I'll just assume that you know Blackfeather's abilities already, so let's get into it.
Items Breakdown:
There seems to be some debate on the correct build for Blackfeather. Personally, I find that Serpent Mask is perfect for the sustain, and it builds out of Book of Eulogies. Then I get Travel boots (trust me, it's really worth it), then Blazing Salvo for the attack speed. Next I build my first tank item, Shiversteel, and upgrade my boots in War Treads. The reason for War Treads is because it gives you a good chunk of max health (500, to be exact) and because you are melee your team is likely to be near you, so the sprint trigger for the whole team is useful. After the boots are finished, I build the remaining Blazing Salvo into a Bonesaw. Important to note: Blackfeather needs to be tanky, as he is a melee hero, so build two damage items (Serpent Mask and Bonesaw) then get boots and the rest is tank items. The last two tank items I like to build are Fountain of Renewal and Aegis. So, one more time, in order: Serpent Mask, Travel Boots, Blazing Salvo, War Treads, Shiversteel, Bonesaw, Fountain of Renewal, Aegis. Remember that farming is especially important for Blackfeather, I try to get roughly 2000 gold before I go back to base.
Abilities Breakdown:
It is essential to max your B ability first. This is because it gives you a lot more lane presence, and as Blackfeather, you need to survive the early game. Upgrading your B ability will not only increase its damage, but also the shield you receive when you hit an enemy hero with it. The Overdrive also increases the range of it. Don't max your A ability first, as it is just a gap closer in the early game. However, take the Overdrive at level 12, because the execute damage is very strong. I prefer maxing A over the ultimate at level 12 because maxing your ultimate will decrease the charge time, but nine times out of ten you'll only use your ultimate twice in a fight, so personally I don't think it's worth it. Remember that you can use your ultimate to pass through any terrain, and this can save your life. Get creative!
Thank you very much for reading my guide. Feel free to comment, like and all that fluff. Your feedback means so much to me! Try this build in a game if you so desire!
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