Weapon Power Jungle Glaive Guide 1.14 update (Everything you need to know) by Duckslay_SEA

Weapon Power Jungle Glaive Guide 1.14 update (Everything you need to know)

By: Duckslay_SEA
Last Updated: Feb 29, 2016
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Build: Duckslay's in depth Glaive build

Ability Path

Hunt the Weak
Heroic Perk
Twisted Stroke

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
  No Threat
  No Threat
  No Threat
  No Threat
  No Threat
Koshka Really annoying early game watch out be sure to buy a tension bow early so that you can put some damage on her
  No Threat
Taka Be sure to buy flares early game if your Support doesn't. Make sure to put a lot of pressure on him you don't want him getting feed because he is a huge pain especially crystal power!
  No Threat

About me Top

Hello my ign is Duckslay I'm on SEA server and I've been playing vainglory for about 6 months now I have 856 wins to my name and I play all roles but my favourite jungler is Glaive by far enough about me.

How to play glaive my style Top

When I start off I buy a swift shooter and upgrade my A skill first the (Afterburn) in case the enemy invade.

Seeing the minions do so much damage now you want to hit the first minion first and get your support to hit the two big jungle camps know as the backs so that you can clear quicker be sure to stutter step so the clear is even quicker the aim of this is to get to the shop quicker then your opponents so you have the advantage of getting to shop quicker and buying your second item the weapon blade and boots if you can then invade the enemy only if they haven't shopped or they have a krul super squishy early game after invading the enemy or if you can't you want to go up to lane and score your self or team a easy kill by after burning the enemy laner towards your turret to your laner and support causing the enemy laner to be stunned and your team getting the kill. Helping your laner helps the laner a lot if it's saw aswell seeing he pushes the lane very fast with his stacks after this you want to go back to your backs and farm away you want to see what your enemy is building and counter them straight away I always buy a fountain as my first core item seeing that it helps a lot in Team fights and glaive is really tanky so it's a great match ! If the enemy has a koshka or krul you don't want them running over you so I suggest getting a tension bow instead of a sorrow blade and a early reflex block so you can block the koshka ult (helps a lot if blocked) after you get your tension bow you want to buy tier 2 boots and start working towards the tyrants monocle seeing glaive can crit like crazy! After you get the tyrants monocle you want to work towards getting a tornado trigger for even more crit which means every auto attack is pretty much a crit damage which means double the damage.

When you get to 20 minutes and you see that the battles aren't going your way you might want to double infuse if you don't have enough money you want to buy a weapon infusion only

glaives skill and and how to use them Top

The Afterburn is the deadliest ability in the game in my opinion if executed correctly you can stun your enemy and hit him towards your team.

Why do I upgrade my the A skill the Afterburn to level 5 and why do I upgrade it first?

Its In case we get invaded glaive A skill can go through walls which means when you are getting invaded you can Afterburn through the wall and escape or even head towards there backs meaning you lose no gold it also has a really short cool down if leveled up to 5 so you can use it more frequently

When do you activate the Afterburn ?

Glaives Afterburn can be used to initiate a fight or to clean up a fleeing enemy I mainly use it to slice through a enemy when he is low and knock him back to my team or when I'm low in a team fight I will Afterburn away then punt them away from me.

Why don't I upgrade the B skill the Twisted stroke ability to level 5?

Easy I like having my Afterburn up at all times seeing I can land the a skill almost every time (a lot of practice) and I believe the B skill Twisted stroke doesn't do as much damage as the C ability Blood song does or the A ability Afterburn that is why I don't upgrade the B Ability Twisted stroke to level 5

When to use B skill the Twisted stroke ability ?

I use it when starting a team fight to get them low seeing it has not so long cool down so I can use it again in the team fight did you know the b ability Crits , also it acts as a basic attack and does wp damage !

Why do I upgrade the C skill the Blood song to level 5?

It's because once you build up 20 blood song stacks (each stack gives you extra life steal) max 20 stacks in order to get stacks you want to basic attack minions or enemy heroes or objectives if you don't use your blood song ability you will keep your stacks this ability has a 5.8 meter circle dealing massive area damage based on the number of blood song stacks you have once you activate this ability it will resets back to 0 blood song stacks .

When do you activate the C skill ability Blood song ?

I only activate it in team fights when the enemy is low or i am low in health seeing it gives life steal. I usually pop my fountain which gives me more health so I stay in the fight longer I usually only pop it when I have 20 blood song stacks seeing that's when it does the most damage.

Thanks for reading my glaive guide good luck in the halcyon fold! Top

I hope this guide helped if it did be sure to leave some love by voting this guide up !
Good luck on the halcyon be sure to add me in game and tell me if the build helped

Ps I would have screenshots but I have no clue how to upload them to here

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