Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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No Threat |
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Ringo |
Ringo can only do damge at longer ranges get in close with Catherine's A ability and he's good as dead early and late game are deadly to him |
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Celeste |
Celsetes has the same situation as skaarf but she can stun which is really the main threat she poses to you |
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Rona |
Rona can do lots of damge meaning your shield(B) will throw it right back at her get her to waste her C ability and she can't do anything |
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Adagio |
He will try to stay behind enemies for him to heal and survive but if you can position your self next to him or stun him their damge dealers will end up killing him also be careful of his flames if you didn't get aegis they can sting you petty badly |
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Him being a sniper gives him the advantage at long range try to stun him during his suppressing fire to keep him from stacking spin up then just reflect his damge while you auto attack |
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Skaarf |
Skaarf is somewhat a threat do to his heroic perk. But you can stop him with your stun on any of his abilites try to save your stun for when he try to activate his ultimate or C ability |
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Catherine |
Catherine is built support will be a sponge for damge but when built for damage she won't do much do to your high health and your heroic perk |
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Joule |
Joule is very reliant on her abilities try to stun her while in air or when she is charging up her C ability |
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Taka |
Taka may be tricky to kill but only you have your C ability he can't run try to silence him first if you can then stun and kill |
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Koshka |
Try to silence her before anything she is heavily reliant on her speed if you take that away from her she can't do anything |
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Ardan |
Ardan is very difficult to give him one threat level he can either go support or warrior positions if he goes support don't worry about him he can't do damge unless with teammates but if he goes warrior silence him and then focus he will destroy you if built correctly |
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Ozo |
ozo can jump in and out of a fight to keep his health bar from dropping keep him in the middle of the fight to drop him when he has his ultimate keep him close to stop him from splitting up the fight to much |
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Fortress |
Fortress has the same situation as ardan when he goes support just split him up from his team to keep him from activating any of his abilites but it would be most beneficial to stun him during his C ability if he builds as a damge dealer just do the dmage thing and spilt him up from the rest of his team |
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Skye |
Skye can stun you can dish out massive amounts of damge try to keep her from either using her ultimate or her A ability its up to you |
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Glaive |
Glaive can do a massive amount of AOE damge with his passive and he will stay in a fight for as long as possible with his C ability try to counter by stunning him during his after burn ability to keep him from knocking you back |
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Blackfeather |
Can harass with ease until mid game try to isolate him from teammates if possible when alone he can't affect you to a degree when with teammates try to close in on him to keep him from using rose offense to get away. |
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Lance |
Lance is a hero who can keep his distance from you. Wait for his shield to go down first then stun he is specificly made to keep enemies away so keep that in mind when engaging |
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Petal |
Petal is meant to keep melee heroes away with her boom seeds and jump try to keep her from her boom seeds or try to jump her when she has no mana |
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Vox |
Very easy to kill early game do to low health but in late game he will be fast and harder to stun his silence can really disable you leaving you vulnerable so try to pounce him his first before he can |
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Alpha |
Early and late game alpha is a very annoying damge dealer try to disable her first before she can run or use infinite robot |
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Reim |
Reim can be in a fight for a very long time enage him when all your abilites are up to have all options of damge dealing up |
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Krul |
Krul can only stay alive when he can first dead man rush you (A ability) the stack you with spectral smite stun him when he first enages you then activate your shield to shove his damage right back at him |
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Lyra |
Very very weak early game try to stun her first before she can teleport or snare you unless you built shield first |
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Kestrel |
Same situation with taka if she cloaks hit her with your C ability that will silence her and most likely do a good amount of damge try to then stun can keep her still when at range she can be a very annoying oppenent and usally you will be either injured or dead when she is at level 6 best to get in close |
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Phinn |
Phinn is basically the counter to catherine its best to silence him to stop him from stunning you or using any abilities it would also be very beneficial for you to engage him as a team and try not to focus on jingle mich since his main use is to keep his damge dealers alive |
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