How to Ardan effectively (detailed guide including Wp, Cp,Talents) (2.9) by Tuanduy1102

How to Ardan effectively (detailed guide including Wp, Cp,Talents) (2.9)

By: Tuanduy1102
Last Updated: Oct 24, 2017
11 Votes
Build 1 of 3


Build: Protector

Ability Path

Julia's Gift
Heroic Perk
Blood for Blood


Build: Wp carry

Ability Path

Julia's Gift
Heroic Perk
Blood for Blood


Build: Cp carry

Ability Path

Julia's Gift
Heroic Perk
Blood for Blood

Intro Top

Hi everyone! I'm just a player in SEA who mainly plays Ardan ranked or casual. Currently I'm tier 10 bronze (after so much time grinding) but I have received a lot of compliments on my Ardan plays from tier 8,9 and 10 ever since I was tier 5. Should you have any questions, recommendations or see any typos feel free to comment.

Before we begin you should consider checking out this link first if you don't really know much about Ardan.

(Update on 2.9)

I also copy some contents from my Cath guide so you can skip if you have already read it

Mommmmm get the camera!!!!!!! Top

I'm honored to have my name tag shown in a montage video on how good my Ardan skill is. Here's the vid

It's from 1:20

Yay!! Update OP!! (2.9) Top

More barrier, more blood for blood damage. Ardan is now first pick in every rank game i play. SEMC is boosting Ardan quite hard these updates.

Ability and perk breakdown Top

Julia's Gift

Ardan regenerates 1,5% of his total health when struck. That means he is almost unkillable late game when his total health is over 3500. It's worth noting that the regen health goes UNDER his "shield", which is Vanguard, Reflex Block, Crucible. This is a hard counter to heroes or abilities with trickle damage ( Skye and Ringo's Hellfire Brew burn damage for example). Ardan also don't use energy, he has a unique bar called Vengeance, which increase with basic attack, crit, and his other abilities. However, the crystal power converted from max energy and energy regen is too unsignificant so don't waste your gold on energy.


Vanguard basically is applying a shield and speed boost for yourself and allies. Overdrive expands the range where you can dash to and increase Vengence produce when the barrier is struck. The barrier acts as extra health for 3 seconds, so if your allies don't have defense they can still be bursted down. Speed boost your allies to chase, escape, or just simply move around faster. Vanguard allies 70% of the time, the exceptions are:
1.You are alone.
2.You are staying in the frontline and being a target
*Pro tip:
- If you are being chased, Vanguard your ally ahead to dash forward or through walls and avoid being caught.
- Vanguard also acts as a slow [about 40-60% (I'm not really sure)] (for 0.5 seconds?).
- Unless you are about to have a big teamfight, use Vanguard frequently. It's free.

Blood for Blood

This ability is why Ardan can buy Stormcrown and Aftershock. With more cooldown reduction, Vengence automatically fills up after it has depleted. Overdrive increase punch range, and add 25% damage. This is why Wp Ardan is viable.
*Pro tip:
- Use it whenever you can (just don't take teammates's farm when you are roam/captain)
- If you are chased, flare up or if you already have vision, Blood for Blood on jungle minions across walls.


This is what separates scrub and pro Ardan. There are 2 main uses:

Anyone can do this. Just put the gaunlet down and separate enemies. Mainly used for starting teamfights or protecting your allies when they escape, thus making it easy to block.
Only experienced players can nail this down. Gauntlet has the ability to stun enemies simultaneously or catch low health enemies running away, finishing with a final Blood for Blood. For example, Ringo channeling hellfire's brew can be stunned by gaunlet if only the player can predict where the wall is The reaction time is shortened, making it harder to block.
*Pro tip:
- Backdoor using Gauntlet is viable.
- Use gaunlet to cross jungle walls when chased

Core items Top

Fountain of Renewal

Heals you and teammates base on missing health. Rush immediately at 4min shop. Try to wait until your ally's health is at 1/3 or lower then activate.

War Treads

Activate to boost team-wide speed. Chase or retreat.

Atlas Pauldron

Use against wp carries or basic attack reliance enemies (Vox, Adagio). The most used item to counter Wp heroes (see below). Use Blood for Blood for gap-close, or Gauntlet at where they stand and use it.

If you're new, you may ask:"Why don't get Metal jacket for double armor => Tanky?" As captain, no one is gonna hit you on purpose with your allies around. Also, by reducing attack speed, you passively protect your teammates. So Metal is a waste.


