Blackfeather has one of the best late games out there if he can get enough of farm and the items before the 15min mark. So this build should help you do just that when you are playing blackfeather because he will be able to make come backs for your team when you are in situations like an enemy has taken out all your teammates at kraken and its a 1v1 situation with the kraken attacking you. You can steal life from him and the kraken at the same time when he is attacking you. Let's say this is a
Ringo, he will take you out easily so you use rose offensive to escape taking damage from kraken AND him, THEN come back to make sure he is still there then after you chase him down using all your skills you pin him to a corner.
This is how your skills should work when you have used the first Rose Offensive to escape someone.
C-B-A when chasing
B-A when starting off the battle
B-A-C ONLY use C when you think the battle wont shift towards your advantage.
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