Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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Phinn |
Block his anchor. If he manages to hook you, block the stun and jump out. |
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Taka |
Munions will reveal his position in his B. CP will hurt but just ult to heal up |
1 |
Adagio |
Support adagio: Easy, just dodge the ult stun and you will beat him. |
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Flicker |
Very easy, somewhat like Taka but can be very annoying. Not much damage or peel for teammates. |
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Idris |
Not hard, his ult is scary but beatable. |
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Krul |
Kite him out and block the stun. |
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Reim |
Easy, kite him and do not let him basic attack you. |
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Grumpjaw |
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Kestrel |
WP is much easier to beat. Block the stun and the munions will reveal her location in stealth. |
2 |
Rona |
Very easy to beat, just kite her. |
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Adagio |
CP Adagio: Harder than support, but dodge the ult and try not to let him get his A on you/Munions |
3 |
Catherine |
If she can catch you out, you will most likely die. Avoid her stun with your B. Her silence is annoying but your damage is not from abilities. |
3 |
Celeste |
She WILL out range you. Do not try to poke her. When fighting, always stutter step and don't let her stun you. |
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Fortress |
Can help team collapse on you, but once they do, just use your B to get out. |
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Gwen |
Deals a ton of damage, but you have more range. Try to out poke her. |
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Samuel |
Munions can block his A, block the sleep and keep spamming your A. |
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Skye |
Read Samuel, jump away when she Suri Strikes close to you. |
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No Threat |
5 |
Alpha |
CP is threatening, he has gap closers. WP is not that bad, just don't let him stack up. |
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Ardan |
He himself is not a threat, but with he provides great peel to nearly all heroes. Watch out for them. |
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Baron |
Late game WP will destroy you, but your munions can just chip away from a safe distance. |
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Blackfeather |
Read Alpha |
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Glaive |
WP is easy to beat, just block the Afterburn. CP is more dangerous. Just stay out of range of his Afterburns and fight from a distance. Kite him. |
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Kestrel |
CP is dangerous. He A will chunk you down. Dodge her stun and keep atacking her. |
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Lyra |
Can be very dangerous. If she ults and snares you, try to get out quick and regather. |
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Petal |
Mostly up to skill level. |
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Joule |
She will destroy your munions, block the stun, jump away and kite her. |
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Ozo |
He can B off of your munions. Kite him, block the stun and stack your broken myth on him. |
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Ringo |
Can be dangerous, just stay close to him and try to ult so you can heal yourself and damage him. |
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Vox |
Read Ringo. |
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No Threat |
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Koshka |
Early game, SHE WILL BEAT YOU. Don't let her get ahead, just get your frostburn and gg.
Try to kite to the best of your ability. |
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Skaarf |
His A will just shred through your munions, try to dodge it. His Ult is not that bad when you have eve. |
9 |
WP saw can keep his stacks up with your munions. CP can chunk you down fast. |
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Lance |
Very dangerous. His passive kills muniuns fast. Can protect teammates with his B, can run well with his ult. Jump away from his A. |
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