An overview of the guide Top
Weapon power joule is extremely powerful if in the right hands. Her 2nd ability is able to crit and auto reset, making bursting down squishes extremely easy. The reason why this is low ELO, however, is because you yourself are a squishy. If you mess up your combo (1-AA-2-AA) on someone like SAW or Ringo, you probably will be the one face-down on the floor. At higher ELO's, most people will be able to dodge or predict the linear type play joule has, and you'll have to be a bit more tanky, so it is more forgiving when you mess up. Also, Book of Eulogies is not in this build as a starting option because, at lower ELO's, duo jungle is a constant thing (one roam+one jungler) This means that you probably won't need the extra health, and a weapon blade would be the smarter option if you prefer flat damage instead increasing your aaps, or attack speed.
1st item analysis Top
You can choose between Breaking Point, Bone Saw or Tension Bow. You would go Breaking Point, if you find yourself surviving long periods of time against the enemy team, or if they don't have enough cc to peel for their squishes. Build this item if they have an assassin and watch as you effortlessly transfer between killing the Laner and jungler to the remaining roam.
You can choose Bone Saw if you are playing against another Joule, Cathrine, or Lance who has built an armor item of some kind. Because all of these heroes has some extra armor, it may be smart to be able to shred it to make them squishier.
Tension Bow kind of falls into this catagory of armor pen. Tension bow would be used if their squishy lane is anywhere from feeding to trading (neutral) with your Laner, as well as having some sort of extra armor on their team. While it is slightly more ineffective for long fights, if you get into a skirmish where you are just trying to make the others back off, Tension bow may be a good choice.
2nd item analysis Top
Bone Saw is another option here, but for a different reason. Obviously, if you chose Binesaw in #1, you won't choose it again. Bone Saw is a good attack speed item that allows long fights to be won even if the other has more armor. Flat armor pen will shut down Metal Jacket, but not Atlas Pualdron.
You also can choose Tornado Trigger. If you choose this item, you'll have the attack speed for the build if you have Breaking Point, or the consistent dmg Tension Bow lacks.
Finally, you have Tyrant's Monocle. You have the option of picking this up here. It can combo well with tension bow, or breaking point, but I recommend waiting on this item. It can help with armor pen because of the huge crits, but should only be picked up in a pinch
Boots can be picked up any time. War Treads can be used as a tank source, while journey boots allow for some stickiness you lack as joule.
After 3rd item Top
This is where you decide, tank or damage
Tank: these items will allow you to stay alive a bit longer at the expense of the ability to pick off one character and get out fast
Full damage:
Risky but rewarding. Picks off out of position players easily and can deal massive damage in fights, if careful. Pro tip: don't die
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