Trigger to reflex block allies. You know the drill.

Replacable items breakdown Top


The least picked item in recent updates. It's not as good as before, and its ultility is nothing compared to other items. I usually go farm with my jungler for faster cleartime or secretly steal enemy farm when they just died. With it, you can usually solo, gank squishy heroes and get kills. Cooldown reduction is second only to Clockwork, Contraption and still gives 200 health.

In recent times, however, I grab Contraption first for free mines. Stormcrown is usually last item.


Vision has always been important. Especially with unlimited Scout Trap, you can make some big plays, like nuking a low health enemy buying in jungle shop, dealing damage in teamfights, and even STEAL Kraken or Gold mine. Rush first if you have to fight invisible enemies (Taka, Kestrel,...)

Nullwave Gauntlet

If you see the enemy captain relies heavily on trigger items like Fountain of Renewal, Crucible,...,use it to negate anything they can do. Work best against captain that you think can't do much for teammates(Flicker, Lance, even Ardan in my opinion)


Just for sheer late game damage (I replace Stormcrown at over 27 min). Work best against high armor/health target because of health based damage.


If you have a hard time chasing fleeing opponents, grab it. However, I think that speedboost and Gauntlet works good enough so i hardly buy it. Recommended against Vox, Skye,...

Poisoned Shiv

Remember, mortal wound doesn't affect heal alone, but also shield (like Vanguard) and fortified health ( Polite Company). If you go against typical healing potential heroes like Krul, Ozo and your teammates don't get Poisoned Shiv, take it from 15-20min.


If your allies go double Wp and are stupid enough to not get Bonesaw grab it. Also recommended if 2 out of 3 enemies buy metal jacket.


I don't recommend getting Echo because it has energy/void battery as base items. Double Gauntlet is nice, but every 100 seconds or more you actually get to use it. So if you really, really want it, buy it last.

Early game tips and FAQ Top

*Why contracts?

SEMC doesn't add contracts for fun only. In my opinion, contracts give you massive advantages early on, especially Ironguard Contract. It gives you sustain until jungle shop spawn, aid your laner if they don't have Book of Eulogies, and you can clear jungle faster without waiting for your jungler to tank the minions. Protector Contract helps out a lot in teamfights, and even better if you have Alpha in your team. I never grab Dragonblood Contract because the extra damage won't do much and I never see others take it, so yeah, it sucks.

If you don't like contracts, take what other things you need. Just be sure to have an Oakheart as first item.

*1min jungle stealing

Laners can use some opportunities to steal jungle if all 3 of your team are visible to captain/jungler and you're in a bad situation. My advice: stay in the tri-bush the first few seconds jungle minion just spawn if you don't see their laner show up. It is also possible that the enemy goes 3 person jungle to dominate early game if they have a powerful early composition. Flare the enemy bush up and be careful.

*Big Treant

Don't start agro if you can't tell if you can really secure it. Steal it at all cost. A 50:50 advantage or drawback is to great. The meta is to start the 2 smaller minions, check the big Treant, fight or take the smaller Treant and comeback later. Note: USE THE TREANT'S ROOT CIRCLE TO PREDICT WHERE THE ENEMY IS BY CHECKING THEIR JUNGLE.


1. Vanguard your ally(usually laner) to safety
2. Vanguard your jungler if they try to gank enemy laner (just don't do it in a bush)

Mid and Late game Top

Just protect your teammates and land correct Gauntlets. Secure vision with mines. Check if your teammates need help in lane or jungle and go help. Remember that the Crystal Sentry has only 3 lives but HEAVY damage, even to you. If you fall behind, fight around your own Miner and farm passively.

Crucible saves lives Top

This section doesn't talk about Crucible blocking CC from enemies or skills like Hellfire Brew, but as a shield to protect allies. Admittedly, I fail 7/10 blocks for my team, so rather than wasting it, I use it to provide extra cushion to Fountain of renewal.
Pop it the moment your teammate is low on health, followed by a quick tap on Fountain. This helps your team by refusing more damage and let your team heal first. Or just use it to block final ult from Celeste or Kestrel.

Lv2-4 aggression Top

Most people don't know this, but until sentry spawns, every captain is a beast in the jungle. If you can steal a treant, push further into their jungle while they are low on health. Jungling without constant healing from treant is like playing with death, hovering at 1/4 or 1/3 of the health bar. The shield and stun is enough to kill most junglers, especially squishy ones. Use the minions to your advantage by waiting until they start aggro, and then stun. The back camp deals relatively huge damage at lower levels. Just remember to run away when sentry spawns.

