Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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Celeste |
Celeste has the same situation as skaarf she is often by herself in lane which leaves her vulnerable. She does do a good amount of damge but not enough for you to run be cautious of her stun though |
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Rona |
Rona is very weak against Catherine throughout most of the game but if she does get serpents mask stun her in the middle of her C abililty to keep her from activating the serpants mask passive |
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Skaarf |
Skaarf is a very weak charcter in terms of health he can pose a threat when with out her teammates but since he is usally in the lane by himself it's easy to get the drop on him |
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Ringo |
Usally ringo players do not build health or any at all focus him and try to take him out first before anyone with more health |
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Catherine |
A Catherine on Catherine fight is possible but when it is try to silence and stun the other to keep them from using their abilities |
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Fortress |
Fortress can be a very formidably opponent by himself or with his team but stun him in any of his abilities and it will leave him vulnerable his abilities have a long cool down so he won't use then anytime soon |
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Koshka |
Koshka is heavily reliant on her speed try to silence her or stun to take that away from her |
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Blackfeather |
Try to focus him since he will most likely have little health he is usally paired with a support so keep your eyes out phinn is definetly a red sign to attack its best to leave black feather alone since he is usally by other teammates |
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Lance |
Lance is meant for keeping enemies away from him and his allies. Try to sneak up on him since a full on attack on him would lead no where |
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Ozo |
Zoo can be a formidable opponent but he needs to go in and out of the fight to keep up his damge try to stun and disable him any way you can to stop him from running shiver steel is a very useful tool for this |
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Glaive |
Glaive is a very hard herow to bring down especially with his weapon life steal and pretty hefty health pool. Try to keep your team away from him to keep him from activating his life steal |
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Adagio |
Can harass early game but by mid and late game you should have enough health and damage to stun and overpower him |
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Ardan |
Ardan can either be a bruiser or just a dmage sponge. If ardan is going for damge prioritize him since he will most likely have less health than others. When he is support ignore him he will not do damage most likely and just distract you from their damge dealers |
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Petal |
Before you ask yourself why I made petal such a threat remember petal is a counter for melee heroes she is meant to keep her distance and still do damage try to stop her mid jump she has low health which means she'll take a pretty hefty beating before trying to run |
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Joule |
Stun her during her jump or her C ability to make sure she doesn't do to much damage to you |
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Alpha |
Alpha has a very hefty health pool try to save your stun for when she is revived and back into the fight since she will most likely jump right back in to finish the job |
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Skye |
Skye is a very weak charcter in terms of health keep her close to stun her as soon as possible to keep her from stunning you |
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Taka |
Taka is a stealth based charcter try to stun him before he leaves then hit him with blast tremor to expose him he usally can survive in team fights so try to keep him there too |
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Vox |
Vox can keep his distance very well but his health is low meaning go for him first to keep him from damaging your whole team |
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Reim |
Stay away from his ice spire and stun him during his B or C abilities to keep him from stunning/rooting you for his team |
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Phinn |
Phinn is a very hard hero to bring down silence his first then unload on him without his abilities he's just a tank and nothing else |
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Kestrel |
Very dangerous throughout the whole game try to do as much damage as possible and when she uses her cloak immediately hit her with your C ability to get her out of hiding |
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Krul |
Krul is meant for 1 on 1 combat to kill him you must engage into a team fight get crucible fountain of renewal and stormcown before you enage him |
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Lyra |
Lyra is meant to keep enemies from ganking her teammates rememeber this before engaging its best to go after her first distance is very bad when against her try to keep her as close as possible |
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