The 'General' Guide for Taka by kraKNT

The 'General' Guide for Taka

By: kraKNT
Last Updated: Jun 9, 2015
1 Votes
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Build 1 of 2


Build: DPS Taka - standard

Ability Path

House Kamuha
Heroic Perk

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
Celeste This is one of the easier matchups - she's all skillshots and has no mobility. Move between basic attacks to avoid heliogenesis and core collapse. If you use kaiten perfectly, you can block most of her ult for your team and take no damage from it.
Skaarf Much like Celeste - all skillshots, low mobility. Move between basic attacks and he'll have issues hitting spitfire. When he ults, use kaiten/x-retsu and the speed boost from your passive to try to keep yourself behind him.
SAW If he ever uses suppressing fire after you've hit level 6, you can x-retsu him and get a huge amount of free damage on him with your basic attacks. Use his low mobility to your advantage, and try to keep at least one gap closer for when he uses roadie run.
Vox The highest mobility ranged carry in the game - he has some kiting potential on you with sonic zoom, so try to keep at least one gap closer for when he dashes away from you. Generally not too hard to deal with.
Adagio X-Retsu lowers the effectiveness of his heals, so he has trouble keeping people alive in this matchup. His ultimate is really telegraphed, so using kaiten to dodge the damage is not too hard. The slow can be annoying and his ultimate will still stun you during kaiten if he has you slowed.
Glaive Glaive is not too much of an issue for you. You need to be careful of getting afterburned into the enemy team, but if you see his afterburn go on cooldown you have a good window to punish him. Generally, he'll be built support, so he's not too much of a problem for you.
Ardan Ardan's peel can be annoying. Since the changes in Patch 1.5.0, if you can apply mortal wounds to an opponent (the debuff from X-Retsu) Ardan's shields will only be 33% effective on that target. You should look to open fights with X-Retsu to prevent him from being able to protect his carries. Be careful about running into the gauntlet.
Fortress I don't have too much experience with this matchup - but whilst his ult is down he is really easy for you to assassinate. Fortress has very little escape potential, so if they misposition you have a lot of kill potential on them. Be careful not to stray too far from your teammates if you have no vision of fortress - he has a lot of pick potential and is difficult to escape, even with your passive.
Petal It's actually surprisingly easy to fat-finger her munions and waste X-Retsu. She is very good at maintaining range from you, and it can be hard for you to get into the backline to assassinate her. If you can get onto her, she's not too hard to kill though.
Ringo Ringo has a pretty strong burst rotation - if the enemy team gets the jump on you, he'll hurt a lot. If you can get onto him you'll kill him pretty easily unless he itemises against you. You can dodge the front up burst from his ult with kaiten, but you'll still burn from the debuff.
Krul Don't duel him for extended periods. You have more burst than he does, so try to pick short fights with him. He has very little early presence, so you shouldn't have too many issues hitting your level 6 powerspike, and applying pressure from then on.
Taka Skill based matchup. Win if you're better. If you can reflex block X-retsu, you'll be able to sustain much better with your passive. Mortal wounds is surprisingly effective against you, so be aware that you'll die a lot faster if you are affected by it.
  No Threat
Catherine Stuns are not your friend. Catherine doesn't have too much up front damage but her ability to lock you down in fights is really powerful. If she can stun you and silence you in a fight you are going to have some problems. If you see her start her ult, you can x-retsu/kaiten behind her to avoid the silence if you are quick enough.
Joule If you use your mobility correctly, you can easily get behind Joule to mitigate her passive. She will still hit hard, and her laser has the potential to oneshot you if you aren't careful. Kaiten can be used to dodge two ticks of her ult if you use it correctly. Stay behind her in fights and she won't be able to AoE your whole team at once. Building a reflex block early for her Rocket Leap can be a good idea.
  No Threat
Koshka Koshka's early game presence is significantly stronger than yours. You don't want to be picking fights until you have most of your core build complete. An early kinetic shield can be really good in this matchup. You will outscale her by mid game, so focus on farming rather than trying to apply pressure in the early game.
  No Threat

About the Author / Guide Top

Hi, I'm generalthl, MAJOR SWAGLORD, PoA level player, and chat moderator from ShinKaigan's twitch stream: - #ShamelessPlug

I go by many names in game, including: kraKNT, gensux, EdTheShrek, Nivmettnamese, and many many more....

I like whistling, long walks on the beach, and puppies.

This guide is pretty heavy on the text and pretty light on the pictures. Man up. Do some reading.


I will update this with other Taka builds when I have enough experience with them / can be bothered.


Items (short version) Top

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Item Theory (and some maths. Sorry) Top

Tension Bow

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tl;dr Only ever get a tension bow if for some reason you don't expect to survive long enough to get off any autoattacks.

Tyrant's Monocle

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Tornado Trigger
Spoiler: Click to view

tl;dr Tornado Trigger works, and you can build it, but it's rarely the best item you can get.

Breaking Point

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tl;dr BP is good if you don't expect to die in fights


Spoiler: Click to view

tl;dr Try to have infusions running at most times in the late game. Infusions are really really gold efficient and will straight up win you the game if you use them properly.

Scout Traps

Buy them. They help you. Don't be a greedy sausage. That is all.

