Threat |
Hero |
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Adagio |
Adagio will usually be the support of the team, so take care of him last. If there are retards who are building crystal or weapon power adagio, basic / glimmer combo and then automatically use Active Camo to reposition and lure him into a stun. |
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Ardan |
Meant to be a support, again; retards who build him as weapon power or crystal power, use your basic / glimmer combo. |
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Celeste |
Like Baron, stay close so that you can burst her down. Use Active Camo to get away from her stuns and then finish her off with glimmershot and basic attacks. If you get caught up in her stun, you're f*cking stupid, and you're basically screwed; unless you have Aegis. |
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Krul |
Use glimmershot and Active Camo when he dashes to you. Avoid fighting him early game when you can't use Active Camo automatically. |
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Phinn |
... Just don't get stunned or pulled in by his Quibble and Forced Accord. |
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Samuel |
Use your basic / glimmer combo and stay close to him so you don't get kited by his Malice and Verdict. |
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Baron |
Stay close to Baron so that you're in range to use your glimmershot. Use active camo to initiate the fight and run next to him. Use your basic / glimmer combo and nail his a$$. If he uses Jump Jets (the thing that hulk uses), use your One Shot One Kill and try not to miss. |
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Lyra |
Make sure to fight her when her abilities are on cooldown. Basic / glimmer combo her until she's dead. |
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Reim |
Make sure that you juke his Winter Spire and Chill Winds; keep your distance. Bait him into your Active Camo and use your Glimmershot if he doesn't fall for it. Don't be too risky and always stay in a safe zone. |
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Skaarf |
Stay close to him so that you can easily stun him. Flank whenever possible and basic / glimmer combo him while using Active Camo to reposition and juke his fireballs. |
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Joule |
Make sure to stun her when she tries to use her rocket leap. Don't worry about repositioning and just make a quick kill. Her thunder strike makes close range extremely effective since it makes it harder for her to aim on a closer target and gives you more maneuverability. |
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Koshka |
Make sure to get an early kinetic shield. Use your Active Camo to stun her and then bring down hell. If they're good at juking your shots, avoid using glimmershot when she isn't stunned. |
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Rona |
Don't get caught by her Red Mist and use Active Camo to stop her from getting to you. Use your boots to reposition if you're caught, and then basic / glimmer combo her along with your stun. |
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Ozo |
Very annoying, but easy to take care of. Use your Active Camo to stun his jumps and then basic / glimmer him to death. Make sure to use Active Camo to reload your glimmershots and reposition. |
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Vox |
Use Active Camo to prevent getting kited. Never walk into him when he's on high breaking point stacks, use glimmershot and basic attacks, along with your boots to stay close. |
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Kestrel |
Just pray they're sh1t. Make sure to flank her from behind or the side and bring the first shot after they are exposed and baited by your team mates. |
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Try not to fight him when he's on full stacks. Use your boots and Active Camo and run into him if he is and Active Camo again to stun him. Then finish him off with your burst. If you like being patient, wait for his stacks to run out and then gank him again. Use Active Camo to disrupt him if he focuses you. |
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Skye |
Fairly easy to die if you get caught by her ultimate or Forward Barage. Use your Active Camo to disrupt fights and use your glimmershots after she's used her Suri Strike to prevent getting juked out. Use your boots if she's far and then use your basic / glimmershot combo. |
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Blackfeather |
Very easy to kill if you know what you're doing. Don't glimmershot him when he isn't stunned, otherwise you'll end up getting juked by his Rose Offensive. Basic / glimmer combo after he uses his first Rose Offensive and then stun him with your Active Camo |
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Gwen |
The only thing that will fuck you over is her Buckshot Bonanza. Use your Active Camo to juke her ultimate Aces High and then use your burst to stun and reposition with basic attacks and glimmershot. |
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Lance |
Very strong support with his weapon ratio on his Impale. Keep your distance and try to kite him into your Active Camo. Juke with Active Camo as well to prevent yourself from being impaled. |
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Alpha |
Pain in the a$$, keep your distance and basic / glimmer combo, followed by an active camo to stun him when he uses his Prime Detective (laser thing that makes him look like a transgender superman). Use boots to reposition quickly if needed. |
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Ringo |
If he gets the first shot on you, you have a very low chance of surviving. Use Active Camo to disrupt the fight (Similar to Taka and his annoying a$$ box.) Use this multiples times or his lifesteal build will f*ck you over. |
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Taka |
Not very dangerous if dealt with properly. Make sure to get an early kinetic shield / Coat of Plates. Use Active Camo when he uses his abilities, but refrain from using glimmershot until he's stunned to prevent them from getting juked. |
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Catherine |
AKLSKJSKJSJSJSJS... Don't kill your own team members, unless they're being homos3xual f@ggots. Never attack Catherine when her shield is on. Basic attack her until her shield is gone and then burst the sh1t out of her while you can. Make sure to have good timing to know when to stop using glimmershot. |
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Flicker |
Cancerous to deal with. Resort to using Active Camo to stun him to stop his Fairy Dust (circle sh1t). Following, finish him with glimmershots and basic attacks. |
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Fortress |
Annoying as hell, make sure to run when he uses his ultimate Attack of the Pack and kill the wolves. Then, reposition and engage again with your glimmershots and basic attacks. Try to stun him and then walk back a bit and repeating to prevent his abilities from hitting you. |
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Glaive |
Always counter with a metal jacket. Once he stuns. This lets you survive his massive AOE cleave and his stun. Use Active Camo and then basic attack and glimmershot. Make sure to reposition as much as possible since he does so much burst damage with his cleave. |
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Petal |
Cancerous hero, make sure to get an early kinetic shield and a tornado trigger. Don't use your glimmershot against her if her munions are targeting you and blocking your shots. These munions body block your glimmershots and prevent them from reaching her. Use your basic attack and Active Camo to stun and disrupt her munions. Finish her with your basic attacks. |
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No Threat |
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