Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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No Threat |
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Adagio |
Adagio has little crowd control that can actually affect Samuel. The only thing you would have to worry about is getting too close and getting slowed by his Gift of Fire. His ult isn't much of a threat because Samuel is ranged and should keep his distance in general |
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Baron |
Baron is slow and really easy to deal with. In fact, if there is ever a Baron, get a Shatterglass to clean him up. |
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Lyra |
Lyra can only slow you and teleport herself and her team in front of you. The process of which that happens is rather slow so you should be fine. Make sure to keep moving because she'll be rooted in place when she activates her arcane missile. |
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SAW is very slow and his Suppressing Fire roots him to the ground. Keep distance from him and you can just use your Malice and Verdict without your Drifting Dark to kill him. |
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Joule |
Joule has little mobility but is rather tanky. Just make sure you don't get stunned and you'll be fine. If she goes CP, watch out for her ult. |
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Ozo |
His Ult can toss you back and knock you out of your Drifting Dark. Thankfully, the his ult is easily blockable. |
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Reim |
He is very slow and his only saving grace is his root and ult. If he screws that up, you should be fine. |
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Celeste |
Celeste is easy to deal with because she has low mobility but isn't as slow as Baron. If you put your Drifting Dark down she'll know your relative path making it easier for her to place her stars. Beware of her stun and powerful ult. |
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Fortress |
The only danger Fortress poses is his slow that he can apply along with the -33% healing from his Law of the Claw. |
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Krul |
Krul can outlast you but he is very immobile. Watch out for his shiversteel and ult. As long as he doesn't slow you and get stacks on you, you should be fine. |
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Catherine |
Her stun can displace you for a brief moment so get an Aegis. If your support is good enough then her silence shouldn't be a problem. |
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Kestrel |
Her crits can melt you and her invis allows her to dodge your Malice and Verdicts. |
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Lance |
Don't get rooted by Lance or else you may be in trouble. He is extremely tanky and can protect his teammates well. Make sure to position yourself to damage his allies. |
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Phinn |
His stun and ult can be very dangerous but if you block it, he will be easy to deal with. He is very slow and cis a source of BM stacks. |
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Rona |
Rona is very tanky so watch out for her slow. If she catches you off guard, put some distance between you and her Then use Drifting Dark. If you use Drifting Dark too early she will kill you very quickly since you are close by. |
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Samuel |
Use your tips and outplay em |
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Alpha |
Alpha WP can be very difficult to deal with because she will not die faster than your Drifting Dark can last. She will outlast you and Samuel simply doesn't have the damage and time to afford to take her down in her reboot. CP Alpha can burst you down if you have no defense. As A samuel, an Aegis will help alot. |
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Koshka |
Her ult roots you in place for 2.2 secs. Reflex blocking it is crucial. Her CP damage can burst you down very fast. Be careful of that. |
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Petal |
Her munions can be a nightmare. If she slows you, you become vulnerable to the other carry. Your skillshots will also be useless because they are blocked by her munions. |
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Gwen |
This hero is very fast and landing Malice and Verdict can become difficult. Her damage can become very high late game and her slow is devastating. DON'T get caught out by her. Her stun can also end you quickly. |
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Idris |
Although Vainglory tells you that Idris is mobile, he really depends on his Shroud Step and Shimmer Strike to get to you. If you keep your distance he shouldn't be too tough to deal with. The only danger he poses is his damage he can do. Watch out if he ever gets on top of you. |
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Ringo |
His slow and kitablility can make it difficult for you to escape and land shots on him. Watch out for his crits and immense damage. |
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Ardan |
His Gauntlet can ruin your Drifting Dark. Never use Drifting Dark inside a Gauntlet unless you have a reflex block ready. This is the main reason I stress that you get Aegis in the final build no matter what because CC can ruin your life. |
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Blackfeather |
A WP Blackfeather can chase you down and outlast your Drifting Dark. If he stacks BP he can wipe you out relatively easily. His Maxed Feint of Heart make him unallowable. |
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Skaarf |
Skaarf can outsustain you and can deal a ton of damage to you. Make sure to use your ult on him when he uses his ult. |
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Flicker |
If Flicker can sneak up on you, you'll probably lose. His slow is strong enough to prevent you from staying in your Drifting Dark and ult allows players to sneak up on you. |
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Vox |
Vox can dodge your shots with Sonic Zoom and silence you. He also has a slow so be careful. Use your Malice and Verdict after his uses Sonic Zoom. |
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Glaive |
Glaive is VERY dangerous. Using his afterburn, he can knock you straight out of your Drifting Dark and he can easily burst you down with his crits. He is tanky enough to survive a lot of your shots. |
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Skye |
Skye can position herself to where you simply have to walk off your Drifting Dark. Skye is very mobile and can dodge your shots easily. Her ult can also obstruct your path. Be very careful. |
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Taka |
CP Taka can wipe you out in an instant. Get a Slumbering Husk or an Aegis. |
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