VG Item: Dragon's Eye

Dragon's Eye

Dragon's Eye | Category: Ability | Tier: 3 | Cost: 3000

+75 crystal power

Passive: Gain 10 Crystal Power each second you damage enemy heroes. After 5s, lose 3 stack per second. 15 stacks max.

Heavy Prism
+45 Crystal Power

Tip: Crystal power increases the strength of abilities.
Crystal Bit
+15 Crystal Power

Tip: Crystal power increases the strength of abilities.
Eclipse Prism
+30 Crystal Power

Tip: Crystal power increases the strength of abilities.
Crystal Bit
+15 Crystal Power

Tip: Crystal power increases the strength of abilities.

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Takuisgud (16) | October 23, 2017 9:34pm
This thing seems way too op item for snowballing late game, and seems like a must buy item.
Let's compare this to shatter glass
Shatter glass currently gives 150 cp of the cost of 3k gold which means that for every 20 gold that shatter glass cost it is worth 1 cp.

Now let's compare this item of the cost of 3k gold u will get a value of 265 crystal power at max stats That's freaking around 11 gold per crystal power. This thing has a 9 gold difference for the same price but better value. This thing gives a whopping 115 crystal power advanage, combine that with a broken myth and wee you will be Thic-I meen stacc.

So what I want vg balance team to increase the price cause why does this item give 115 cp more then shatter glass?
BlazeChron (6) | November 19, 2017 9:41pm
Shatterglass and Dragon's Eye both have their uses.
Dragon's Eye would be better on heroes that are tanky(Alpha/Reim), are extremely mobile(Vox/Skye) or deal damage over time(Skaarf/Samuel), letting them gain and maintain Dragon's Eye stacks easily.
Shatterglass would be better on heroes that prefer to poke enemies down and are unable to maintain stacks due to longer cooldowns(Gwen/Kestrel)/squishiness(Koshka/Blackfeather), thus needing more upfront damage.
KcWeedseed | November 19, 2017 4:23am
I think this is the perfect addition to the game.
2/3rds of the CP value comes from a passive. 35.3 gold per CP.
Requires 9 continuous seconds of hero Vs hero combat.

I think this is the perfect addition for Tanks/healers/Supports in mid/late game.
It allows enough defense items to do your job, but enough CP that you can't be ignored.
CrazyAsianNinja (3) | November 19, 2017 4:24pm
You have a good point, I've sometimes added this into my Catherine builds replacing aftershock.
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