OZO OZO OZO (weapon 5v5 guide) by CamilaeIlliano

OZO OZO OZO (weapon 5v5 guide)

By: CamilaeIlliano
Last Updated: May 14, 2018
5 Votes
Build 1 of 1


Build: WP Ozo

Ability Path

Carnie Luck
Heroic Perk
Three-Ring Circus

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
Ringo They are so easy to beat out if you are in lane that it's not even funny just make sure you be more agressive with them than the actual farm (dont miss farm tho) and you should start getting kills
Vox Same unless he gets a shiv if he's cp dont worry about it tho just try not to be too overzealous and take 50 resonences to the face
Varya Same just be careful of the alternating current then you might have to be alot more cautious but if you're playing right you should be well established by then
Gwen EZ its so fun stopping a gwen from snow balling but if the enemy team stays behind her you will have a hard time stopping her from farming especially when she gets that tension bow luckily you have good healing but it still hurts
Kestrel Wp this girls is a joke but wen she is cp try to make sure you are on her tail because if she builds if early game cp items your kinda screwed the damage is just unbelievable
Baron Need i say? wp power he is all yours cp once he hits lv 6 and he has a little more range you gotta start moving around a little but you are a monkey so dont worry about it
Blackfeather I havent seen this matchup much but black feather is probably good with his onpoint especially with a shiv
Alpha Alpha can be a bitch coming down from jungle just to try and kill you but you have immense healing so just try not to let her do ash she pleases
Samuel Just avoid his a's and try and out manuever him and you should be fine
Glaive He can be annoying as he has natural lifesteal and natual crit so i mean he's gonna hurt especially early game tension bow
Fortress His mortal wound is so annoying especially when you're in the midst of a team fight also early game can be a little anoying dealing with his bite so be careful around him
Rona Another mortal woun'd they are not your friends here she can highkey out sutain you but you out damage here so just play a little safely
Malene She can be a little anoying but as usual just stay on her
Idris Hude problem with this man in general wp or cp he's going to be shredding your health even with defense (had to learn that the hard way) just make sure you dodge his chakrams and stay on him and you should be able to beat him in lane
Koshka most koshka's dont build spellfire and low teir koshkas dont know how to build and she's getting nerfed so you'll be fine just be really weary until you get that serpents
Skye can be a problem if the skye is good and you cant catch up to her but with a wp buff anf and ult you should be fine
Grace This is one annoying roam and an even more annoying weapon jungler she will stop you in the middle of a team fight negate your damage and heal your opponents and even with the life steal tbh you dont live forever
Lyra This girl can be a huge problem with her bulwark and portals especially cp where she does damage and if she builds a spellfire you're cooked. just try and avoid her if you can but if you do go after her make shure her bulwark is down
Krul Don't even bother in most cases. There is a whole seperate build you need and even then you might not win the 1v1 its pure craziness
SAW I hate this matchup when laning you have to max out defense before anything else imo or at least makes ur life alot easier especially since your bulky i start with book and armor but in rank he gets banned so i dont worry too much
Grumpjaw This man does huge chunks to your health when he is jungling and the damage you do back is minimal if he eats you an puts you in the middle of the team. well if you play cp ozo you already know the deal good luck!
Baptiste To me this is one of the biggest counters to ozo, wp and cp you cant jump all on the bed as a monkey should because of that ordained and if he is wp with a shiv you're countered you wanna go after him? nope fear but if your good at reflex blocks you shouldn't be too scared

Disclaimer Top

All of those journey boots can be exchanged for teleport boots. Just make sure you're snowballing if you're gonna run teleport. or atleast afford the lack of fast movement speed

