Introduction Top
Hello, my name is infernodeathviper, commonly shortened to inferno. I am a Petal main, but I also like to play off-meta wacky builds. Most people do not respect the power of Petal, so I have written this guide to show you the true power of Petal.
Crystal Petal: Strengths and Weaknesses Top
Highest DPS in the game, but also has high burst
very reliable damage, as petal herself still deals damage
high mobility and strong kiter/chaser
strong kiter
unmatched in overall cuteness
Focused easily if under hard CC
Short range due to nerf
hard to win back if fall behind
munions often get stuck in terrain
munions have terrible AI
Crystal Petal Build Path Top
Starting Items are pretty self explanatory. Your a crystal carry and your starting crystal bit. Nothing out of the ordinary.
After your first clear, you should have about 650ish gold. Swift Shooter is very powerful on petal early game, as it boosts her munion targeting(since they have terrible AI) and allows her to kite powerfully. Boots need no explanation(i hope).
If you do not have enough gold for a heavy prism, then buy two crystal bits. Unlike other crystal carries like skaarf, filling your whole inventory with crystal bits DOES NOT WORK on petal. Early movement speed is very effective on petal, because of her munions ability to deal damage while she is running.
Frostburn far outclasses Shatterglass on petal, as she is a high damage carry with low CC. Combined with Trampoline, it makes Petal impossible to run from or chase(except Skye)(and Corpus). Journey Boots is a huge buff to petal's power, as it gives her some bulkiness to survive assassins at this stage of the game, as well as providing here more movement.
Whichever one you chose to get first is your choice. Get Eve if you are getting killed quickly, get piercing shard if you aren't dealing enough damage or if your opponent all got shields because you are carrying too hard.
Complete one of these defensive items before you complete your broken myth. However, you are getting this defensive item to protect you munions, not yourself, as you should be slippery enough to avoid most damage. The only exception is when you get aegis for reflex block. NEVER GET CRUCIBLE.
(the boring part)
Start crystal infusing after you complete your journey boots, but only get weapon infusions after piercing shard AND eve of harvest.
Justification for maxing trampoline over ultimate
The increase in damage amplification from trampoline far outclasses getting the extra damage on the ultimate. In the end, the ultimate still will deal about the same amount of damage. Maxing trampoline also gives petal higher mobility, and, when crystal infused, able to infinitely have the amplification buff.
Intro to Tank Petal Top
Petal, one of the squishiest characters in then game(after skaarf), as a tank?
Petal's strength as a tank is her munions. While munions are typically used for damage, petal's seeds and munions have a 1 to 1 scaling with petal's health, armor, and shield. Building petal as a tank not only makes petal crazy scary to kill, but her munions can tank for life as well. Oftentimes, you can send your munions or plant seeds to block skill shots, and it won't even leave a dent.
Petal as a tank is also strong in her ability to prolong fights. Her ult gives her extremely high sustain while fighting, and she has high mobility and the ability to block skill shots. Her mana regions quite quickly, so killing all munions isn't practical.
Petal also has a rather high base damage, which can be abused by building tank.
Tank Petal Strengths and Weaknesses Top
Extremely high mobility
Ability to block skillshots using seeds and munions
High base damage
Sustain through ultimate
Doesn't absorb damage well early game
Munions can sometimes be ignored
Lack of munions=lack of tank
Tank Petal Build Path Top
Weapon Petal Build Path Top
Petal tips and tricks Top
If your placed with a Corpus, AFK and uninstall.
If your placed against a Corpus, go onto the roof and throw your vain device off.
Petal's Trampoline cannot be interrupted. Abuse this by trampolining through stuns so that you are stunned while traveling mid air. You will complete the jump and most likely be free by the time the trampoline lands.
While fighting melee, planting seeds directly on top of somebody to make it explode immediately. If you don't believe in the damage potential of seeds, try it out.
Do not Trampoline right before Spontaneous Combustion is about to go off. This will cause munions to run towards you and miss the ult.
Plant seeds while kiting to deal some damage and slow enemies down. If you are running after somebody,you can jump over them and place seeds where they are running.
Petal's seeds grant vison, but they will spawn into munions as soon as one dies. Use seeds as scout traps if you are confident you munions will not get killed.
When taking mines or kraken, plant seeds in the surrounding bushes to gain vision of nearby areas. Seeds only die until they are killed, stepped on, or petal leaves the area.
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