, but pro Ringo players are quick to react on backups, so still be careful. His weapon build will be less of a threat, out-kite him, plus he has no skills to eradicate your precious munions. nomnomnom!

Catherine - 2/10
You are Catherine's worst nightmare, your munions' dps is bad news to her Stormguard. Spontaneous Combustion when her shield is off.

Late-Game Adagio - 2/10
With this build, Adagio won't be much of a threat, but will still be essential in coordinated team fights.

Krul - 1/10
Hit and Hop. Krul needs to get close to you and cuddle you - don't let him do that, ew undead flesh, ewww. AAAAhhh a flying sword! Learn to dodge it or intimidate him by reflex blocking instead.

Skaarf - 1/10
Munions and seeds, will stop his incoming fireballs. Your munions got eradicated? Plant a seed to block fireballs, and don't forget that this build is independent from munions, surprise surprise!

Why this build? Top

Crsytal Petal is by default one of most OP heroes early-mid game. Easy and safe to use. In a single Spontaneous Combustion during a clash can ensure Petal her kill.

But, during late game, enemies would start adding a defensive set. Her munions can be ignored if Crystal Power is not enough, and Spontaneous Combustion can be countered easily with Reflex Block.

And back then, with the original heroes, Weapon Glaive was extremely OP, with huge HP, crit rate, and splash damage. Crystal Petal didn't stand a chance, her munions would instantly vanish disabling her from adding significant damage, her ultimate barely scratches glaive because of his humongous hp, and with no skill for escape, she was sure food for him.

So I found a way to create a tankier Petal, less munion dependent that would be able to inflict pain to her worst enemy.

Practically, this is a build I came up as a solution against very strong Weapon Glaive. It was difficult to counter him 1vs1 and Krul wasn't around yet to *****slap Glaive.

It just turned out that it was effective to almost every other heroes I used this against.

So use this build with patience, no need to rush into the enemies' arms for that kill. Stay behind and take advantage of your munions and extra-long range.

Conclusion Top

Just taking this from my first guide:

To sum it up, Petal is strong, but learn to adapt during battle. She's a good aggresor, as her pets, aka Monions, can pretty hurt. Don't try to go front line as they will squish her like the cute little creature she is. Just keep her moving and planting seeds along the way, pressing Yay Pets to heal em every time your cute little monions get hurt. Don't stop, keep on moving, in this way her cuteness gets a little more annoying

This guide is not the best, everyone has their personal playing style. Adapt to what suits your personality. Use at your own risk. This guide can be countered, and has its weaknesses, just like everybody else.

WHEW, took me days to finish this. So hope you guys like it. Leave your thoughts about this guide, corrections, comments and violent reactions. Any questions? Post it on the comments and I'll answer as much as I can.


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