Early game Top

Personally When it comes down to early game your job is to kill the enemy laner and farm at the same time. Ozo is suprisingly good at last hittin as he isnt the slowest attacker ever (baron) and he can easily aggress both the laner and the farm at the same time. Generally if you are up against a squishy laner try to sneak into their bush and gank them especially if they have a wp jungler (assuming you are in bot lane) you can get a kill or close to one and you dont have to worry about missing health just farm. even in top lane you can go for a gank and possibly steal their buff but you might wanna be careful as most junglers like to chill with their laner to get a buff and gold treant so unless you can deal with both of em I'd advise backing off. Now most likely if you playin right their jungler or roam is gonna move in and start trying to gank you but you can just back off or maybe kill them both. around 5 to 7 minutes you should have your boots and mask and should be really starting to apply pressure. I generally dont go for a turrent until a good bit later so that way someone is forced to come down but im very agressive and die alot so dont mind me

Mid Game Top

So after their first turrent is gone you have your first monacle and almost (or working on it) your second you can either push another turrent or slowly work towards rotating with your team for objectives and ganking. if your team is good multiple turrents should be pushed or focal points are being contested but if your team is bad most likely one lane is being hyper pushed and mid has a turrent gone and your turrent may or may not be gone depending on if they killed you or not. Around this point you're just going where needed and helping others while checking on your lane. most of your kills range from this point and you can be really agressive. around when black claw shows up you should have two tyrants t2 boots and attack speed and defense personally the mid game doesnt hold much but a few important plays and momentum shifts.

Late Game Top

At this point you should be at full build i mean you were in lane if you had good cs you should be infused too but errors are accounted for. You probably have 1 turrent to 2 gone or if things are bad ur down to ur sentry thing. At this point for me i start traveling with the team and during team fights chase down certain members as you can go to the back line like its water. sadly while you can take obejectives by yourself it takes forever and a day but you will be fine. just be a little more conservative during 5v5 team fights ( i die alot during this time hopefully the buff will stop that)

Combat Scenarios Top

Now i will go through two combat scenarios and what to do in them.
Remember that lanes are switched so bot is top against the enemy

Combat Situation 1, 5 minutes in, Early Game:
Your team: Ozo(Bot), Celeste(Mid), Gwen(Top), Ardan(Roam), Kestral(Jungle)
Enemy Team: Rona(Bot), Varya(Mid), Ringo(Top), Glaive(Jungle), Fortress(Roam)

You as the ozo is currently winning against the crul well on your way to your way to serpents running along 20 to 30 cs. The ringo has had to farm near turrent but the glaive has come down multiple times after a roatation to scare you out so the ringo is bareley keepign up. You just got the weapon buff and are making your way to lane when you get ganked by the fortress and the glaive you arent at full health your ardan is lolly gaging and you've already put a help sign down cuz these folks are wild. Your are already bleeding and the glive has afterburned you right in the midst of that bull. Kestral is coming tho.You get as much healing done as possible while spacing out your A so you can sustain long enough for the kestral. lets say you do that they are around half health you're on a quarter and the kestral comes and manages to scare em off a little. so now you can either heal at camp or you can lane and heal a little depends on if u play risky or not.

Combat Situation 2, 18 minutes Mid-Late Game:
Your Team: Ozo(bot), Malene(mid), Vox(top), Koshka(Jungle), Grace(Roam)
Enemy Team: Saw(top), Celeste(mid), Skaarf(bot), Krul(Jungle), Lance(Roam)

A team figh it breaking out but you only have t2 boots and your going to be late. Your done with most of your krul build you just need the trigger. You are coming as fast as you can but your team is getting kited hard and the lance isnt helping. You get there and Krul is in the bush waiting to chase after something so now your stuck either you can atlas the saw who isnt hitting anyone yet but is getting as close as fast as he can or you can atlas the krul who is chasing after you laner. You start your atlas early in preparation for the krul to run right past you and use your b on him before you jump straight to the saw to kill him before the team converges on you. Can alot of people make that decision probably not. if it was me i'd probably just run after the krul and try to kill him before he touches my laner which is another good situation.

Closing Top

I think you get the gist of what this character is about if not then here.......JUMP especially on a laner. ozo is quite sticky so thats your main point I also have a wp churn guide im new to this so i'd enjoy feedback. Have Fun folks I feel ozo will be seeing quite a bit of bans soon.

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