Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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Lorelai |
Lorelai watch for her stuns, her area control with her splash down is annoying by keeping your munions away from her. Just watch out for her when she's in her pool cause she can turn a fight on while she stalls for time. |
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Krul |
Use your scout cams, and use your trampoline when you get dead man rushed, use your seeds to your advantage and kite him while your pets chew him up. |
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Reim |
Again like krul, use your trampoline, but he has a slow with each basic so don't get too close or he'll root you and after that combos come in play. |
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Adagio |
He sustains his teammates, but be wary of who he buffs and where he is, his placement in a team fight is crucial especially if you're caught off gaurd. If it's cp or wp, focus him before he gets stacks and it'll be an easy fight. |
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Catherine |
Watch out for stuns and use your seeds/trampoline to get out of range, kite your way to victory. |
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Kestrel |
Your munions can follow her when cloaked and your munions can block her skill shots so plant brambleboom seeds constantly. |
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Baptiste |
WP, easy to deal with just dont get close and let your munions do the damage, cp baptiste? Be careful of his bad mojo once he's empowered and his fear can put you into a bad position if he's the jungler. |
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Grace |
Tanky, great for dragon's eye stacks. Her Benediction can be a bit of a pain, but nothing trampoline can't handle. Be wary of your munions getting too close to her when she uses holy nova, constantly be planting to have munions always on the assault. |
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Skaarf |
His fireballs hurt, but they're easy to avoid watch out for his goop and spitfire combo. Dragon Breath can be deadly for your munions, but again easily avoidable with trampoline. |
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Skye |
She's slippery but your munions are fasters, watch out for her suri strike and trampoline out of her foward barrage. |
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Taka |
Taka is actually suprisingly easy to deal with until late game, place a scout cam wide in choice locations and your munions just like kestrel will follow him. |
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He mows through your munions, use your trampolines boosted range to keep him at bay and your ult to sustain health when you can. |
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Celeste |
Heliogenesis destroys your munions and her core collapse and helio combo absolutely melts through your hp. Always plant seeds when engaging her. |
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Lyra |
Her passive hurts, but she's squishy early game, abuse your advantage, use your b once you know her bulwark is on cool down because munions are also slightly slowed in her bulwark. Late game she will be able to bulwark you when she comes out of nowhere with arcane passage so trampoline will become useless. Also if it's a roam lyra she can become a hassle when she detonates her sigil boosting her teammates when you're trying to run. |
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Phinn |
Tanky, build stacks and chew through. Watch for his quibble early game, it'll burst you and your munions. |
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Varya |
Her Ult doesn't do too much against your munions and watch for her when she's charging her arc recursion and her quick stormforged spear right after. |
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Idris |
Don't let him latch onto you and get close or he'll absolutely shred you with wp and with cp watch out for his chakram. |
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Ringo |
He chases, he slows, and he'll absolutely shred through you and your munions. He's dangerous, but not hard to outplay. CP will have you at a disadvantage with that Achilles shot burst and Hellfire Brew, but WP have seeds always nearby to continue the assault. |
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Gwen |
Becareful of her stun and trampoline to chase after her skedaddle. Her perk makes her quite a difficult hero to burst down, so take advantage of your boosted range and amp to gain the upper hand. |
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Lance |
Root, and his Gythian wall can put you in a bad spot or push you right towards his team, be timely of your trampoline. |
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Petal |
Trampoline and timely combustions. She'll outdo if she's wp in range and a cp fight will depend on trampoline and combustion usages. |
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Reza |
Avoid his scorcher, his bursts hurt as well as he's agile with his trouble maker. Be wary it has two charges so make sure to remember you have a flask. and you have combustion and trampoline to turn the fight on him if used right. |
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Blackfeather |
He sticks on to you like no other, abuse your seeds knockback and trampoline to get away from this clingy lover. |
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Grumpjaw |
He'll eat you up, his Grumpy will absolutely chunk through your health like butter. Be wary of him always and engage ranged. When you see him preparing his Grumpy trampoline to the side and engage him that way so he'll get damage/knockback from the seed you planted. Also his A will kill your munions so p l a n t s e e d s. |
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Tony |
His trash talk and jawbreaker make it a pain to get away from and his bada boom can push you away and/or your munions away from you. |
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Baron |
He can burst you directly with wp and his cp focus absolutely destroys you and your munions. Plant seeds always during the fight. |
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Fortress |
He can bypass your munions enough said, trampoline is only going to be useful if teammates are following him along to kill you. |
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Joule |
Her ult WP OR CP will absolutely destroy your munions if caught in it. Be wary of her rocket leap and thunderstrike if wp, you'll absolutely get bursted she's a dangerous one. Her passive makes her a tank in the front, but once she turns around take full advantage of that lowered defence. |
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Samuel |
His empowerment with Drifting Dark is a troublesome thing for both you and your munions. He outranges you when empowered and can sustain himself much easier then you can. Becareful in your positioning when engaging him. |
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Alpha |
She hurts, no other way of putting it. Make sure you time your trampolines and always have crystal buff to put the slow on her. Trampoline once she uses her A. She leeches on and she has two lives making stacks easy to get, but is it worth the risk? |
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Churnwalker |
Watch your latched onto, break it as soon as possible. Your trampoline while hooked is useless once he uses torment/trespass. |
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Glaive |
His Afterburn will put you into a disadvantage, trampoline over walls if possible to get out of bad positions and place a camera fast to abuse your extra range when possible. Make sure use your ranged combat to fullest potential. |
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Rona |
Her burst hurts, trampoline when she red mist and take advantage of her. Her Into the Fray and Foesplitter is a deadly combo, you need teammates to take this one. |
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Ardan |
He can buff, attack, and he puts you in the worst position with that gauntlet. I mean you're already squishy, walk into that gauntlet and a quarter of your health is gone. |
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Koshka |
She stuns, she bursts, she chases, and your munions and trampoline can only do so much. Make sure you always have a teammate nearby if engaging her. Use spotaneous combustion to sustain yourself a slight bit to atleast get to your teammates. |
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Ozo |
Absolute counter to you, your munions make it easy for him to restore health and arcobounce on your munions to do full damage to you on his 3rd damage will melt you. He can stun you if you run with his bangarang. Use your seeds to create slight distance and trampoline as soon as you see him bouncing and re-engage once it's on cool down. |
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Vox |
Resonance bounces. That's all that needs to be said, seeds, munions, teammates will damage to you if you're close to them, but your munions are your biggest issue because when you're running and his sonic zoom hits your munions while your running, guess who your munions are running to? A roam that can heal/buff you is your best bet is to take down this slippery fellow. |
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