General Concept Top
I mostly main tanky characters, such as krul and glaive, who still deal a significant amount of damage. When I play other heroes, I try to come up with builds to make them surviveable, while still shredding through the enemy team. This, although not super effective on all heroes, can completely change how some heroes are played. This taka build perfectly complements my chosen play style, making me a much more effective taka than with typical builds. I am not saying this is the best taka build, I'm just giving another option that will introduce you to a completely new taka.
Burst Taka vs. This Build Top
Right now, burst taka is fairly strong. He gives an incredible amount of up front damage, and really complements the escape and damage reduction abilities taka already has. Unfortunately, this makes taka extremely squishy. Until he hits level 6 , taka isn't super effective. At level 6, and at 8, he received a major power spike, which, combined with bursty items such as tension bow or crystal power, makes him a nightmare during mid game. Unfortunately, unless fed, taka often falls off towards the late game. Without snowballing his mid game potential, he often dives into the enemy team only to be completely shredded. In this build, I have tried to create a taka who is much more surviveable, becoming less of an assassin and more of a highly mobile warrior. Just imagine the damage output and survive ability of a somewhat beefy glaive, combined with the movement speed and dodging capability of a Vox. Taka's abilities are fairly strong, meaning he still retains much of his burst damage, but puts out some incredible damage over time and is able to initiate during late game team fights.
Play Style Top
For a long time, I played burst taka. Either tension bow, or tension bow aftershock, or straight crystal. When playing taka, I loved to engage with kaku, then run up invisible and attack. Unfortunately, as the game dragged on, I would find it harder and harder to be successful in this tactic. I would engage with the box, but then wind up in the middle of the enemy team with no escape. This build allows you to effectively engage in stealth mode, moving in invisibly on your enemies to attack, surviving their burst damage, and staying alive long enough to either Kaku again or have the breaking point stacks make you unstoppable.
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