Krul is a very tough hero to beat one on one. He has the highest lifesteal with every blow he delivers on the opponent.
The most essential item to build for Krul is attack speed so
Tornado Trigger which also deals some critical damage to the opponent. The next item to include in the build is
Sorrowblade. A heavy damage item is required with speed. This makes the lifesteal of Krul even faster n effective. The second ability of Krul, Spectral Smile, deals a massive damage to the opponent. Wait for the skull to shine and then use that ability, early usage deals comparatively less damage.
Krul is weak as comapared to a few heroes. Boots are necessary if you get ambused by 2 or 3 heroes to escape.
Which boots you need depends on your build. If your are having heavy damage items use
Journey Boots or
Halcyon Chargers, if you are carrying moer defence items use Wartreds which give a speed boost to the nearby ally.
The Defence build for Krul depends on the build of the enemy. If the enemy has Crystal build use Shield/
Aegis if the are carrying Weapon build then buy
Metal Jacket. Boots also give you 200/250 health depending on the ones you buy.
The End Game after 15:00 becomes the most crucial where the Kraken comes out of the Gold Mine. The team to have the last hit on the Kraken releases her. Krul is a strong hero who can release the Kraken all by himself if not attacked by enemies. Try releasing the Kraken when all the enemies are dead or are in or near their base.
by this time the Krul becomes a powerful opponent who can take down possibly any hero head on. Just you should know and be quick enough to use your abilities.
Krul is empowered by the shadows after standing still in brush for 1.5 seconds. Once empowered, Krul briefly gains 2 move speed and his next basic attack will slow the target by 40% for 3 seconds.
Shadows Empower Me
It is best to hide Krul in the brushes before attacking an enemy especially a lane hero. This temporary boost will help you to flee if you are being ambushed or you manage to give a surprise attack. As soon as you charge towards the enemy use first ability
Dead Man's Rush which grants you a health barrier for 2.5 seconds. If the opponent tries to run use the third ability
From Hell's Heart to stun the enemy and deal some damage. The last and final attack should be Spectral Smile but be sure to detonate all the stacks and then use that ability which deals almost 75-80% damage or might even kill the enemy.
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