Counter invade Top

color=#0080ff]Sometimes when you have a weak early game composition, the enemy has a more powerful comp, or lose a fight near the middle treant, it's likely that you will be invaded. So do you stay back in your jungle to fend them off, possibly get killed in the process,
or go to lane and abandon your jungler? Neither of that. Ping your carry to the enemy back camps and stay in lane with your jungler. If your carry is too afraid and decides to be a wuss, ping your jungler to lane and go to the enemy jungle yourself. No matter what happens, even if your jungler is too ****py and die back in your side, continuously pinging on your face, just farm your *** up. Predict the enemy movement and get the hell out before they arrive (the treant root circle helps a lot). Even if you do die in the process, make sure that they have an exp and gold deficit. And expect the creeps your side to spawn back right the moment you recall home.

If you do steal the enemy jungle, try to run to the lane immediately as they would be hungry for exp and gold, and what target is better than your laner. Or, put a mine in your Kraken pit bush and monitor enemy movement.[/color]

Map awareness Top

Preferably, look at your map every 10 seconds. But in my experience, your eyes can cover most of the screen and also the map in your consciousness. If you have mines but no contraption, put them somewhere that they provide vision, not to explode. By then you could see white dots on the map, which is jungle creeps. If you see them disappear, it means that the camp has been cleared or in the process. Predict movement by using this information.

If you see all enemies in lane go straight to it. Also, if your jungler is engaging, rush down and help them to. Being inactive is really bad as a captain.

Defending/pushing Kraken Top

Depends on your situation that even Kraken push can't save you from utter defeat. Beware if you only have 1 or 2 turrets left, and so is the enemy.
- You have more than 3 full health turrets, or 1 full health but it's only over 15 min a bit: It's okay to sacrifice 1 or 2 members of your team to secure turrets. Still, pay attention to the enemy position, as their objective should not be Kraken, but preventing your team from dealing damage to turrets. Kraken in this case is like a punching bag, only to tank turret. Also if your respawn time is bad enough, the fight broke out near your base and you only have 1 turret, prepare for the worst.
- You have less than 3 turrets: Do not be aced. Repeat it again and again. In the worst cases, if the enemy do get an ace, make sure the only survivor is the captain/support or someone who can't deal much damage to turrets themselves. Another situation is no turret at all. If you lose just 1 teammate without killing anyone in return, you're lost. Whoever gets the number advantage wins, 3 vs 2 or 2 vs 1 is likely to lead to your doom. Even with Kraken striding in, the other team could just skip it and run straight to your base.
The same strategy is used in both following cases: Kill the enemy team first. You can bait out the enemy by focusing Kraken first, and then stand behind its animation to land Blast tremor.
- You ace the enemy team with 2
survivors and the enemy have long respawn time and only 2 turrets
: Run to their base and quickly destroy turret. You should sell off an item and buy Stormcrown at jungle shop.
- You kill off most of them or your teammates die: Kill off Kraken as quickly as you can while fending off survivors.[*]

Backdoor and prevention Top

There are 3 ways to get into the 2 bases: Straight through the lane, through the upper bushes, and through the wall. The best option if the enemy doesn't have mines is the upper bush. Why? Jungle have sentry. If you can somehow eliminate sentry before the need to backdoor, take the wall.

So, to prevent a successful backdoor, put mines in the upper bush of your side, behind the rock where sentry stands, and the first bush you encounter on your way out of the base.

The most reasonable situation to backdoor is when the enemy only have 1 turret left. Most people will think:"I have a turret up so they can't get to the crystal", which will let their guard down, or neglect the need to buy vision.

On the contrary, the most dangerous situation to backdoor is when the enemy doesn't have anything left. They will be alert, there will be mines put around their side, so flare up and stick together.

Or, if you have a teamfight, you can just let one teammate slip away and backdoor, while you harass them and deny recall. The enemy could do this too, so be careful.


Call me stubborn or **** like that. I don't care. Even if I don't have any turret left I would not give up.

That's the beauty of Vainglory. You always have a chance to make a comeback, however small it may seem. I won a recent ranked match with all of my turrets destroyed before 25 min. So don't just hit that surrender button just because the enemy had Kraken or destroyed most of your turrets. Focus and stick together.

