Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
1 |
Skye |
Easily kill if pounced on using A first |
2 |
Vox |
Can't do excessive damage to you. Shred health with B. |
2 |
Celeste |
Possible stun but very squish. Use A and it should be easy pickings. |
3 |
Samuel |
You can 1 vs. 1 Samuel, but make sure you are close health. |
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Baron |
Pinecones will do a number on you if you do not stay alert. Still pretty squish. |
4 |
Skaarf |
Can become deadly if you are burned and the skaarf has boots. Make sure to keep close and use abilities when you can to defeat a skaarf. Ambushing with A from the brush also works |
4 |
Petal |
Attack Petal herself and shred her quickly and there will be no problem. However, if you tussle with her minions, your health will plummet. |
4 |
Kestrel |
Watch out for her hidden traps. If CP watch for her glimmer shots, and attack when she is low on them. If WP, ambush from the bushes. |
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Gwen |
Can do some damage if she lands her ult. When she uses it, or if the player isn't good, ambush and take her down. |
4 |
Flicker |
Hard to fight up close, so just attack, run a little, and repeat. |
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Catherine |
Possibly can outlast fortress if WP. If not then easy K.O. |
4 |
Blackfeather |
Watch out for ambush. Late game Fortress will wreck. |
4 |
Baptiste |
His CP is very strong so watch out for large pushes. |
4 |
Ardan |
WP he can do some damage, but not really a worry. |
5 |
Taka |
Can be deadly if he catches you by surprise. If you suspect ambush just use ult |
5 |
Lyra |
Make sure you can take her without any of her abilities getting in the way. Use A if she already used up her B. |
5 |
Idris |
If Idris is CP, try to have a clean stand off. If WP same thing, but make sure you have an upper hand somehow to start. |
5 |
Adagio |
If he arcane fires you, watch out for a lot of damage. Keep distance and then strike when ready. If building utility, try to start chunking away at him. |
6 |
Phinn |
Hard to shred, and he can stun you for a while. Don't try to solo him. |
6 |
Ozo |
Relatively equal in WP. Hard to fight against CP. |
6 |
Lance |
If WP he can outrange you, but will be an easy takedown with a teammate. Similar to Phinn, to much health to shred. |
6 |
Joule |
Depending on the player, Joule can do damage. Watch out for ranged stuns. |
6 |
Grumpjaw |
Same as Joule, but can possibly end you if he uses his Ult. Fortresses mobility isn't strong enough to run from turrets. |
6 |
Fortress |
CP he can do damage. Try to outlast the other with fountain of renewal and Crucible |
6 |
Alpha |
CP can fight against Fortress and then use her Ult reboot. Early game fortress doesn't have enough WP to take her out the first time. |
7 |
Attack only when he has no stacks. Will easily finish you if he has 12 stacks. |
7 |
Ringo |
If he keeps range, Ringo will take you down. Fight with team support or use A and then B right after to take out most of its health. |
8 |
Koshka |
CP she can surprise and possibly even slightly shred. Koshka has more mobility in you so there is no point in running in a solo fight. |
8 |
Glaive |
Hard to team fight against with his splash damage. Also a good 1 vs. 1, try to stay clear from Glaive |
9 |
Rona |
Rona will shred you solo. Have allies help and keep your distance from her solo. |
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Reim |
YOU CAN NOT ONE VS. ONE REIM. If you encounter him use your mobility to run and get help. |
10 |
Krul |
Same as Reim, you can't 1 vs. 1. Krul has more mobility then Reim however, and can stun and slow. Keep your distance even if he has half health. |
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