With the buff to Dragon's Eye it has become a must have for Reza. With Reza's A he can easily build up stacks in team fights. Generally you will need a broken myth to pierce enemies building high shield. I recommend buying a drill bit mid game and finishing a Broken Myth last after buying Dragon's Eye. You will need to either buy Halcyon Chargers or Clockwork for much needed energy. Buy a crystal bit and boots as starter items and sell the boots later if you're planning to replace it with Clockwork. Reza is still very mobile even without boots as he has two dashes and his ult for mobility. Replace your BM against glass cannons with either Tension Bow, Clockwork, or Shatterglass. Tension bow as a second item for heavy early burst, Clockwork for lower cooldowns for more mobility, and Shatterglass for short teamfights.
Build this if you are a second jungler, or just want to gain a farm advantage over the opposing jungler. You will be able to 2-4 hit jungle camps. Don't underestimate the burst from this build either. You will absolutely DELETE squishy glass cannon enemies. The damage does fall off a bit against high sustain enemies - captains, Blackfeather, Reim etc. Again, this is an objective focused build, not necessarily kill focused, but it is still completely possible to rack up a lot of kills. I recommend upgrading your B first so that you can escape or chase enemies in early jungle skirmishes.
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