Even if you do have scumbags in your team, who literally run straight to the enemy base to die, or just straight out afk, cooperate with the other teammate and try to at least fend them off til Kraken spawns or so forth. Don't screw other's game because you are a **** head and ping on their corpse. If you die trying,
at least the enemy would have a reason to honor you and report that game thrower. The feeling when a toxic player is banned makes me excited. The great karma is good, too, so I always honor people whether win or lose (except for game throwers of course). If they win, they played well, so why don't you acknowledge that;
the same applies to your team.

To further demonstrate my point, I present you one of my plays that I consider THE best:

Reim afked at 9 min. Luckily i had a phenomenally good Baptise support and the enemy went double Cp and no armor (Taka has Atlas).

Solo Kraken Top

That's right. As protector Ardan with Stormcrown you can solo Kraken from 15-25 min, while your teammates attracts or lure the enemies away, or when everyone is dead and you are the last man standing. Just keep using abilities and you don't even have to use Fountain of Renewal. Don't do it if you don't have any advantages in number, items or health.

Threats (against Ardan) Top

You must be wondering why I don't include threats above.

MARK MY WORDS. You are never "safe" against any heroes, even the ones that you consider Ardan as a "counter". Heck, even a Cp Skye when played properly can still melt your health bar down easily. And in other cases, Blackfeather, who can dash in/out your gaunlet with ease can still be killed without a sweat. It is the skill, not the strength of a hero that determines the outcome. That is always something to remember. In other words:"PUT EVERYONE AT THE HIGHEST THREAT BAR".

*WORST OF THE WORST: Lyra, Catherine

Ardan is worthless standing in bright bullwark. Stay out of it. Lyra can also teleport out, leading her teammates out. There goes your ult wasted.

Catherine has the most reliable stun in the whole game. With the introduction of Echo, she can literally silence you through the team fight, rendering your team useless.

*Highest threat: Anyone who can STUN, SLEEP, ROOT

The worst thing that can happen to Protector Ardan is being stunned in mid air slamming down Gaunlet. Don't try to ult when they can stun you easily or luckily. Wait until they have used their stun and THEN ult.

*Higher threat: Anyone who can disrupt your Gauntlet

Basically heroes who can push, pull, punt you out of the perimeter of your ult. Lance and Glaive are such heroes that can push and stun you at the same time. Do anything to stop them, simply stand in the middle as strategy.

*High threat: Anyone who can escape Gauntlet effortlessly

Blackfeather, Idris, Taka are some examples. Also anyone who buys Reflex Block.

*No threat: People with no armor, shield whatsoever.

Just make sure to protect teammates and "remind" them to buy armor ;-).

Full-scale threat (also counter viable build path) Top

(The format is:
-Hero-: General counter strategy
+Build and counter)

(I can't make a table in codes)

- Alpha-: Stay away from self-destruct

+Wp: All about Core Charge. Get Atlas.
+Cp: Pray that Alpha don't get Echo (basically 3 lives with decent protection, use Nullwave Gauntlet and you'll be fine). War tread teammates out of explosion or tank it through. Vanguard possible targets.
+Tank: Still big damage, 2 lives, no mana.
Target last.

- Adagio-: Block ult

+Wp: No one plays Wp Adagio these days. Just grab Atlas.
+Cp: Capable of dealing big damage with Agent of Wrath, ult hurts like hell and decent heal. Atlas.
+Tank: Big *** heal/sustain. Use poison shiv if needed.

- Baptiste-: Just don't touch Ordained
+Wp: Atlas
+Cp: Do anything to gap close and burst down. You don't want someone keep hurling bombs at your teammates with big *** damage. Poisoned shiv is advised if your team can't out sustain him.

- Baron-: Land a no-escape gauntlet (do pray that he doesn't overdrive his B), also block ult if capable.

+Wp: Atlas so no burst damage.
+Cp: Do whatever it takes to kill first in teamfights or vanish in no time. Sadly no counter except for Gauntlet

- Blackfeather: Destroy early game or lose later.

+Wp: Typical tanky Blackfeather, with heal and breaking point. Atlas and burst down.
+Cp: Don't be poked (insane burst damage). Try to protect teammates and Atlas if possible. Be careful of Aftershock.
+Tank: Poke shield scales with 10% max health every 3 seconds, natural reflex block, execute base on missing health. You have been warned.

(Just dominate early game and don't drag the game on)

- Catherine-: Destroy the bubble.
(Get something with decent attack speed and keep pummeling on the bubble. Don't her reflect damage from your teammates.)

