Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
1 |
No Threat |
2 |
Alpha |
Pretty easy to deal with if you have T2 Defense for her. Be careful not to overcommit while she's rebooting, otherwise her teammates will make short work of you. |
2 |
Ringo |
Only a threat when kiting/stutter-stepping. Gank him! |
3 |
Joule |
Joule is about as tough as Grumpjaw. Her weapon and crystal paths both allow for high DPS, which is why you may want to use [[Stuffed]] on her. Don't face her alone. |
3 |
Taka |
[[Living Armor]] should allow you to withstand an [[X-Retsu]] or two. You might have trouble keeping him close. He's as squishy as he is slippery. |
3 |
Idris |
You'll be able to overpower him with [[Hangry]] and some weapon items, but you're very vulnerable to his Chakrams. Build some defense. |
3 |
Removes [[Living Armor]] very quickly. Be cautious and don't underestimate! |
4 |
Ardan |
Not a threat by himself, but when backed by an enemy jungler, Ardan can remove [[Living Armor]] with [[Blood for Blood]] and his basic attacks. This can leave you squishy for a bit, which is a huge problem. |
4 |
Rona |
Rona is just as tanky as Grumpjaw, and has just as much DPS. [[Atlas Pouldron]] should do the job. |
4 |
Blackfeather |
His barrier can be really annoying and he can outmaneuver you very easily. If you have a [[Catherine]] or [[Lance]] on your team, he'll be easy to deal with. If not, Good Luck! |
4 |
Gwen |
She's a real threat when kiting, but [[Living Armor]] counteracts Gwen's burst damage. Be cautious and bait [[Skedaddle]] before you cast [[Stuffed]]. |
4 |
Koshka |
Your perk counteracts her burst damage, she's just a threat to your carries. Keep her in check by casting [[Stuffed]]. |
5 |
Vox |
[[Sonic Zoom]] gets rid of [[Living Armor]] really fast. Keep on attacking but good luck when he starts kiting. |
6 |
Grumpjaw |
This is kinda like a [[Krul]] 1v1 but without the lifesteal. Don't engage alone. |
7 |
Samuel |
Has as much sustain as you, and can kite very easily. Bring crowd-control supports like [[Catherine]] and [[Lance]]. |
7 |
Kestrel |
Again with the [[Living Armor]], she can shred it with her [[Glimmershot]]. Keep fighting but don't overcommit. |
7 |
Glaive |
If he hasn't already used [[Afterburn]] on your carry, he's probably going to start shredding you. shares the same weaknesses as you, though. [[Atlas Pouldron]] should do the job. |
7 |
Skye |
It's surprisingly easy to get on top of her, but the problem lies in keeping her there. Don't eat her [[Forward Barrage]]. |
8 |
Flicker |
Annoying and persistent little bastard. A threat nonetheless. [[Stuffed]] during teamfights is a good move. |
8 |
Phinn |
Noticeably threatening because he can allow carries to kite you with his A and B. He can't be swallowed, either. |
9 |
Lyra |
[[Bright Bulwark]] can shut down the bulk of your kit, so bring [[Reflex Block]] or use [[Stuffed]]. |
9 |
Reim |
1v1's should be a challenge against him. Don't engage alone and apply pressure in the early game. [[Stuffed]] can remove him from the equation but only long enough to take out the enemy carry. |
9 |
Krul |
See Reim. |
9 |
Catherine |
Arguably a hard counter to [[Grumpjaw]]. Bring [[Reflex Block]] for her [[Blast Tremor]]. |
10 |
Lance |
His abilities can immobilze you and his team can serve you to Frankie on a silver platter. [[Stuffed]] and [[Reflex Block]] are your best friend. |
10 |
Skaarf |
Burns you inside out and laughs in your face because he can fly. Shut him down before he starts getting his BM stacks. |
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