The Best Defense Top
Introduction Top
Hello, my name is KyrieTheWolf and I am a Pinnacle of Awesome Gold support main. Due to the lack of updated guides for Fortress on this new patch, I thought I'd make one.
1.19 introduced an entirely new play-style for supports and emphasizes their focus on the lane more. Fortress' position in this new meta is still uncertain, but he can still be really effective when it comes to engaging team fights. While his role does read "PROTECTOR", Fortress can accomplish so much more than just babysitting one carry. (Unless there is a Krul and it is utterly necessary.)
When to pick Fortress and how to play him early game Top
Fortress is on the squishy side of the supports when it comes to the first shop fight, lacking the
health and
tank stats that Ardan, Phinn and Lance all possess. However, if you want to be successful with the snarling Halcyon Well Guardian, then you need to pick him against jungles that do not have burst damage early and their support is not much of a threat.
Some junglers are easier to fight against early than others but become big threats if not shut down:
Alpha, Ozo, Riem, Krul and Joule
However, if Fortress is with an assassin jungler such as Taka then he can take on almost anyone as long as thier support is not Ardan, Phinn or Lance.
Starting off, you want to allow your jungler tank
most of the jungle monsters to preserve your health in case of a level 1 engagement. Always try to tank the first back heal and then let your jungler tank the rest. You do not have to worry about them taking too much damage because of how strong the heal camp is early, and if you bought an ironguard your sustain will be much greater.
When you fight level 1, you want to make sure that you
attack the easiest target with Law of the Claw, and this is most often the opposing support, however the enemy team will most likely be doing the same. Use your heroic perk to escape your enemy and to dance around your jungler until the enemy support dies. Usually the other jungler leaves by then, but if they do not then rinse and repeat.
Immediately abandon the fight with your jungler if it is not winnable or if the enemy laner rotates and yours does not.
Playing Fortress mid-game Top
Most of Fortress' power comes from his ability to
dominate mid-game team fights if he has his ultimate available. By this time you should have constructed your
Fountain of Renewal and be close to completing your
War Treads. Alert your teammates that you are prepared for a fight and then group up with them. Locate the enemy team using flares or previously placed scout traps and then use Attack of the Pack and the active of War Treads to engage.
Most fights will begin with you jumping onto the enemy carry and applying your Law of the Claw bleed stacks for a slow, but sometimes you simply need to jump to them and disable or scare them, and then focus the enemy jungler. This happens most of the time if that jungler is either
Krul or
Riem. If you are against these, build your Dragonheart into a Shiversteel
instead of finishing the Wartreads.
Make sure that you have good map awareness and objective control by utilizing scout traps and flares. It is most important over the Halcyon Well whether it be inhabited by the Gold Mine or the Kraken.
Playing Fortress late-game Top
Fortress' power begins to decline when the enemy team begins to acquire
items to help them disengage from fights, so it is important for you to
seize any opportunity you have to engage a fight where the enemy is
least likely to escape.
Make sure you know who the enemy team is focusing and who your main lane carry's (or jungler's if your carry isn't doing so hot or is playing tank) and
prevent that specific person from killing them. Make sure that you
utilize crucible to avoid the enemy team's crowd control abilities. Good fortress play is crucial late game and you need to make sure that you and your team are focusing the correct person. Be sure to
burst those who are afflicted by your Law of the Claw to lower the effectiveness of the enemy team's fountain.
Objectives have never become more important post 20 minutes, so make sure that you are
keeping up with vision control needs and you might just catch the team in a risky position.
Jungler Clear Speeds Top
These speeds were measured solo and are ranked based on the time it took to clear the entire jungle on their side. I also recorded the number of potions used and the health at the end of the clear. Potions were used when the character reached a health total that was 50% or lower.
Celeste: 32 seconds, no potions used and retained 90% of her health
Kestrel with crystal bit: 33 seconds, 2 potions used and retained 100% of her health
Riem: 35 seconds, no potions used and retained 100% of his health
Rona: 35 seconds, 1 potion used and retained 95% of her health
Joule with weapon blade: 38 seconds, 1 potion used and retained 80% of her health
Alpha: 39 seconds, 1 potion used and retained 98% of her health
Skye with crystal bit: 39 seconds, 1 potion used and retained 80% health
Joule with crystal bit: 40 seconds, 2 potions used and retained 90% of her health (nearly dies when taking on all 3 back camps weapon Joule can do this without a problem)
Ozo with weapon blade: 41 seconds, 1 potion used and retained 100% of his health
Skye with weapon blade: 43 seconds, 1 potion used and retained 60% of her health
Kosha: 43 seconds, 2 potions used and retained 95% of her health (Adding a support lets her take all 3 back camps at once, but it is not possible while solo)
Skaarf: 42 seconds, 1 potion used and retained 75% health
Ardan: 43 seconds, 1 potion used and retained 98% of his health
Glaive: 43 seconds, 1 potion used and retained 80% of his health (times may vary based on critical hits)
Ozo with crystal bit: 44 seconds, 1 potion used and retained 100% of his health
Adagio starting Buff: 45 seconds, 2 potions used and retained 95% of his health (nearly dies at second heal)
Ketrel with weapon blade: 46 seconds, 1 potion used and retained 90% of her health
Petal: 46 seconds, 2 potions used and retained 90% of her health
Ringo: 46 seconds, 2 potions used and retained 70% of his health
Taka with weapon blade: 47 seconds, 1 potion used and retained 90% of his health
Adagio starting Heal: 47 seconds, 1 potion used and retained 100% of his health
Blackfeather: 47 seconds, 2 potions used and retained 85% of his health
Krul: 52 seconds, no potions used and retained 100% of his health
Taka with crystal bit: 56 seconds, 2 potions used and retained 75% of his health
Vox: 45 seconds, 2 potions used and retained 70% of his health (started swift shooter)
DISCLAIMER: These times mean literally nothing when paired with a support, however, they may shed light on how well they sit to solo jungle.
Favored and Unfavored match-ups and pairs for Fortress Top
This comprehensive list compares the junglers to help you determine when you could consider picking fortress
Favorable Allied Junglers: 8 Favorable Enemy Junglers: 7
Bad Jungle Pairs: 11 Bad Jungle Matchups: 12
Total: 19
Adagio: Unforavorable teammate, Favorable opponent
Alpha: Favorable teammate, Favorable opponent
Ardan: Favorable teammate, unfavorable opponent
Blackfeather: Favorable teammate, Unfavorable opponent
Celeste: Unfavorable teammate, Favorable opponent
Glaive: Favorable teammate, Unfavorable opponent
Joule: Unfavorable teammate, Favorable opponent
Kestrel: Unfavorable teammate, Unfavorable opponent
Koshka: Favorable teammate, Unfavorable opponent
Krul: Favorable teammate, Unfavorable opponent
Ozo: Unfavorable teammate, Unfavorable opponent
Petal: Unfavorable teammate, Unfavorable opponent
Ringo: Unfavorable teammate, Favorable opponent
Riem: Unfavorable teammate, Unfavorable opponent
Rona: Favorable teammate, Unfavorable opponent
Skaarf: Unfavorable teammate, Favorable opponent
Skye: Unfavorable teammate, Unfavorable opponent
Taka: Favorable teammate, Unfavorable opponent
Vox: Unfavorable teammate, Favorable opponent
Closing thoughts. Top
Against most of the tanks in the current meta, Fortress struggles the most to find good placement. However, with good synergy and team-wide coordination, Fortress can turn any game to his team's favor.
Thank you for reading my Fortress guide! If you've learned anything or appreciate my efforts, than please feel free to express your pleasure. Have fun in the fold.
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