Table of Contents Top
About me Top
Hey all =) Welcome to my Celeste guild.
I am Jarred, a POA player from SEA and i've been playing Vainglory since release so yeah i know almost every knick knack in the game. So, sit back and relax while ill share with you about everything you need to know about Celeste.
Pros and Cons Top
- Long ranged
- Global presence
- High DPS
- Insane burst
- Easy laning phase
- Safe (range + vision advantage)
- Stunningly beautiful
- Squishy
- Irrelevant when behind
- Only form of defense being
Core Collapse
- Skillshot dependent (shouldn't be a con for you and I ;p)
About Celeste Top
Julia's Light
Slot: Heroic Perk
Celeste's basic attacks are flares of solar light that deals crystal damage and reveal their target.
- Damage: 75-125 (level 1-12) (+75% crystal power) (+100% weapon power)
- Reveals enemies for 1.5s - even after the target leaves vision range.
Obviously the best innate in the entire game, since it makes your auto attacks look SO DARN PRETTY
Find yourself playing a CP in lane and missing every single minion under turret because your damage on your autos are so darn low? (looking at you,
Skaarf) Well fret not, celeste doesn't have this problem at all ;)
Contrary to popular belief, [alternating current] is a horrible buy on Celeste. Even though it synergizes with her innate well, but Celeste doesn't get to auto attack much in the mid to late game anyways. What a waste of hard earned gold.
Don't forget that this reveals units struck, even invisible ones (
Kestrel,Teemo), so tag them once with an auto before they turn invis.
Slot: A
Celeste forms a small star at a target location, dealing crystal damage to nearby enemies. The star will briefly linger on the field.
- If Celeste uses this ability on an existing star, the star will go supernova, dealing more crystal damage in a larger area.
- Deals 50% less damage to minions.
Bread and butter ability. This is what makes Celeste, Celeste. Use heliogenesis to scout bushes, especially when you're pushed. Don't forget that this is your main source of damage at every point in the game, so aim it well and optimise your item build around the 220% scaling.
One common mistake i see Celeste players do is that they use heliogenesis to try to last hit minions. Well, spoiler alert, they usually don't get the last hit. 2 Reasons; First - it has a ****py scaling of 20% CP and is only good during the early games when you have low CP and you're banking on the base damage to last hit the minion from afar. Second - a giant misconception is that the explosion of a star deals more damage to minions than the initial strike.
At almost every stage in the game except for early game, your auto attacks deal more damage to minions than heliogenesis, so use your autos to last hit minions unless it is not safe to do so.
When your energy supports it, be sure to place stars all around you in the late game, such as to explode them when an enemy dares approach it. This is why celeste has amazing zone control.
Remember to aim heliogenesis slightly ahead of your target as there is a delay between cast and landing of the star.
Core Collapse
Slot: B
After a brief delay, the target location collapses and nearby enemies are stunned and take crystal damage. |
Great ability that keeps you from dying. Whenever anyone gets too near, drop it on them for a sweet stun.
Similarly to heliogenesis, there is a delay before the skill lands. However, the delay on core collapse is larger, and thus enemies can
Reflex Block the stun pretty easily if their reaction is fast. Thus, do not rely on this skill as a get-out-of-jail-free card, as you would not like to take the chance that your enemy reflex blocks your stun and you're a dead fish on land.
Rely on positioning, kiting and your range to keep you safe.
Core collapse enables one of Celeste's combos - A, B, A. Land a star on the enemy, and immediately drop a stun on them. After the stun, the cooldown of your A should be up and BAM! Explosion.
Solar Storm
Slot: C
Celeste launches a storm of stars that travel across the world. Stars collide with the first enemy they hit, dealing crystal damage in an area.
- The number of stars increases each time Solar Storm is upgraded.
- Deals reduced damage to objectives.
This is what gives you global presense. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled, and be aware of the minimap at all times to maximise the efficiency of solar storm.
Please, for the love of god, do not use this ability when you are anywhere near an enemy. A rookie Celeste mistake is using solar storm when you can kite with heliogenesis. If you are unaware, the explosion damage on heliogenesis higher than solar storm during the late game. So do not, in any circumstance, use solar storm at point blank range as you simply 'stun' yourself due to the long chanelling time. And for what? Nothing.
The best use for solar storm is either at the start of the fight, or at the end. Never in the middle of one, unless the enemies are out of range of heliogenesis, or enemies are clustered together. Remember, helio's explosion ratio is 220% while solar storm is 100%+20% per star.
