Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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Grumpjaw |
I can't really give you a threat rate for Grumpjaw as I haven't properly been up against one. |
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Celeste |
Psshh,Celeste?What is she gonna do?her only good source of damage is her Ult,which can be avoided if you stun her just in time. |
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Kestrel |
Man she's way to weak to take you on.Just avoid her mist and prevent her from Going into Stealth,and you'll be fine. |
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Ha ha ha ha ha,SAW.Just jump on him and Atlas him,he'll die faster than you can say,"Caricature". |
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Skaarf |
Skaarf,really?Skaarf's like SAW,but with a little more defense.So really don't worry about him. |
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Gwen |
Unlike Celeste,Gwen can pack a punch,BUT there still not much to worry about her as she's too fragile to take you on,and if running,makes sure to activate your boots. |
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Baron |
I wouldn't really be worried about him.Barom is mostly reliant on his A,and doesn't have much attack speed himself,so he shouldn't be problem,unless he Overdrived his B,which can be a problem.If you are on a situation like that,I recommend waiting for him to use his B,and then stun him. |
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Vox |
Vox is really fragile and easy to take on,but he has some good movement,and a dash that can get around you. |
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Adagio |
There isn't much to worry about him if Adagio is going Lane,but if Roam,you may want to pick up some Attack speed. |
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Samuel |
Samuel can be pretty strong if he can keep his distance away from you,but other than that,He's pretty fragile. |
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Catherine |
I wouldn't be as worried,just make sure to take her on while her B is not active,to maximize your damage.And make sure to stay away from her if she silenced you. |
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Ozo |
Eh I wouldn't worry as much,but CP Ozo's damage is pretty high,and he can stun you,so you really would what to pick up an Aegis. |
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Phinn |
Well Phinn cans stun,give his allies Fortified health,and can pull you into danger.Make sure to prioritize taking him out first,this way his team will be left weak. |
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Ardan |
You may want to be careful around him,as he can use his Gauntlet and prevent you form any sort of escape.Make sure to pick up an Aegis in case for situtions like these,unless you think you can get away with your A. |
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Lance |
Lance is a formidable opponent.He can stun and root you,which can be a pain.Make sure to buy some attack speed so that you can increase your damage output. |
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Skye |
Ok Skye is pretty strong,especially with her B,which she can use to avoid your abilities,and pick you off from a distance,while being able to stun you. |
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Fortress |
Fortress can be pretty annoying as he has strong burst damage.You problably wouldn't want to engage him alone. |
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Joule |
There can only be one... Depending on the Build,your gonna want to play a bit more careful.If CP,it's best you wait to stun her when she uses her ult.If WP,they will most likely buy attack speed,so buy an Atlas and buy a breaking point as Joule is fairly tanky. |
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Krul |
Well Krul can really depend,if you stun and atlas,he wouldn't be hard to take on.Always make sure to have a teammate around before you engage on him. |
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Lyra |
All you need to do is stay out of her B range,especially if your low,your only ways of espcape will disappear,like your health. |
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Alpha |
Alpha is a very dangerous hero who can chase you down easily.I recommend avoiding her,and wait until your allies are around before you engage her.AVOID HER IF SHE IS USING HER ULT. |
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Flicker |
Ok,Flicker can be a pain,especially if they're experienced.You really should carry some flares early game and play it safe against him.If possible you may want to buy so attack speed to help you out. |
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Reim |
If Reim roots you,you're in a world of pain.Reim is insanely strong in 1v1's so I would problably stay away from him,and make sure he doesn't attack you,which prevents him from being able to root you. |
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Ringo |
Ringo is a really strong opponent.If you can't land a stun on him,your pretty much screwed. |
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Taka |
Taka is a pretty annoying target.His Ult can take away a good bit of your health,and keep up the mortal wound if he can keep basic attacking you.So yeah,he is safe to take on,but he's really strong and can kill you off if you can't land your strikes. |
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Koshka |
Ok she is pretty annoying to deal with,especially that she can stun,rendering you weak if you don't block it.You problably would want to stay away from her,especially early game as well. |
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Rona |
Well,Rona.She is a pretty devastating opponent,especially her Ult.Although not the hardest to take on,She is still a pretty scary opponent. |
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Blackfeather |
Blackfeather has too good of moment for you to engage properly,so I highly recommend avoiding him,and picking up an Atlas to slow his attack speed. |
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Glaive |
OK,NOW YOU'RE IN SOME TROUBLE.Glaive is a machine(Cat) of destruction,if he stuns you,you're good as dead,unless your A is ready and have enough to time for you to get away. |
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Idris |
Idris is a pretty strong there at against you.He can dodge all your abilities,so your pretty hopeless against him. |
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Petal |
Oh God Petal.Most Vainglory players worst enemy,stay away from her.Especially don't take her on if you don't have enough energy for you to use your A,it's your best chance of escape. |
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