Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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Baron |
Baron is one of the worst heroes in the game, second only to ozo in my opinion. He is extremely slow, and does miniscule damage. Kite him, you'll win the fight extremely easy. |
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Krul |
Don't get ganked, don't get caught. Otherwise it's an easy kill. |
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Celeste |
Similar to Baron, only with way more damage. In a team fight lock her down as fast as possible. Otherwise, just kite her for an easy kill. |
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Reim |
Reim is super easy to kite. just don't get caught shopping and you'll never lose. |
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Ozo |
Ozo is the worst character in the game. Kite him. You'll basically be 2 v 3ing in team fights. |
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Adagio |
Adagio is pretty useless. Don't get caught in ult. |
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Skaarf |
If you get caught in the goop or the ult, there's a pretty high chance you'll die. Don't. Otherwise, just kite. |
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Alpha |
Alpha is a really under played character, personally I love her. But she is no match for a good Skye. Don't get caught in her scan, otherwise you'll probably die. Again. |
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Ringo |
1 v 1ing him will be just spacing. In team fights, lock him down fast so he doesn't crit your team into the toilet. |
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Joule |
If you get caught in her jump, there's a pretty high chance you'll die, once again, don't. Otherwise you can beat her pretty easily, just kite. |
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Don't let him use his stacks. Just space him out, win the fight. |
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Vox |
If he's going crystal, space out your team so you don't get bounced all over the place. If weapon, just space him out. |
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Phinn |
If he lands his a and b, you're a goner. If he lands his ult, same situation. Don't, kite him to death. |
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Rona |
If the Rona jumps on you and has a shiver steal, you will get insta melted. get proper vision damn it. |
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Samuel |
Your forward barrage is better than his. Don't underestimate him, get out of the way of his attacks. |
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Lyra |
Don't let her slow you. Don't get in her b. She is quite dangerous if she does. |
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Petal |
Petal is a super underrated character. If you're not applying damage while she is, you'll die. try to get close, end her munions quickly with your forward barrage. |
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Glaive |
Kite him and don't let him after bun you, else you'll get insta melted from early game crits. |
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Blackfeather |
Don't get hit by his b and you're fine. stay far away and you'll win. |
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Kestrel |
If you get caught in the trap, you will definitely die. If weapon, space her out. Otherwise, she'll melt you with crits. |
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Gwen |
If she stuns you, you're dead. Don't get hit by it, space her out. |
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Taka |
If you meet a taka, get a roam. unless the take is really bad and literally stands in your forward barrage, he will melt you. Try to get shields early. |
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Koshka |
Koska is a monster in the early game. SHe can melt you really quickly, so try as hard as you can to get away. Otherwise, just kite her. |
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Catherine |
Catherine is super good against Skye. Her ult prevents her from using her forward barrage, which is super important for building stacks. don't get stunned, don't get ulted, you'll do fine...oh yeah, also don't shoot her if she has shield and you have 25 stacks of breaking point. I've literally killed my entire team from deflections that way. |
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Flicker |
This little piece of...sorry. If he goes invis and put his b, use your boots. Otherwise you'll straight up die. |
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Ardan |
Ardan's gauntlet is super annoying for Skye. Hopefully you have your whole team, otherwise you'll die. |
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Lance |
Don't get lanced by him. He can shut you down easily, so don't get hit by his attacks. |
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Skye |
If you face an enemy Skye, it's going to be insanely intense. Either you'll get helped by a teammate, or a very, VERY, small mistake will get you killed. Usually it's the latter. 1 v 1ing a Skye will come with time. A good trick is to have your roam tank the enemy's forward barrage, while you forward barrage them. |
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