Update Log Top
~ Changed crucible to Aegis in final build for Stormguard Catherine build, Crystal Power and Speed. This will ensure much, much more defense, with only a small recoil in the health. Still manages better this way.
Who Catherine Is: Top
Catherine is the merciless suppressor that controls and toys with the enemy team, the surveyor of the
Halcyon Fold, checking everything for weak points while keeping everything under her control. You do not need a mass number of kills with Catherine, as she holds the team like a wall. I'ts more important to win than to get 10+ kills. That makes Catherine the support for her team, making her more than a value to her team, she is a
necessity. It's a necessity that she acts like it. Catherine is
Stormguard, so do not forget this.
The Build Builds the Fold's Outcome. Top
There are so many combinations of items and so many builds, it's hard to find one that best suits your playing style and suit your abilities with a certain hero. Catherine has the range to go from merciless killer, to war-torn Tank, and everything in between. There is no right or wrong with a build, so stressing out about it is unnecessary, though should be thought about. The builds I'm going to talk about are ones I use frequently. the first one, Crystal Power and Speed, is varied between stats, going from speed to crystal power, and leading up with lots of health. I don't worry about armor or shield, as Catherine's natural shield and armor are above average, and that her hero ability grants +1 shield for every enemy hero stunned with
Merciless Pursuit and for every time an enemy is silenced with
Blast Tremor. Shield is used to defend against basic attacks, which are used primarily after your
Stormguard has absorbed all of an enemies ability. Depending on you're frequency of
Merciless Pursuit and the amount of people hit with
Blast Tremor, your shield should rise very quickly. The second, Speed and Powerful Defense, exchanges the massive crystal power and slightly more health for a lot more focus on armor and shield, along with a few other bonuses. Keep the
Eve of Harvest,
Journey Boots and warhorn indefinitely, as they will make you speedy and give you an impressive health bonus, a total of +900 health and +20 health regen. This will make you more than a tank, it will make you the speediest, most threatening tank on the Fold.
Build #1: Crystal Power and Speed Top
This is a rough summary of the first build, for more in depth info, scroll down and read the other chapters.
In the first build, by the end of the match there will be the combination of immense Crystal Power, Health, and speed boosts to compliment your insanely strong max level
Merciless Pursuit and max level
Blast Tremor. You will become a nightmare, a pursuer that will be a cause of alarm and cause of many kills and assists. Your
Stormguard is your scapegoat, always rely on it to save you from a situation in which you have the lower hand, I'm roughly describing a situation where you would be ganked, ganged up on, or when an enemy is using their ultimate ability. Never forget to use your boots, either, and keep your team safe with the warhorn. You could exchange the second crucible for any other item, depending if you want more power or defense, etc. Just a note. |
Build #2: Speed and a Powerful Defense Top
Currency! Top
Gold is the ammo in the gun, what we all fight for for the first 15 minutes of the game, and it makes a hero more and more powerful with every purchase. So to start off gaining more money and more experience for leveling up, buy the
Ironguard Contract under Utilities. This will assure a decent income of extra gold when a minion of an kind is killed, even by another player. To earn currency quickly, both the Jungle and the Lane provide decent payout in levels and gold, so choose what would be best for the team. The lane, being constantly crowded with minions and the occasional hero can be a bit overwhelming, and an easy place to get killed, especially if you haven't yet added
Stormguard to your abilities. The jungle is also a way to go with Catherine, as it will have a very similar outcome level and gold wise. the dangers however, vary on how you maneuver the Jungle and how you handle mines and opposing heros. The
Stormguard Banner will give you +50 to actual damage when it comes to minions and non-hero enemies, so it's advised to acquire this by the time mining begins, and it also has the
Ironguard Contract ability to receive extra gold.
Abilities! Top
Build #1
Catherine's abilities are very unique, in that they have the power to shape the outcome of a match. In the first build, I highly recommend that you focus on getting
Merciless Pursuit started, the focus on
Stormguard for two levels, then two levels on
Merciless Pursuit again. Then do your ultimate, of course, and keep the pattern of
Merciless Pursuit,
Stormguard, then
Blast Tremor until you're at max level. Your abilities
Merciless Pursuit and
Blast Tremor have the power to give you a permanent boost in armor, as long as you land the hit. this will help so much through out the match. Land merciless strike as soon as you have the chance, no matter what. It will stun, long enough to run away if need be.
Merciless Pursuit will be your saving grace in the end, able to stun close chasing enemies and making them easy targets for you and your team. Rely on
Merciless Pursuit as much as you can, and use it every chance you get.
Build #2
You are Stormguard, and you need to reflect this. Acquire the max on
Stormguard and you will not just shape the outcome of the match, but control it. Start with
Stormguard, then
Merciless Pursuit and focus on making
Stormguard stronger while generously keeping up with
Merciless Pursuit. Max out
Stormguard, and proceed to keep
Blast Tremor at max as well.
Stormguard not only minimizes the damage you receive, but reflects damage back to the targets around you, dealing some damage, but enough to make them back off.
My Losing match and My build. Top
This was from earlier today, a roughly 30 minute match that ended in defeat. one of my allies left the match and only returned after 5 minutes, leaving us crippled. But enough excuses, if you look, I have 10 kills and 10 assists, which in my opinion is high, especially for Catherine, and especially since combined I made the most kills. My build, however, is one upgrade away from the item build in build #1, under endgame. My ability build matched the one I made above as well, which seemed to work out well. I had a sub-par supportive team, and i was able to end people because of my
Alternating Current and my extremely high health and speed boosts. This build insured I was a killer threat, a vicious yet speedy tank, and all around a force to be reckoned with. You will also notice that the three heros I faced were some of the most threatening heros on the first build, and because of how i maneuvered, and how i kept a constant with attacks and abilities, i was able to overcome them, even though i lost.

In the End... Top
Catherine is
Stormguard, and depending on what kind of Catherine you build her as, she will always be the reason you're winning. Treat every hero as a threat, as that is what they are, no matter what build you are. Don't be afraid to run, but do
not let your teammate take a death because of it. Using my guide, I hope you've found out what your build is, and I hope you can build a play style you are accustomed to.
May the Fold be yours, ~RetroScape
P.S. This was my first guide, so feedback is greatly appreciated, and even encouraged! Let me know if there's something I should add, or anything I messed up on. Or even your opinion on anything. Thanks!
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