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No Threat |
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Baron |
Barron won't be hard in 1vs1 use your feint of heart to get close then one point to slow him then your rose offence to dodge his A ability and take him done |
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Celeste |
Use the same combination used on baron and you should be fine |
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Gwen |
Gwen won't be hard make sure to block her ultimate using reflex block or rose offence then use the same technique used on baron |
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Adagio |
Adagio won't be hard in 1vs1 but watch out for his ultimate block it using rose offence or reflexe block Caz it can stun you |
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Ardan |
Ardan wont be hard to take down in 1vs1 battle if he lock you in his ultimate use rose offence to get out without getting stunned or use reflex block |
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Lance |
Lance won't be much if you find him alone but in team fights he can root you wich wich will let there carry and jungler take you down |
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Lyra |
if you find her alone she is dead she won't be much in team fights either |
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Skaarf |
Use same technique used in baron use rose offence of feint of heart to get out of his pit |
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Catherine |
Watch out of her stun block it using reflex block or rose offence and don't forget to watch out of her silence |
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Fortress |
Watch out in team fights when your playing against fortress because he can give your enemies a speed boost wich will make them take you down fast in team fights make sure to stay near your captain hero he can help you |
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Kestrel |
Kestrel won't be really hard but watch out for her pit caz her if you get in the pit and she hit you she will do massive damage and stuns you |
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Petal |
Use same combination used on baron just block her ultimate using reflex block or rose offence |
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Taka |
Taka won't be much use your one point to take less damage Caz of stacks if he go invisibile use rose offence fast so you can see reveal him |
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Flicker |
flicker can become invisible and make his ally's invisible so you should watch out of ambushes and try to run if flick slow you by using rose offence then boots |
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Krul |
Krul is one the best 1vs1 duelist but black feather can take him down you will have to kite him your one point will slow him block his ultimate using rose offence or reflex block |
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Ringo |
1vs1 he is easy in team fights he is your nightmare take him down first in team fights Block his A ability so he won't be able to slow you |
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Saw is really good to take him down you should use one point Caz it have range higher then saw attack range and kite him and keep using it till he die |
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Skye |
Sky won't be really easy when she use her A ability and move backward don't folow her Caz she will kill you move in the opposite way of her if she folow you use feint of heart then one point to slow her don't forget to block her ultimate using reflex block and rose offence |
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Blackfeather |
Watch out of a wp (weopen power) blackfeather Caz of his life steal usally people buy serpent make for wp blackfeather Don't go 1vs1 against wp BF (blackfeather =BF) Caz his feint oh heart can make massive damage and will get him close to you so he can hit you |
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Glaive |
Some people think glave can take BF down easly but you can kite him use your one point ability when he try to stun you use rose offence to block it and you should be just fine |
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Joule |
Joule won't be easy you should block her stun using rose offence or reflex block ten use feint of heart when she use here ultimate use rose offence to dodge it |
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Koshka |
Koshka won't be much of a challenge block er ultimate using reflex block or rose offence and you should be just fine |
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Phinn |
Block his ultimate Caz it can he can put you in really uncomfortable place in team fights |
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Samuel |
Watch out of Samuel because he can slow you if he have frostburn use feint of rose then one point to slow him then rose offence to go behind him so he won't be able to hit you really hard |
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Alpha |
Alpha is really hard to be take 1vs1 using blackfeather don't try to kite her if your still not really good at kiting here are some tips to kite hear dodger here A ability laser so she won't get close keep using your 2nd ability to slow he down and stay away of her while Kitin so she won't be able to use her 2nd ability |
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Idris |
It won't be easy to take idris down using BF you have to wait him to show up in team fights then ambush him using your feint of heart ten your one point and rose offence to take him down |
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Ozo |
Ozo is kinda hard Caz of his lifesteal(aftershock)and his good damage watch out in team fights use your one point when he try to jump on you do you won't take damage |
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Reim |
Going 1vs1 against isn't usally a good idea don't go. 1vs1 against him exept if your good at kiting block his ultimate using rose offence or reflex block |
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Rona |
Don't go 1vs1 against Rona because of here lifesteal and high damage |
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Vox |
Watch out of his silence block it using reflex block and use same technique used on Barron but don't forget his A ability wich can help him go backward when you use feint of rose so use rose offence to get closer to him |
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No Threat |
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No Threat |
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No Threat |
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