Gold efficiency of items Top
Now, before i dive into the items, let me explain the efficiency of items.
Lets take for example,
The cost efficiency of crystal bit is 300 gold/20 CP = 15 gold per CP
The cost efficiency of eclipse prism is 650 gold/35 CP = 18.6 gold per CP
The cost efficiency of heavy prism is 1150 gold/50 CP = 23 gold per CP
You are paying loads more gold upgrading your tier 1 items into tier 2 items. Thus, it is always best to fill up your inventory slots with tier 1 items before upgrading your items. This is true for ALL tier 1 items, and ALL tier 2 items too.
Lets say, you have a crystal bit in your item slots and you go back to base with 350 gold. You have 2 options:
1) Upgrade your crystal bit into an eclipse prism - 35 CP
2) Buy another crystal bit and 2 potions - 40 CP, 2 Potions
Next scenario, you have 1 crystal bit in your slots and are working towards a shatterglass. You have 900 gold, exactly the amount you need to purchase a heavy prism. You can either:
1) Upgrade into 1 heavy prism - 50 CP, 50 gold remaining
2) Buy 3 more crystal bits - 80 CP
Now, if you're still skeptical, let us take a look at other items.
Oakheart - 300 gold/200 hp = 1.5 gold per hp
Dragonheart - 650 gold/400 hp = 1.63 gold per hp
600 gold for 300 energy, 5 energy regen/second
700 gold for 250 energy, 4 energy regen/second
What you should and should not put in Celeste's bag Top
Shatterglass Remember the previous section on gold and item efficiency? Shatterglass is 100% gold efficient. (15 gold per CP) Think of it as a momma crystal bit. Always rush shatterglass first on Celeste, as her CP ratios are absurd and not only that, her main damaging ability is on an absurdly low cooldown too. 220% Cp ratio on heliogenesis? 100% + 20% per star on solar storm? Yes please.
Frostburn Frostburn is a real blessing for Celeste. She has the range and AOE to abuse it, making it a must if you want to kite the enemy (who doesn't? lmao) I get frostburn second after my shatterglass, as i am prepping for the mid-late game (post level 8, where you have overdriven your heliogenesis, and you have increased range on it) to kite enemies. Why frostburn second? Well think about it - frostburn's slow caps at 250CP. Shatter's 150CP + frostburn's 100CP gives you 250. Rushing frostburn first is not optimum as you not only get a weaker slow, but your range pre level 8 is pretty poor, so kiting is not very effective either.
Clockwork Clockwork amplifies your existing 250CP by 30%, resulting in 325CP. As your thrid offensive item (finish your defensive item before or after clockwork, depending on how much you need to survive), you basically get loads of mana regen, cooldown reduction, and on top of that 75 CP - half a shatterglass! I'm not sure about you, but i like spamming my stars till my enemies have little breathing room. Call me a psycho.
Broken Myth Great item, lets you scale late game when fights drag out. However, it is usually my last item. Why? Many reasons. First - innate shield scales with level, therefore shield pierce is more effective the later the game goes. Secondly - for such an expensive price, you only get 70 CP. (You get less CP from your clockwork too.) Third - BM multiples your damage the longer the fights go. But think about it - how long do early fights last anyways? No one is tanky enough for your BM to stack up. Not only that, if you have pathetic CP in the first place, whats there to multiply? 0 x 300 is still 0. Bring up your damage numbers first for BM to be more effective.
Halcyon chargers Yay high leather boots! Basically what girls wear anyways. Would be a disgrace for Celeste to put on
anyways. Other than that, it gives everything celeste wants and needs.
Aftershock Ciderhelm gets this in the celeste spotlight. Why? I don't know. Celeste doesnt even get close enough to auto attack and if you're worried about beefy tanks, the combination of your heliogenesis + broken myth stacks are enough to shred through tanks anyways.
Alternating current LUL buy this only when the game ends to trick enemies into thinking they actually lost to an AC celeste
Eve of Harvest Urgh, why do so many people get eve on celeste? The only heroes that eve works on are heroes that actually need to HEAL up since they're in the thick of fights (
Reim). On celeste, you're always at the backline and no one's gonna hurt you so what good is lifesteal for? Unless you play celeste as a frontline CP tank, don't get eve.
Tornado trigger Argueably the best item on celeste, as you get to shoot out more
PRETTY STARS on your auto attacks :3 Also good for triggering not only epilepsy, but your teammates.
Defensive items Top
Wait, they exist?
LOL jokes aside, there are 3 main defensive items that Celeste likes.