Defense Items
  • Fountain/Aegis when you are expecting to take a large amount of crystal damage eg. vs celeste/koshka or vs aftershock Krul
  • Atlas/Metal Jacket when against heavy WP comps. Atlas is a great item on taka as he can almost always apply it to the target he wants dues to his gapclosers. Atlas is better vs teams with breaking point.
  • Crucible vs AoE crowd control (Adagio ult/Catherine ult)

You need a picture - you made it this far, you earned it! Top

Stack Management Top

You are nothing without stacks of House of Kamuha. Try to stay stacked or you'll be a damp squib.
  • When clearing the jungle you want to try to maintain 5 stacks for as much time as possible - it will make you clear much faster and will allow you to pick fights that you otherwise wouldn't be able to win.
  • Basic attacking gold mine/minion miners/kraken can be used to maintain 5 stacks in a pinch.
  • Do not be afraid to use kaku to keep yourself stacked, but do be aware that it will be harder for you to get out of fights whilst it is down - It is almost always more important to have five stacks than kaku off cooldown until you hit level 6.
  • At level 8 you can use kaiten much more freely whilst clearing - use it for a stack when you need to.

Play Style Top

DPS Taka is what I consider to be one of the most fun playing experiences in VainGlory. Your job is to deal as much damage as possible and completely demolish teamfights in the mid to late game. Of course... you have to get there first:

Level 1:
Buy as quickly as possible and immediately make your way to the pair of mini jungle monsters by the jungle shop on your side of the map. If your jungle partner has a contract, let them start the camp. You should kaiten to get a stack of your passive, and keep basic attacking the minions until they are dead. You do not want to be looking for jungle fights at level 1, so just farm the rest of your side's jungle - try to move quickly between camps so that you don't lose your stacks. You should be level 2 after the first clear.

Level 2-5:
Go down to the jungle shop after the first clear, but be aware that the other team will likely be doing the same thing. You want to try and farm as much as possible until you hit level 6, so buy quickly and clear the jungle camps once they've respawned.
When clearing jungle it's usually not necessary to kaiten the monsters. You should be trying to clear using only basic attacks whenever possible. You can use kaiten to get stacks up if they time out, bt always be conscious of your energy usage.

You can fight in the jungle at level 3 or 4 if you have a jungle partner who has a decent early game (eg adagio, koshka). In less favourable matchups you can still win fights at early levels, but you are reliant on timing kaiten correctly to avoid the majority of the opponent's damage. If you do get into early fights, remember to use potions early, since they will significantly increase your survivability.

When you hit level 5 DO NOT PUT A SECOND POINT INTO KAKU. If you hold the skill point until level 6, you can put a point into both Kaiten and X-Retsu, so you have 4 in kaiten, 1 in kaku and 1 in X-retsu. This makes a significant difference to your damage output at level 6, which is when you should first be looking to do something proactive.

Level 6:
Taka's ult is amazing. The damage it does is great, it immediately gives you three passive stacks, and it gives you another gapcloser - making you practically inescapable.
At level 6 you should be looking to have a heavy steel, six sins and a blazing salvo finished. Against an enemy koshka it's okay to get an early light shield (or even a kinetic shield) and delay the six sins a little longer, just to make the jungle fights a little easier.
You should be looking for 2v2 or 1v1 fights in the jungle - try to have 5 stacks before you start fighting, so that X-retsu and kaiten go onto a shorter cooldown when you use them - it is often worth it to use kaku just to maintain your stacks.
In fights you want to try to hold on to either x-retsu or kaiten for chasing fleeing targets.
Most of your damage will come from basic attacks and x-retsu, so try to save kaiten for dodging enemy skills/chasing targets.

Mid and Late game:
Level 8 is another big powerspike for you, as you will have rank five in kaiten - as you finish sorrowblade and bonesaw your damage output will start to skyrocket. Your job in fights is to try to kill everyone. You do a huge amount of sustained damage (and decent burst), so you want to avoid CC and large amounts of burst damage in order to make as much of an impact as possible.

General tips... and stuff Top

  • Watch out for high impact spells - Joule's ult and Catherine's ult are two of the most important things to be aware of. Against Joule, try not to line up with your team, and if you expect her to ult, try to kaiten or X-Retsu away from the line of fire.
  • If you keep refreshing the movement speed bonus from your passive, you should be really difficult to hit with skillshots.
  • If you are taking too much focus from the enemy team, use kaku just to drop aggro for a little while, wait for your cooldowns to refresh a little bit and allow the enemy team to reengage your team before going back in.
  • Even as DPS taka, your base damage from your abilities is really high - even if you are low on hp you still have the ability to affect close fights.
  • Don't underestimate the sustain you get from your passive. Sometimes it's better to keep fighting than running away as you'll heal up a good deal of the damage you take.
  • Remember that X-Retsu grants three stacks of your passive instantly - if you haven't got stacks and you need to get into a fight, ult someone for the stacks.
  • Infusions are so important for contesting gold mine/kraken. If you expect the opponent to try for the miner, buy an infusion for the fight if you can. Taka is also one of the best at stealing gold mine thanks to his high burst damage.
  • You can buy a minion candy for friendly gold miners. It'll make it way harder for the enemy to take it from you. Try to candy the miner whenever it's approaching half full, and again a minute later - it's 100 gold that can secure your team 900 gold. WORTH.
  • If you get to the super lategame and find yourself sitting on a ton of gold, you can sell your boots for another defensive item/sorrowblade.

Teammates Top

Coming soon....

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