+Cp: Aftershock+cooldown is a freaking nightmare to burst carries. Block ult.
+Tank: Same as Cp, only more health (which, makes it easier for damage to bounce).

- Celeste-: Bodyblock ult if possible

+Cp: Only build (except trolls of course). Do anything to burst down in teamfights or dominate early game. Or else...

- Flicker-: Get Contraption

+Wp: Why? 70% slow+burst is a squishy carry's nightmare. Usually anyone with good crowd control can go Wp or Cp and Flicker has probably the best slow there is. Atlas if meet.
+Cp: Just Vanguard ally out of Fairy Dust and use flare.
+Tank: Tanky slowing machine. Beware of enemy team ambush.

- Fortress-: Beware: angry dog. Run away using War treads, land gauntlet down, kill spawn dogs, chase enemy.

+Wp: Lifesteal, attack speed, fortified health? Grab Atlas and avoid fighting with his ult on.
+Cp: Law of the Claw deals so much damage going Cp. Take the f*cking dogs out or lose at least 1/4 of your health.
+Tank: Same as Cp, but focused on tankiness. Strat above works best.

- Glaive-: Vanguard the ally pushed by Afterburn.

+Wp: Big crit. Atlas
+Cp: More tricky. Strat above. Beware of Aftershock.
+Tank: Don't be pushed out of your Gauntlet and you'll be fine.

- Grumpjaw-: Protect the eaten ally. Of course Gauntlet can limit where it can go, but 2v3 for 3 seconds is still a big disadvantage.

+Wp: Remember that when eating, it can still do damage. Get Atlas.
+Cp: Massive damage from Grumpy. Vanguard ally and Atlas should you see Alternating current.
+Tank: Like Catherine, but ******** tanky early game. Defend till late game (you will not win early unless you have a god-like Krul or Skye on your side).

- Gwen-: Dominate early game.

+Wp: Even your Vanguard is not enough to block Gwen's empowered basic attack at late game so you know what to do.
+Cp: Capable of poking at a fairly long distance, but have a weak *** early game. Abuse it.

- Idris-:Atlas

+Wp: Got nerfed hard in recent patches, but still a sharp thorn. Predict chakram direction and Vanguard possible targets.
+Cp: Still weak as hell (in my opinion). Just abuse weak early game.

- Joule-:No general counter (bonesaw is advised)
+Cp: Most common. Vanguard ally out of ult or block it. If you see Echo, fire Nullwave gauntlet.
+Wp: Get Atlas.
+Tank: Block stun.

- Kestrel-: Bodyblock ult for teammates if needed
+Wp: Get Atlas
+Cp: Rush Contraption

- Koshka-: Stall time until late game
+Cp: Get some early shield and you're fine
+Wp: Not common. Just get Atlas.

- Krul-: Get Atlas at all cost. Invest in Poisoned shiv is good if your team don't get it.
+Wp: Vanguard the ally beaten by Krul so they can run away, and Krul won't have life steal.
+Cp: Beware of Aftershock.

- Lance-: Get early armor so you can't be burst down early.
+Wp: Big damage, and can't be countered with Atlas. In this case get a lot of extra health for better Vanguard shield.
+Tank: Biggest pool health at lv12. Get Aftershock (also beware of his own Aftershock).

- Lyra-: Get Poisoned shiv
+Cp: Coordinate with your team to burst down, as Lyra Cp has little health and shield/armor.
Use Atlas.
+Tank: Don't mistime your Vanguard or be stopped by Bulwark.

- Ozo-: Position your Gauntlet so that Ozo can't bounce to your allies. Get Poisoned shiv.
+Cp: Vanguard final target of Acrobounce.
+Wp: Get Atlas.
+Tank: Block ult.

- Petal-: Clear the munions (Stormcrown)
+Cp: Vanguard the ally chased by Combustion.
+Wp: Get Atlas.

- Phinn-: Block ult
+Cp: Lots of damage. Vanguard ally out.
+Tank: Get Poisoned shiv if your team don't get one.

- Reim-: As I know, only the Cp path is good. So get Poison shiv.

- Ringo-: Block ult, or Vanguard the ally targeted.
+Wp: Get Atlas.
+Cp: Position Gauntlet while Ringo is channeling Hellfire's Brew to stun.

- Rona-: Poison shiv is good
+Wp: Get Atlas
+Cp: Just beware of Aftershock.