Aegis Great against CP assassins like Ozo, Koshka, Kestrel. I usually only upgrade my reflex block only if i am in the risk of dying to their CP hero. Else, Celeste is safe enough to forgo finishing a defensive item. Please, for god's sake, if you die more than 5 times after the 15 min mark please invest in a defensive item.
Slumbering Husk Biggest counter to CP joule and Taka. Also a great item to have if the enemy team has both heavy CP and WP, and you don't wanna go both Aegis and Metal Jacket.
Metal jacket If the enemy WP carry is 20/0 please get a metal jacket. Honestly saves my life way too many times. Imagine the WP carry as a gunman (they usally are anyways) and a metal jacket is, well, a metal jacket. Pew pew pew you don't die storytime over.
What to do during the game Top
-Follow your team into the jungle before minions spawn. Depending on what your team pings, follow according. It is usually not a good idea to stick with your whole team for a prolonged period of time during game start. By doing so, you lose so much lane gold and solo XP. I've seen way too many carries follow the captain and jungler just to contest the 75 gold treant. They usually miss one whole wave of minions, which amounts to 200 gold.
-To ensure your last hit, time your auto attack and heliogenesis such that both lands on the minion at the same time. In the early game, your heliogenesis deals slightly more damage than your auto attacks, so keep that in mind while last hitting.
-If you find yourself pushing into their side of the lane, place a heliogenesis star in the enemy's bush to ensure that you're safe from ganks. If your enerygy cannot support it, back off and wait for the wave to push back, using your heliogenesis to gain last hits.
-Constantly watch the minimap. Even though the lane is rich with gold, kills give you way more. (200 gold, and your allies get a portion too!) Not only that, you are increasing your team's pressure on the map for every kill you get.
-Watch the enemy laner. Whenever they are going forward to last hit your ally minion, drop a star on where they would stop to auto attack the minion. Always works.
-If you are picking a fight, fight one at the exact moment they are heading for a last hit. They either trade back damage, and lose last hit gold, or they go for the last hit and lose the trade.
-Push the lane whenever you can. When it comes to mid game, you are no longer worried about keeping the lane in the middle of the map. By pushing the lane, your enemy has to clear the wave else they would lose gold and experience. However, it is often unsafe to head to a lane alone as you are very prone to ganks.
-Any chance you get, land the A B A combo on an enemy for a potential kill. A > instantaneous B > A again when stun wears off (autoattacks in between spell casts)
-Do not farm jungle mobs when your teammates are contesting for objectives and/or applying pressure on the enemy team (either gold mine or turret)
-Abuse your range
-Apply pressure to the enemy team if your team has the gold advantage. Do not let the enemy team catch up on gold and experience by doing nothing. Remember - if you're farming in your own jungle, the enemy is doing the same.
-Only use core collapse on already CC'd targets, or as a defensive tool. DO NOT engage with it. You WILL die and your teammates will ? ping your dead ***.
-Stay the heck back and be the artillery mage you are, as a front line celeste is as good as a dead celeste
-Never walk into bushes that you have no vision. Let your captain lead the way.
-Try to catch out 1 member of the enemy team. By doing so, you open up many possibilities on the map, such as Kraken.
-When doing kraken while having the numbers advantage, leash the kraken to the enemy's tri-bush to ensure that the enemy does not attempt to steal the kraken. If they do show up, turn your attention to them unless the kraken is close to being captured.
-When sneaking a kraken, leash the kraken into your own tri-bush and back off when the enemy spots you. The chances your enemy steals it is pretty high if you are detected.
-Keep in mind that celeste is excellent in taking objectives due to her absurd DPS
How to last hit objectives Top

Remember, celeste's highest point of burst damage is the explosion of heliogenesis. ALWAYS save the explosion damage for last hitting an objective, be it kraken, miner or big treant. For even greater objective control, leave two stars on the objective just as it is going to die. Explode both stars consecutively for unexpected burst damage.
This trick works on turrets too! Waiting for your minion/kraken to arrive at a turret to destroy the regenerating barrier? Place two stars on top of the turret (maximum number you can get is 4, but thats pretty hard to pull off), and wait for your minions/kraken to arrive. Once it arrives, you now have 2 stars to explode, resulting in more damage done to the turret instead of having to place a new star and exploding it.
Conclusion Top
Well well well i guess this is the end of my guide. Hope you guys have learn a thing or two about celeste or the game in general =)
Thanks for reading this length as heck guide, and if you now know everything you need to know about celeste,
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