Intro: Top
Hello everyone!
This is my very first guide for VG so in honor of that I am doing it on a total joke.
Wp lane Adagio is something my friends and I have done on multiple occasions. The general idea is that Adagio has the longest basic attack range in the game, you can use that to do massive damage in a teamfight while staying much more safe than your average ADC.
Sadly, this has a few drawbacks, as Adagio you have absolutely no movement abilities and can be bursted down in an instant.
On the other hand, anybody else who doesn't move much will get absolutely destroyed
In the beginning, the Storm Queen said, "Let your ass be camped": Top
At the start you want to grab a
Weapon Blade and a
Swift Shooter, but you can substitute that for an
Energy Battery if you want to.
The enemy team will probably laugh at you for picking two supports, but they will still try to camp you because they know Adagio can do stupid damage and make his team immortal if he gets fed.
Play it safe. You can push REALLY HARD with your heals and superior range, but you don't want to. Since he has no escapes, pushing with Adagio means instant death. Instead, try to get only the last hits on minions. It will be tough at the start, which is why you take your buff first. When you get your heal at level two, be a bit aggressive with it Cast it on a big minion and then lay into the enemy's minions to get your energy back. Once you are back to full, back off. If the enemy pushes to your tower, cast
Gift of Fire on a big minion so he can hold on for a moment longer as well as ignite the enemy wave. If your enemies are stupid (which they usually are), they are gonna start feeling high and mighty. Let your team know to capitalize on it.
Then the fun starts!: Top
Mid and late game are not that complicated.
You should have at least a
Sorrowblade and
Blazing Salvo by the time teamfights start escalating. After that you get attack speed and crits. You should try to get tier two boots as soon as your sorrowblade is done, and also some defense. Since health items increase your healing, the
Aegis is the most appealing form of protection as always. However, if the enemy WP hero is showing you all the joys of a grey death screen then grab the jacket. If EVERYONE is curb stomping you then you may want to try the new
Slumbering Husk.
The most important advice I can give you is as soon as you loose your second tower, do not go ANYWHERE without your team. Absolutely nothing will save you if you are 15 minutes into the game, farming the middle of the lane alone and the enemy team jumps out at you. STICK WITH YOUR TEAM!
In fights you are just like any other ADC except you can heal your teammates then buff yourself for extra damage. Play super safe as usual. It only takes one
Pouncy Fun or
Rocket Leap or any other jungler's ability to give you a one-way ticket back to your fountain. Don't bother with your ult unless you know you wont die instantly. Keep an eye out for your teammates' stuns and other CC. When they pin someone, burn their eyebrows off... and the rest of their face.
Rinse and repeat until you loos-I MEAN WIN!
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