- Samuel-: Block ult (easy)
+Cp: Vanguard to slow him out of Drifting Dark, or Vanguard your team to bring him out of it.
+Wp: Rarely seen. Get Atlas.

- SAW-: Gauntlet down in a way that whenever Saw rolls, he hit the wall.
+Wp: Atlas
+Cp: Gauntlet stun his Suppressing Fire.

-Skarf-: Gauntlet in front of ult when channeling.
+Wp: Get Atlas. Big crit damage.
+Cp: Beware of burn (basic attack deals damage based on max health)

- Skye-: Bodyblock
+Cp: Gauntlet so she can't Suri Strike out.
+Wp: Get Atlas

- Taka-: Contraption
+Wp: Atlas
+Cp: Gauntlet so he can't X-retsu your team.
+Tank: Don't be invaded or get minions stolen. I used to play Taka support a lot so I know how OP he is.

- Vox-: Get Atlas (no specific counter)

How to deal with enemy Ardan Top

Aftershock and Nullwave Gauntlet works best against Ardan. Typical Ardans will buy a lot of health, and both my recommended items deal damage base on enemy's max health. Also, without any usable items, Ardan can't protect teammates. Silence Ardan whenever an enemy is on low health and finish him/her/it off. Should you see Ardan have a Crucible, silence him before Gauntlet down.

Synergy Top

Usually Ardan goes well with every hero (even Cp Phinn trollers).

Ardan's best potential is unlocked with heroes that can effectively follow up after Gauntlet. This means Glaive, Lance, or Joule.

Heal-based heroes also benefit from being shielded. As I said, heal goes under shield so enemies will have a hard time killing them.

Try using Verse of Judgement with enemies inside Gauntlet perimeter.

How to note if someone is an experienced player (70% of the time) Top

Vainglory has 4 tier skins. Usually a really good player will have Legendary skin. Others have Special Edition skins, which should usually be bought with Ice. See if they have the Ice badge and determine if they acquired skins by Ice or through hard work.

However, some people still have good skills with only default skins. Don't be deceived. They might be a new account created by old players to steamroll through low ranks.

Wp and Cp Ardan Top

For both builds I recommend staying in jungle. Lane is a harsh place for heroes who can't shoot.


Ardan has a really high damage output with his Blood for Blood. An extra 25% damage is a really big thing, considering with crit or high attack speed he can constantly use it. He is perfect for a bruiser position, with shield, speedboost, and even a f*cking arena. This makes the Gladiator skin worthwhile.

Combo: BA + B + BA + A + BA + C + BA + B + BA
BA: basic attack
A, B, C are Ardan skills respectively

You should consider buying extra health to protect teammates with Vanguard

Of course, Protector Ardan can use this build with only 2-3 offensive items if allies go double Cp. Enemies won't even know what hit 'em.


Cp Ardan works as a double-edged knife. Enemy touch Gauntlet? Instant gg. They don't? RIP. With such cooldowns it's hard to play Cp effectively, with the exception of Blitz mode. Anyway, Cp bases around Aftershock and Gauntlet. You want to punch a lot? Get Alternating Current. If not just use Stormcrown for better cooldown and some extra health.

Vanguard, however, deals more damage and has a better Cp ratio than Blood for Blood so Overdrive it is advised.

Talents Top

This skill synergies well with Support and Cp Ardan. It's basically more barrier, damage and better self-cast at the expense of cooldown.
+Battle royale: Grab Fountain, health and cooldown then do whatever the hell you want.
+Blitz: Keep on supporting ****ty/squishy allies with no-armor builds (my support life in a nut shell)

-Heavy hitter
At first glance, this ability is ****. It doesn't provide anything better but acts as overdrive for Blood for blood. But then I thought of it's combination with the original overdrive, which makes it deal even more damage in one punch. I don't know whether the added damage is considered 150% or 156,25% cuz I don't have the talent yet, but it's fun thinking about how you gap close with the distance greater than that of Celeste's Heliogenesis.
+Both modes: Use weapon build

-Knockout punch
If you haven't watch the talents video by the dev, go watch it (the first one). It already explains how to fully execute this talent at max efficiency. Put down the Gauntlet and punch people through it (remember that Vengeance automatically fills up when Gauntlet is put down)
-Both modes: Cp build with Echo

Some 0 death screenshots (this happens in a lot of my games lol) Top

Outtro Top

Thank you for reading my guide.

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